

Din sökning på "*" gav 533305 sökträffar

Chain Reaction - En multipel fallstudie av slack i försörjningskedjan

Uppsatsen har en deskriptiv karaktär och det empiriska materialet är av kvalitativ art då vi använt oss av en multipel fallstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi har vidare intagit ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv med abduktiv ansats vid genomförandet av studien. Uppsatsen utgår i stor utsträckning från de tre perspektiv som Oerlemans & Pretorius nämner avseende slack. Slack studeras i försör

Scoring Goals for Brand Identity

This study aims to analyse the brand identity of sporting cities using existing sponsorship and city branding theory. A comparative case study was conducted between Melbourne, Australia (identified as the benchmark sporting city) and Malmö, Sweden (an emerging sporting city). Within the sponsorship realm, the theories of image transfer, corporate branding, congruence and sponsorship-linked marketi

Automotive captives - A risky business?

This thesis set out with the aim of answering the question to what extent an increased dependency on auto financing has affected the likelihood of bankruptcy. A regression analysis is used to statistically measure if risk is transferred from captives to automotive manufacturing groups during the years 2002 and 2008. Measurements of credit risk in both a quantitative and qualitative manner are eval

Asymmetric Macroeconomic Exposure Across Bear and Bull Markets

This thesis examines whether Swedish quoted firms exhibit any asymmetries in macroeconomic risk exposure towards exchange rate risks and interest rate risks across bear and bull markets. Empirical research suggests that events in the stock market influence the real economy and that stock prices tend to lead real economic activity, and thus could bearish and bullish market give rise to conditional

Normbildning kring SOU 2008:80 - En analys av remissvaren

Syftet är att genom en granskning av remissvaren utreda hur stort deltagandet hos de olika intressegrupperna är kring utredningen SOU 2008:80 samt undersöka vilka deras huvudargument är, för att på så sätt belysa den svenska normbildningsprocessen på området.Vi har använt oss av en abduktiv metodansats. För att analysera empirin har vi gjort en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med kvantitativa inslag, d

Optimizing Business Process Outsourcing – Three Dimensions of Outsourcing Success

Within inter-organizational governance the concept of risk management has become a key issue. The importance of generating and sustaining competitive advantage through inter-organizational relations has become more crucial, due to the emerging business model business process outsourcing (BPO). Nowadays, this business model facilitates companies’ attempts to improve and support their operational ef

The Relationship between Brand Identity and Customer Loyalty-A Case of Sony Ericsson

With the aim to study how to establish a strong brand, this thesis use Sony Ericsson as an example to find out how did the brand identity influence on the customer loyalty, and then investigate what¡¯s relationship between them. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to support research. The analysis results show that there is a positive relationship between brand identity and custome

Social Media – Do You See the Whole Picture?

Purpose: The thesis aims to create an understanding to set the foundation of the social media landscape covering its historical evolution, driving mechanisms and business models. Methodology: The thesis has a qualitative character and an explorative art of discovering the social media landscape. A theoretical framing of the thesis is inspired by Christensen and Raynor. Theoretical perspective: The

Analysis of Self Service Technology and Retail Brand Equity

The purpose of this study is to provide an examination, within grocery retailing, of whether a positive linkage between SST usage and consumer-based retailer brand equity exists. The study portrays co-creation as a key mediator, which means we are going to investigate whether different levels of customer co-creation, by means of SST usage, can help in building a strong retailer brand.

The Basel II Framework - The Practical Application in Two Swedish Banks

The purpose of this thesis is to study the practical application of the Basel II Framework in two Swedish banks of different organisational structure and briefly look at the opinions of the framework now that it has been in use for some time. The theoretical perspectives begin with the concept of risk metaphors. Thereafter criticism towards a number of earlier risk measures is presented. This lead

Products don''t compete, supply chains do

Utifrån insamlad data har vi med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen konkretiserat värdehämmande och värdeskapande aktiviteter inom IKEA, Filippa K och House of Dagmars supply chain. Vi har med hjälp av benchmarking identifierat faktorer som kan bidra till konkurrensfördelar för studiens fallföretag. Vi har analyserat det empiriska materialet genom applicering av följande teoretiska ramverk inne

Guerrilla Marketing Technique Effectiveness: A Quantitative Experiment

In the past, guerrilla marketing was about getting maximum impact for the least amount of advertising dollars. Now, big companies are spending substantial amounts of money on campaigns that are more subtle and can appear ‘grassroots’ to consumers. Guerrilla marketing as an emerging field encompasses many specific techniques a marketer can use to untraditionally, creatively, and inexpensively promo

Regulation of vascular smooth muscle mechanotransduction by microRNAs and L-type calcium channels.

The phenotype of smooth muscle cells is regulated by multiple environmental factors including mechanical forces. Mechanical stretch of mouse portal veins ex vivo has been shown to promote contractile differentiation by activation of the Rho-pathway, an effect that is dependent on the influx of calcium via L-type calcium channels. MicroRNAs have recently been demonstrated to play a significant role

What’s in it for me? Food packaging and consumer responses in a focus group study

Purpose – This study has three broad objectives: (1) to explore consumer views on different dimensions of consumer packaging when it comes to a common staple food; (2) to discuss the role of different packaging features in consumer choice; (3) to compare consumer views on purchasing a common staple food either as an undifferentiated anonymous commodity or as a differentiated product.Design/methodo

Controlled exposure to particulate matter from urban street air is associated with decreased vasodilation and heart rate variability in overweight and older adults

Background: Exposure to particulate matter (PM) is generally associated with elevated risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Elderly and obese subjects may be particularly susceptible, although short-term effects are poorly described. Methods: Sixty healthy subjects 25 males, 35 females, age 55 to 83 years, body mass index > 25 kg/m(2)) were included in a cross-over study with 5 hours of

Fruit and vegetable intake and type 2 diabetes: EPIC-InterAct prospective study and meta-analysis

Fruit and vegetable intake (FVI) may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but the epidemiological evidence is inconclusive. The aim of this study is to examine the prospective association of FVI with T2D and conduct an updated meta-analysis. In the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer-InterAct (EPIC-InterAct) prospective case-cohort study nested within eight European countries, a re

Regulation of normal and cancer cells as a base for cell cycle-targeted therapy

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta cancerpatienter dör på grund av spridning av tumörceller till olika organ. Invasiv och metastaserande cancer svarar ofta inte på behandling och blir då i många fall dödlig. Leukemi är en elakartad sjukdom av blodceller, som påverkar blod-producerande organ. Den höga förekomsten av leukemi förekommer i äldre befolkningen och hos barn. Leukemi återfall och resiThe majority of current treatments used for treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) and leukemia are often limited to a narrow subsets of treated patients. As such, there still remains a significant scope for gaining deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying cancer metastasis for improvement of targeted treatment. Elevated expression of a cell cycle regulator cyclin A1 initiated leukemia

Nanoplasma Formation by High Intensity Hard X-rays.

Using electron spectroscopy, we have investigated nanoplasma formation from noble gas clusters exposed to high-intensity hard-x-ray pulses at ~5 keV. Our experiment was carried out at the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser (SACLA) facility in Japan. Dedicated theoretical simulations were performed with the molecular dynamics tool XMDYN. We found that in this unprecedented wavelength reg