

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

”The establishment owns the establishment” : en kvalitativ framinganalys av The Rush Limbaugh show

Denna uppsats analyserar The Rush Limbaugh Show och den konservativa rörelsen i USA. Syftet med uppsatsen är att djupare förstå den konservativa rörelsen, deras kulturella värderingar och vilka problem de anser präglar det amerikanska samhället. Detta görs genom att analysera en av de största radiopratarna i USA, nämligen den konservativa mediepersonligheten Rush Limbaugh. Med hjälp av en framingaThis essay analyses The Rush Limbaugh Show and the conservative movement in America. The purpose of the essay is to deeper understand the conservative movement, their cultural values and the problems they think America is facing today. This is done by analyzing one of the biggest radio talk-shows in America, The Rush Limbaugh show, which is hosted by the famous conservative talk-show host Rush Lim

The tenability gap: A study of Just War Theory and intervention justifications in Syria.

Moral and ethical considerations have always been important in discussions about warfare and the development of the international community and body of international humanitarian law, laws whose fundamental ethics that can be attributed to Just War Theory. With the changing nature of conflicts and due to the lack of internationally declared principles of just and unjust wars, this thesis argues th

Djurskydd i valstakt - Det svenska djurskyddet i ljuset av EU-samarbetet

Sverige har sedan en lång tid tillbaka hållit en hög ambitionsnivå och ansetts vara ett föregångsland på djurskyddsområdet internationellt sett. Men hur påverkas då rättsområdet av ett internationellt samarbete där plötsligt andra intressen och värden hamnar i förgrunden? I samband med det svenska inträdet i EU 1995 lämnades särskilda försäkringar om att de svenska djurskyddsreglerna skulle behåll

En vargtimme för svensk rätt - Om europarättslig påverkan på miljöorganisationers klagorätt och rätt till domstolsprövning av beslut om licensjakt efter varg

Vargen som art är strikt skyddad i enlighet med EU-rättsliga direktiv. Undantag från skyddet medges endast under vissa specifika förutsättningar. Möjlighet att få prövat i domstol om dessa förutsättningar varit uppfyllda när ett licensjaktbeslut fattats saknades i svensk rätt fram till så sent som den 1 april i år (2016), eftersom det fanns ett överklagandeförbud i jaktförordningen. I stället utgjThe wolf is as a species strictly protected by directives from the EU. Exceptions from the protection are only admitted in accordance with certain specific conditions. Up until the 1st of April 2016 the Swedish Hunting Regulation contained a ban on appeals, meaning that the question of whether the conditions for licensed hunting for wolves were fulfilled or not, could not be reviewed by a court. I

Svensk feministisk utrikespolitik : en diskursanalys av den svenska feministiska utrikespolitiken

Uppsatsen analyserar den svenska utrikespolitiken efter regeringen deklarerat införandet av en feministisk utrikespolitik. Uppsatsen använder en diskursanalys för att skapa förståelse för hur utrikespolitiken är formad. Uppsatsen analyserar diskursen om feministisk utrikespolitik genom studier av ett urval av regeringens egenproducerade offentliga material. Detta görs även för att synliggöra de un

MassMotion Evacuation Model Validation

The thesis purpose is to validate a set of functionalities of MassMotion. MassMotion is an evacuation model that can simulate the pedestrian movement in a 2D environment and visualize it in a 3D environment. Three tests were proposed to examine different functionalities which are: pedestrian walking behaviour where total arrival time, flow rates and density are examined, pre-evacuation times that

Higher temperatures increase nutrient availability in the High Arctic, causing elevated competitive pressure and a decline in Papaver radicatum

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur jordmånens egenskaper influerar arktisk växtlighet under en tid av globala temperaturförändringar. Vi behöver veta mer om hur olika faktorer kan påverka förhållandet mellan temperaturökningar och växtlighetens respons, då det ger oss en bättre förståelse för arktiska ekosystem och deras känslighet för förändringar. En högarktisk population av PapLinking changes in the vegetation cover with factors that can moderate the effects of climate change is central to our understanding of Arctic ecosystems and their susceptibility to change. The aim of this study has been to investigate the moderating effects of soil conditions. A High Arctic population of Papaver radicatum was studied in relation to the prevailing surface temperature, active layer

Kvinnors väg till fred och säkerhet : en feministisk kritisk diskursanalys av Sierra Leones nationella handlingsplan för implementeringen av resolution 1325 och 1820

Genom en feministisk kritisk diskursanalys granskar denna studie Sierra Leones nationella handlingsplan för implementeringen av FN:s säkerhetsråds resolutioner 1325 och 1820. Syftet är att undersöka huruvida könade diskurser inom resolution 1325 överförs till nationella handlingsplaner samt vilken påverkan detta har för föreställningar om kvinnor och könsroller inom sektorn för fred och säkerhet. Through the use of feminist critical discourse analysis this study examines Sierra Leone’s National Action Plan in its implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820. The aim is to investigate whether gendered discourses in resolution 1325 have been included in the national action plan and provide an assessment of the impact this has had on the perception of women and gender withi

Modelling global Gross Primary Production using the correlation between key leaf traits

Sophisticated ecosystem models make it possible to evaluate the potential future changes of the carbon sequestration capacity of the terrestrial biosphere, as a response to the rapid environmental and climatic changes. Accuracy of model estimates is however strongly dependent on the parametrisation of driving parameters. A previous study of Wang et al. (2012) suggests, that the knowledge of the re

Passive Inter-modulation Cancellation in FDD System

Passive inter-modulation (PIM) shows up when two or more RF signals are mixed together via the nonlinear passive devices. With the rapid development and expansion of the wireless com-munication networks, PIM is recognized as one of the most critical issues. Especially in the base station, where several networks systems have to share the same infrastruc-ture, a few transmitted signals are physicall

Brands, Dare to Care! A Quantitative Study on How Brand's Sociopolitical Involvement Affects Consumers' Perceived Brand Authenticity

Purpose and aim - The increasingly turbulent environment is fostering the phenomenon of brands taking stance in sociopolitical hot topics. At the same time these societal changes are increase consumers’ demand for brand authenticity. The purpose of this paper is to test how brand’s sociopolitical involvement (SPI) effects consumer’s perceived brand authenticity. The study will furthermore take int

Array Element Localisation

Abstract—This article have been written in cooperation with The Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI). The article proposes a method to calibrate hydrophone positions for improved underwater survailence in The Baltic Sea. The idea with the method is to use the sound of a powerboat and a novel beamforming algorithm for array element localisation (AEL). There are strategic military advatages to this

Framing migration – analysis of two policies implemented by the Australian Government

The migration debate is discussed globally in today’s society, and countries have chosen to deal with placement of migration in different ways. Australia has demonstrated a unique way of handling migrants through their two policies. One of them places and processes migrants on the islands of Manus and Nauru in the last decade instead of conducting this vetting process on their own soil. This offsh

Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Traceability Systems

Background Tracing physical objects from producers to end consumers is a challenging task. In the wake of Bitcoin’s success, the retail industry sees potential in using blockchain technology to tackle some of these challenges. While blockchain technology itself has been subject to extensive research lately, the intersection between blockchain technology and supply chain traceability is still rathe

Internal CSR Support: From Bystanders to Ambassadors

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how employees understand and support their employer’s internal CSR agenda and communication. In order to do this, we answer three research questions: How can employees be segmented into different groups regarding CSR support? How do employees who are supportive of a company’s CSR agenda differ from less supportive employees? How can an understan