

Din sökning på "*" gav 529194 sökträffar

HIV/AIDS knowledge and condom use among Somali and Sudanese immigrants in Denmark.

Aims: This study explores the knowledge, attitudes and practices among Somali and Sudanese immigrants in Denmark with regard to HIV/AIDS and condom use. Material and methods: A 78-item questionnaire, divided into five thematic sections, was given to 192 purposively selected Sudanese and Somalis of both sexes, aged 18-49, who had lived in Denmark for one or more years. It was administered in Arabic

The impact of active intervention on the spread of penicillin-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae in Swedish day-care centres

Policies for handling cases of penicillin-non-susceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae (PNSP) in day-care groups vary between different counties in Sweden. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiological effect of excluding PNSP-carriers from children's day-care centres (DCC). We followed the incidence in 14 DCC groups with ongoing PNSP-spread, by repeated group screens until no further case

Light-induced linear dichroism in photoreversibly photocromic sensor pigments 6. Relation between the 2 pigments of the mycochrome system in Alternaria-Chichorii

Conidiation in A. cichorii Nattras is reversibly stimulated by near UV radiation (NUV .apprx. 313 nm) and inhibited by blue light (.apprx. 450 nm) and apparently is a mycochrome-mediated process. After induction with plane-polarized NUV, blue light polarized perpendicularly to the NUV was more effective in counteracting the induction than was blue light polarized parallel to the NUV. Both the blue

Hydrolysis of the cubic liquid-crystalline phase of glyceryl monooleate by human pancreatic lipases

Glyceryl monooleate (GMO) and other unsaturated long-chain monoglycerides show peculiar phase behaviour characterised by the presence of one or more cubic liquid-crystalline phases. In the present study, hydrolysis of cubic lipid-water phases formed by GMO were determined. Human pancreatic carboxyl ester lipase (CEL), colipase-dependent lipase with colipase, human duodenal contents and rat pancrea

Emergency intervention for thrombosed popliteal artery aneurysm: can the limb be salvaged?

We present a review and our own experience of the demographic aspects of popliteal artery aneurysms (PAAs), their clinical presentation, the treatment alternatives and associated outcome. The incidence of PAAs varies between 0,1-1%. 95% of the patients are male. 50% are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. Annually, 5-24% of PAAs develop symptoms. The clinical presentation varies widely with an

Imbalance and fractures in the elderly Effects of decreased vibration sensation and vestibular asymmetry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Antalet fallolyckor och frakturer ökar ibland den äldre befolkningen och detta innebär en ökande social och ekonomisk belastning för samhället. En viktig orsak till fallolyckor kan vara dålig balans. Kontrollen av upprätt stående och gångförmåga baseras på komplexa processer av neuromuskulär aktivitet. Denna neuromuskulära aktivitet bygger på sensorisk information från Control of the upright stance and locomotion is a complicated process of muscular activity. The muscular activity is dependant on afferent information from the different sensory organs and interpretation in the central nervous system. Age-related degenerative changes exist in all the domains concerned with control of posture. The aims of the studies were to investigate if suspected age-related de

Immuno-modulatory functions of CD1d-restricted natural killer T cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med min avhandling är att utforska vilken funktionell roll naturliga mördar T (NKT) -celler har, samt vilka gener som är viktiga för dessa celler. NKT-celler utgör en liten men specialiserad undergrupp av T-celler, och är mycket intressanta eftersom att de, trots att de tillhör det specifika immunförsvaret, även har receptorer och egenskaper som är starkt förknipThis thesis focuses on a small population of non-conventional T lymphocytes, called natural killer T (NKT) cells. NKT cells have many unique features; such as recognition of glycolipids presented by CD1d, expression of NK receptors and rapid production of large amounts of cytokines, such as IL-4 and IFN-gamma,?upon activation. This early and robust cytokine burst is believed to give NKT cells the

Varseblivningstid och reaktionstid vid utrymning. Sammanställning av enkätundersökning gällande för varuhus, restaurang och danslokal

En enkätundersökning har genomförts bland brandingenjörer i Sverige med syftet att få information om detektionstider samt reaktions- och beslutstider vid en utrymning av tre olika lokaltyper; varuhus, restaurang och danslokal/nattklubb. Reslutaten kan ligga till grund för fortsatta studier för att bestämma partialkoefficienter för dimensionering av de gångvägar som används vid utrymning. Den ger o

Simulation of Particle Morphology Development Under Kinetically Controlled Conditions

We have developed software, called UNHLATEXTM> KMORPH, for predicting particle morphology development under conditions of kinetic control. In order to accomplish this, one must first simulate the polymerization kinetics and as a result KMORPH has developed into a fairly complete model for seeded emulsion polymerization kinetics. The simulation takes into account both the aqueous phase and particle

Simulated harvesting of stream salmonids with a seasonal life history

We assessed the influence of timing of harvests on an age-structured population by altering the order of the harvest in relation to density-dependent recruitment and winter mortality. To analyze the effects of harvest timing on a general population of stream salmonids with five age-classes, we used three management strategies: no minimum size limits and two minimum size limits with increasing degr

Improving radioimmonotargeting of tumors. Variation in the amount of L6 MAb administered, combined with an immunoadsorption system (ECIA)

Extracorporeal immunoadsorption (ECIA) is a new method for the selective removal of circulating radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (MAb) from plasma to increase the uptake in tumor versus normal tissues (T/N-ratio). To ascertain whether the amount of MAb affects T/N ratios immediately and 24 h after ECIA, we used a rat model with two tumor sites--one intramuscular (im) and one below the subrenal c

Coherent Interactions in Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped Crystals for Applications in Quantum Information Science

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om hur kristaller, som innehåller en liten mängd av ämnen tillhörande gruppen sällsynta jordartsmetaller, kan användas för forskning och tillämpningar rörande kvantinformation. Genom att belysa kristallerna med laserljus kan atomernas tillstånd styras och studeras. I avhandlingen diskuteras olika aspekter av hur de sällsynta jordartsatomer sThis thesis describes investigations of the use of cryogenically cooled rare-earth-ion-doped crystals for quantum information processing and quantum optics. Several aspects of the coherent interaction between light and rare-earth ions in solids are addressed. Quantum information science has given physicists new views of quantum mechanics. The transmission of quantum states has already found pract

Frontotemporal dementia – Differentiation from Alzheimer's disease

Organic dementia is dominated by primary degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). FTD is a distinct clinical syndrome with behavioural, personality, emotional and language disturbances preceding the cognitive decline. This clinical presentation is distinctly different from that of AD which is characterized by early cognitive changes, such as memory