

Din sökning på "*" gav 527408 sökträffar

The Demand for Information Services and the Market Structure

Uninformed buyers' demand for statistical screening between privately informed sellers is studied in a fixed price market. A single buyer will screen more extensively than would two or more buyers, since in the latter case buyers realize that sellers will be attracted to buyers with the most favorable screening policy (i.e., not to screen at all). This result is robust to some but not all types of

Understanding Zircon Geochronology - Constraints from Imaging and Trace Elements

Formation of incipient charnockite in Söndrum, SW Sweden and the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB), S. India is accompanied by zircon growth. The age of the dehydration event is constrained by dating newly formed zircon to 1397±4 Ma (2?, MSWD=1.7) in Söndrum and ca. 520-510 Ma in S. India by secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS). The formation of incipient charnockites correlates with regional

Antibiotics in the Chemical Communication of Fungi

In dual cultures Oudemansiella mucida and Xerula melanotricha (basidiomycetes) react to the presence of living Penicillium notatum or P. turbatum with an increased production of strobilurin A (1) or X (2). P. notatum in turn reacts to the two basidiomycetes or their antibiotic strobilurin A alone with the production of N-(2-hydroxypropanoyl)-2-aminobenzoic acid amide (3) or chrysogine (4). P. meli

Morphine with or without a local anaesthetic for postoperative intrathecal pain treatment after selective dorsal rhizotomy in children

Selective dorsal rhizotomy is a surgical procedure with a selective division of posterior spinal nerve rootlets to treat spasticity in children. The extensive surgical procedure with multilevel laminectomies and the nerve root manipulation result in intense pain postoperatively. Two intrathecal (IT) regimes of pain treatment were compared in these children, concerning their pain relief and possibl

Rhythm and Intonation in Halh Mongolian

This dissertation provides the first comprehensive account of the prosody of Halh (Khalkha) Mongolian as spoken in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of the Republic of Mongolia. The phonological description is based on acoustic analysis of speech data collected from nine Mongolian-speakers. The dissertation consists of two major parts, the first dealing with rhythmic and the second with tonal properties of

Clinical decision-making during 5 years of antipsychotic treatment

Objective: Explore how clinicians select drug treatment based on symptoms, side effects and patient factors, including patient participation in the process, and the association between these factors and attitudes towards drugs. Method: A cohort of 166 patients initially treated with risperidone was followed with yearly assessments over 5 years. At the end of the study, 101 patients were evaluated


Popular Abstract in Swedish Begreppet systemförvaltning började användas i början på 1970-talet. Ämnet har betydelse ur flera perspektiv. Systemförvaltningskostnaderna är som regel betydligt större än systemutvecklingskostnaderna, vilket kan veri¬fieras med flera undersökningar gjorda i olika länder och under en tidsperiod omfattande ett par decennier. Det vetenskapliga intresset för systemförvaltThe term Software Maintenance was coined in the early 1970s. The subject has significance from several points of view. The costs associated with software maintenance are as a rule considerably higher than what the system cost to develop, which is borne out by many studies conducted in different countries over a period of twenty years. Scientific interest in software maintenance, on the other hand,

First Identification of Excited States in 84-86Nb

We report on the observation of excited states in the niobium isotope with masses 84, 85 and 86. These nuclei lie in the shape transition region known to occur in nuclei with 35 less-than-or-equal-to Z less-than-or-equal-to 40 and N = 45. Unambiguous identification was achieved by detecting gamma-rays in coincidence with mass-separated recoils produced in heavy-ion fusion reactions. Rotational ban

Empirical Studies of the Market Microstructure on the Swedish Stock Exchange

This thesis consists of five studies on empirical aspects of the market microstructure on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (StSE). The first study presents a stock pricing model which talkes trading and non-trading time effects into account. The model provides a framework for an empirical analysis of daily returns as well as trading/non-trading time returns of the OMX-index. The results show that the

LQR Optimization of Linear System Switching

This paper considers off-line optimization of a switching sequence fora given finite set of linear control systems, together with joint optimization ofcontrol laws. A linear quadratic full information criterion isoptimized and dynamic programming is used to find an optimalswitching sequence and control law. The main result is a method forefficient pruning of the search tree to avoid combinatoric e