

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Development of a Simulation Tool to Support the Process of Setting Climate Targets – An Exploratory Study at IKEA

Bakgrund De ledande världsekonomierna kom 2010 överens om att begränsa den globala uppvärmningen till två graders ökning jämfört med förindustriella temperaturer i hopp om att det räcker för att undvika den värsta effekten av klimatförändringar. För att nå detta mål skulle det, enligt The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, krävas en absolut reducering av utsläpp med 41–72 procent till 2050Background The world’s governments agreed in 2010 to work towards limiting global warming to a two-degree warming compared to pre-industrial temperatures with the presumption that this would suffice in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Meeting this goal would, according to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, require a reduction of global emissions by 41–72 percent by t

Communicating a Destination Brand in a Post Tourism Era - Stakeholders' Roles in the Co-Construction of the Destination Brand Image

Modern tourists visited traditional tourist sights seeking the extraordinary in the place. In a post tourism era, tourists seek authentic experiences looking for the extraordinary in themselves which they express through their self-performance on social media. Different stakeholders are communicating the brand, which means a loss of brand control for the destination brand managers. The purpose of

Complementary Coexistence. A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study Exploring the Conceptualization of Health in The Philosophy of Buen Vivir / Sumak Kawsay

Background: The Andean indigenous philosophy known as Buen Vivir or Sumak Kawsay, loosely translated into Good Living or Well Living, is rarely studied within the field of public health. The studied philosophy has been institutionalized in Bolivian and Ecuadorian constitutions, why it sets the agenda for health in the Andean region. The ongoing progression of the health definition, combined with gThis study has looked upon how a philosophy called Sumak Kawsay or Buen Vivir explains what health means. The studied philosophy has its origins in the Andes in Latin America. The reason why this study was done came from the writers wish to understand what the philosophy meant, and how it could be used within public health-work. The writer thought that it is important to include different explanat

Chaotic Properties of the Discretised Φ^4-potential

Partiklar i universum, också här på jorden, rör sig på grund av krafter som uppkommer ur egenskaper hos materien runt om oss. Föremål som fotbollar, löv och cyklister faller till marken på grund av gravitation, egenskapen att materia attraherar genom att ha en massa. Stålfjädrar kan dra ihop och trycka isär föremål på grund av krafter i materialet. Dessa krafter kommer ur potentialer som dikterar Research has been conducted on integrable, Newtonian systems by B. Söderberg amongst others. Scientists uses the Hamiltonian energy landscape to simulate such systems by discretising the continuum. Non-integrable systems, however, show chaotic properties, when the Hamiltonian is not conserved along phase space trajectories. Therefore, simulations may diverge over time. This thesis explores one par

Mode och myndigheter : ekologisk hållbarhetsstrategi

This is a qualitative study and the aim and purpose of this thesis is to problematise authorities and fashion companies’ objectives and strategies for ecological sustainable fashion. The discussion is based on two questions: Which strategies and objectives do fashion companies and public authorities use for ecological sustainable fashion? Are there any divergence between fashion companies and publ

"See Now, Buy Now" - en förändring av modesystemet? : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av "See Now, Buy Now"-strategin och dess betydelse i det traditionella modesystemet

The phenomenon “see now, buy now” results from the impact of the digitalization on the fashion system. By using “see now, buy now”, fashion houses make their collections available to consumers immediately after a fashion show. In comparison, consumers have to wait for six months until the collections are made available under the traditional fashion system. “See now, buy now” was used for the first

The Role of the National Institutional Framework for Land Tenure on Contract-Farming Public-Private Partnerships in Malawi: a Case Study of Two Sugarcane Outgrower Schemes

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a form of contract farming are increasing in number across Sub-Saharan Africa; providing a potential solution to the threat of food insecurity and stimulant of economic growth. Yet, the perceived extent to which the operations of contract-farming PPPs include original smallholders – inclusivity - is often questioned. There is currently little evidence of the e

IPO Lock-up expirations; An empirical study on the Nordic market during 2009-2016

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether abnormal returns can be observed in stock prices after the expiration of lock-up periods related to an IPO. In addition, the purpose is to analyse if private equity/venture capital (PEVC) ownership, the use of staggered lock-ups and the length of lock-up periods affect this return. Methodology: This event study examines how the market re

The Slender Line from Valentine to Vampire - An experimental study about the appearance of an overshadowing effect on brand recall with the use of influencers

The aim of this study is to investigate (1) whether the use of influencers in advertisements has a negative effect on brand recall in general and (2) which conditions enhance or weaken such a negative effect. A combination of experimental and case based research was applied to establish control (unknown model) and experimental groups (influencer) for different cases in order to test for brand reca

Donald Trumps roll för varumärket USA som destination

Examensarbetets titel: Donald Trumps roll för varumärket USA som destination Seminariedatum: 2017-06-02 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Matilda Alqvist Westander, Linnéa Sandberg och Samuel Smith Handledare: Annette Cerne Fem nyckelord: Nationsbranding, destinationsbranding, varumärket USA, konsumentbaserat varumärkes värde, Donald

Ledarskap i byggprojektet - Vikten av rolltydlighet för ett välfungerande samarbete inom produktionsledningen

Ett byggprojekt beskrivs ibland som ett skapande kaos vilket syftar på det faktum att ett byggprojekt är i ständig rörelse. Människorna som är inblandade i ett byggprojekt är ofta där under olika villkor, olika tidsperioder och med olika syften. Det avgörande för att byggprojektet ska fortskrida på ett effektivt sätt med god motivation hos de anställda är att det finns en tydlig ledare på plats. LA construction project is sometimes described as a creative chaos, which refers to the fact that a construction project is in constant motion. The people involved in a construction project are often there under different conditions, different periods of time and with different purposes. The decisive factor for the construction project to proceed efficiently with good motivation for employees is th

Har Sveriges storbanker blivit säkrare?

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om marknadsrisken för de fyra svenska storbankerna har minskat i och med ökad kapitaltäckning. Finansiell teori implicerar att höjd kapitaltäckning bör resultera i minskad risk i aktiepriset. Marknadsrisken analyseras genom att undersöka historisk volatilitet, betavärde och Credit Default Swap spread (CDS-spread) för respektive banks marknadsnoterade aktie.The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the market risk for the four largest banks in Sweden has decreased with increased capital requirements. Financial theory dictates that increased capital requirements decrease risk in the stock price. The market risk was investigated by analysing historical volatility, betas and credit default swap spread (CDS-Spread) for each bank’s publicly traded

Var ska jag växa upp? En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares resonemang vid vårdnadsöverflyttningar

The main purpose of this essay was to examine how social workers reason when the custody of a child placed in foster care should be transferred from their biological parents to their foster parents, and how social workers understand and use the concept of the child’s best when doing these considerations. The method used was semi-structured interviews based on two vignettes. In total six respondent

Filtering techniques for asset allocation using a Discrete Time Micro-structure model: a comparative study

This paper is a comparative study of different approaches to using a Discrete Time Micro-structure model. By using the three filtering techniques Extended Kalman, Unscented Kalman and Bootstrap Particle, the hidden variables; excess demand and market liquidity, were estimated and used in an asset allocation strategy that invested in the asset when the excess demand as estimated as positive, due to

Ett hållbart pensionssparande

Samhällets intresse för hållbarhet är i dagsläget ett hett ämne vilket manifesteras i pensionssystemets växande hållbara fondutbud. Huruvida hållbara investeringar leder till en uppoffring av den finansiella prestationen eller inte finns det olika uppfattningar om. I denna studie undersöker vi via portföljoptimering om en aktiv sparare kunnat uppnå högre hållbarhet än det statliga förvalsvalet AP7

Det cirkulära Skåne - ett regionalt perspektiv på hinder och möjligheter för att främja cirkulär företagsamhet

Det cirkulära Skåne – Ett regionalt perspektiv på hinder och möjligheter för att främja cirkulär företagsamhet En av de största utmaningarna för att minska vår negativa klimatpåverkan är att skapa hållbar konsumtion. Hade alla konsumerat på samma sätt som vi gör i Sverige skulle fler än fyra jordklot behövas – och det är tydligt att vår konsumtion innebär ett ohållbart förbrukande av jordens resuOver the past decade, the transition to a circular economy has gained attention as a necessary step towards sustainable development. In contrast to the linear economy that is rooted in a ‘take-make-dispose’ mentality, the circular economy aims to decouple economic growth from unsustainable use of non-renewable resources by closing the material loops in the economy. While the EU recognizes that na

Constructing Sustainability - A Problematizing Inquiry into SDG12: Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns

In 2015, the 193 UN member states launched the Sustainable Development Goals which aim to guide developmental and environmental work worldwide. The SDGs have stirred up a lot of interest and engagement for climate change and poverty reduction, although opinions of their approach widely differ. This thesis critically engages with SDG12: Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns by drawing on

A Marriage of Cultures – A qualitative case study of cultural integration in the pre-stage of a merger

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to get a deeper understanding of cultural integration in the pre-stage of a merger process and by doing so also contribute to an understanding of merger outcomes. Research Question: How is cultural integration managed in the pre-merger stage and how is this perceived by employees? Methodology: Through an interpretative epistemological approach we developed a quali

Compliance Challenges with the General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation are coming as a response to the outdated Directive from 1995. With this, a lot tougher pressures are put on organisations regarding the demand for compliance, which is mainly done through higher penalties, giving organisations an in-citement to oblige. Seen from the perspective of information systems, organisations have to implement the requirements of the re