

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

Molecular interference of Cd2+ with Photosystem II

Many heavy metals inhibit electron transfer reactions in Photosystem II (PSII). Cd2+ is known to exchange, with high affinity in a slow reaction, for the Ca2+ cofactor in the Ca/Mn cluster that constitutes the oxygen-evolving center. This results in inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution. There are also indications that Cd2+ binds to other sites in PSII, potentially to proton channels in an

Midline carcinoma with t(15;19) and BRD4-NUT fusion oncogene in a 30-year-old female with response to docetaxel and radiotherapy

Background: Poorly differentiated midline carcinoma with a translocation between chromosomes 15 and 19, i.e. t(15; 19), has been recognized as a distinct clinical entity for over a decade. This tumor affects young individuals, shows a rapidly fatal clinical course despite intensive therapy. The t( 15; 19) results in the fusion oncogene BRD4-NUT. Information concerning treatment of this rare disord

Central role for type I interferons and Tyk2 in lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxin shock

Toll-like receptor-4 activation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces the expression of interferon-P (IFN-beta) in a MyD88-independent manner. Here we report that mice devoid of the JAK protein tyrosine kinase family member, Tyk2, were resistant to shock induced by high doses of LPS. Basal and LPS-induced expression of IFN-beta and IFN-alpha4 mRNA in Tyk2-null macrophages were diminished. However, T

Dopsed i förändring : studier av Örebro pastorat 1710-1910

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns en schablonblid av dopseden förr och nu. Lite karikerat skulle den kunna sägas se ut på följande sätt. Förr döptes alla barn. Skälen till att man döpte sina barn var djupt religiösa. Så kom baptismen och bröt barndopsseden. När baptisterna slutade döpa sina barn och sekulariseringesvågen blev allt starkare följde snart många efter. Idag döps barnen framfö alltFrom the time of the establishment of Christianity in Sweden to the middle of the Nineteenth Century all childeren were baptised. In Örebro, in central Sweden, the baptism custom was subsequently broken and weakend. Örebro is in many ways an extreme case. In 1910 only 82 percent of children were baptised. The old dodparent custom was almost extingct in 1910. The dissertation shows the course of ch

Obstacle Problems for Green Potentials and for Parabolic Quasiminima

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av två delar. I den första delen används rent potentialteoretiska metoder för att studera hinderproblemet hörande till en likformigt elliptisk andra ordningens differentialoperator på divergensform. Reguljära punkter till hindren karakteriseras med det klassiska Wiener-kriteriet. Andra delen behandlar en klass av funktioner som uppfyller en viss intThe thesis consists of two parts. In the first part pure potential theoretic methods are employed to study the obstacle problem connected with a uniformly elliptic second-order differential operator in divergence form. Regular points of the obstacles are characterized by the classical Wiener criterion. The second part deals with a class of functions satisfying a certain integral inequality. A pr

Interactions between single latex particles and silica surfaces studied with AFM

The spreading of single styrene-acrylic latex particles on silicon oxide C surfaces was studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Three latexes with different glass transition temperature (Tg) were used and the effects of temperature, time and preparation method were investigated. Particle sizes and shape were measured with AFM and the contact angles were calculated. The observed rate for the s

Ergosterol content in ericaceous hair roots correlates with dark septate endophytes but not with ericold mycorrhizal colonization

The relationship between ergosterol content in ericaceous hair roots and ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) colonization versus dark septate endophytic (DSE) hyphal colonization was examined in a dwarf shrub-dominated subarctic mire in Northern Sweden. Ergosterol content in hair roots did not correlate with ErM colonization in corresponding root samples. However, a significant positive relationship was fou

Lack of association between plasma homocysteine levels and microangiopathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus

The reactive vascular-injuring amino acid homocysteine was previously shown to be increased in plasma in diabetic patients with clinical signs of nephropathy. In this study, plasma homocysteine was measured in type 1 diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria (n = 22), microalbuminuria (n = 40) and proteinuria (n = 14) in order to investigate whether plasma homocysteine levels are increased already a

An acoustical technique for determining the loss factor of solid materials

A technique is presented here for evaluating the loss factor of a solid material element. This technique is commonly used in room acoustics to evaluate the reverberation time (RT) of rooms, and is therefore reviewed in this paper for applications in solid materials. The reverberation time is a quantity that describes the rate of decay of the sound level in the room, and is inversely proportional t

What keystroke-logging can reveal about writing

Writing is a dynamic activity. In order fully to appreciate that fact, we have to analyse writing as it unfolds in teal time. The present paper gives a bird's eye perspective on the budding paradigm of using keystroke logging as a window on the online process of writing. First, methods and tools for designing writing experiments, recording writing activity, and for analysing recordings of writing

Biogas production from crop residues on a farm-scale level in Sweden: scale, choice of substrate and utilisation rate most important parameters for financial feasibility

Anaerobic digestion would enable the energy potential of agricultural crop residues such as ley crops and sugar beet tops to be harnessed in Sweden. In the present study, the financial prospects of single-stage fed-batch high-solids digestion on three different scales, 51, 67, and 201 kW, were calculated on the basis of experimental results and observations. In addition to scale, the effects of me

Convex Dynamic Programming for Hybrid Systems

A classical linear programming approach to optimization of flow or transportation in a discrete graph is extended to hybrid systems. The problem is finite-dimensional if the state space is discrete and finite, but becomes infinite-dimensional for a continuous or hybrid state space. It is shown how strict lower bounds on the optimal loss function can be computed by gridding the continuous state spa

Optically stimulated luminescence from Al2O3 : C irradiated with 10-60 MeV protons

We investigated the potential use of Al2O3:C for medical proton dosimetry. Detector crystals coupled to fiber-optic cables were irradiated in proton beams with energies from 10 to 60 MeV. The key finding is that the initial intensity of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal is energy independent for small detectors (