Regional Autonomy and Respect for Human Rights – Indonesia’s Obligation to Ensure that Women are not Discriminated in Local Regulations
Indonesien har ratificerat de viktiga internationella mänskliga rättigheter-traktaten som ålägger stater att eliminera diskriminering av kvinnor – CEDAW, ICCPR och ICESCR. Ändå existerar omfattande diskriminering av kvinnor i landet, underblåst särskilt av lokala regleringar som tillkommit genom den starka regionala autonomin. Dessa regleringar, antagna på provins-, region- eller stadsnivå, bryterIndonesia has ratified the crucial international human rights treaties obligating states to eliminate discrimination against women – the CEDAW, the ICCPR and the ICESCR. Yet discrimination against women exists in Indonesia, especially fuelled by local regulations able to arise due to the country’s strong regional autonomy. Enacted either at province, regency or city level, these regulations contra