Studies on the arc spectrum of fluorine
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This paper questions the correspondance between resilience engineering theory and the theoretical fundaments of traditional CRM training, with its related behavior assessments. Reviewing the theoretical roots of CRM it is concluded that such concepts are rather founded in the information processing paradigm hiding the complexities of adaption to rapidly changing situations. An alternative approach
This thesis addresses low-complexity algorithms in digital receivers. This includes algorithms for estimation, detection, and source coding.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hudens fuktighet kan påverkas av många faktorer så som torr luft, ett varmt bad, användning av diskhandskar eller plåster, osv. Men hur påverkas hudbarriären av förändringarna av de yttre förhållandena? Frågan är särskilt relevant i situationer då läkemedel läggs på huden eftersom detta, i de flesta fall, för med sig en förändring av de yttre villkoren som kan påverka bThe outermost layer of skin (i.e., the stratum corneum, SC) is the interface that separates the water-rich inside of the body from the relatively dry external environment. SC forms an effective permeability barrier, which has to be overcome in transdermal drug delivery. Its function as a barrier for molecular diffusion depends on the SC molecular structure and phase behavior. Both structure and ph
Only 15% to 30% of product development projects require the development of new product concepts. This means that the majority of design projects are carried out within the embodiment design and detail design phases. However, the majority of the research studies on the mechanical engineering design process, or design process for short, have been focusing on the conceptual design phase. The embodime
This paper is built upon recognizing the need that digital forensic investigators are required in many cases to investigate, understand and report on all kind of cyber-crime including novel security breaches which have not been performed in the past. When an investigator is faced with the challenge to explore a new threat, we argue that the inquiry dynamics do not differ from an organisational emp
The presence of activated protein C resistance, plasma hyperhomocysteinemia and the MTHFR C677T mutation in patients with central retinal vein occlusion were investigated and compared to a control group. Activated protein C resistance was overrepresented in the group of patients less than 50 years of age whereas this was not the case in patients more than 50 years of age. Neither hyperhomocysteine
We perform a slight generalization of the Bjerksund and Stensland (2011) spread option valuation formula to cover three-asset spread options. We investigate the pricing performance of the model against the corresponding version of the Kirk formula and the true price calculated with Monte Carlo methods. The numerical setting of the evaluation is designed to mimic a real market situation in the Germ