

Din sökning på "*" gav 532238 sökträffar

Facebook - en vinnande valstrategi? En studie om relationsskapande ur ett väljarperspektiv.

I dagens samhälle där allt fler svenska medborgare har svårt att identifiera sig med politiska partier, har det blivit allt viktigare för partierna att arbeta med relationsskapande kommunikation. Teknologins utveckling, i form av sociala medier, tillåter en mer symmetrisk kommunikation där relationer har möjlighet att skapas mellan politiska partier och väljare. Studien ämnar öka förståelsen för hIn today’s society where Swedish citizens have a hard time identifying themselves with political parties, it has become essential for the parties to use relationship management. The technological evolution in the shape of social media has created a space for more symmetrical communication where relationships can be formed between political parties and voters. This study intends to increase the und

‘What Local People?’ : the establishment of a mine in Kallak, Jokkmokk, understood from a stakeholder recognition framework

Global exploration and production of minerals is increasingly located in areas populated by indigenous people. Conflicts that arise between multinational corporations and local activists and/or indigenous people are widespread while the understanding of such issues are still lacking. The Swedish government encouraging an expanding mining industry have caused great resistance, particularly due to t

Sprint Review - Interaktionens utformning samt dess prioriteringsgrad av Kund utifrån projektorganisationens perspektiv

Undersökningen har primärt riktat sig mot den agila projektledningsmetoden SCRUM och eventet Sprint Review. Problemet för denna uppsats grundar sig i att teorin undviker att tillhandahålla specifik information vid ett verklighetsbaserat genomförande. Information som exempelvis definition av övriga intressenter och deras ansvarsområde framgår inte. Vidare påvisas en tydlig avsaknad av information g

Bekämpningsmedel i detaljhandeln - Hur ser kunskapen ut bland handlarna i Hässleholms kommun?

How does knowledge among retailers in Hässleholm municipality, meet the legal obligations for labeling, approved substances, storage and child-resistant packaging for the sale of pesticides to the consumer? The study is limited to Hässleholm municipality and is a supervisory project on behalf of the Environment Office. A selection of 9 different traders’ products of pesticides, have been investiga

Environmental accounting : media, activists and Hennes and Mauritz in a mixed-method perspective and implications for the fashion industry

Change towards a sustainable company is driven either by media or the company, the argument goes. It is though questionable, if companies as individual actors have an impact on the environment at all, or if they are too small in the global economy. Using the macro- economic gravity model, the size question can be answered positively, the companies do have an impact. Thus reasons why companies chan

Jag skall visa dig uppror i en handfull bär - revolution, karneval och uppror i The Hunger Games-trilogin

Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att analysera det uppror som skildras i Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games-trilogi. Med grund i Michail Bachtins tankar om folkets möjlighet till uppror i karnevalen och den folkliga festen anläggs ett karnevalsperspektiv på framförallt övergripande händelseförlopp, men även specifika händelser och företeelser i Collins bokserie. Efter en inledande beskrivning av karThe aim of this thesis is to analyze the uprising depicted in Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games-trilogy. Using the ideas of carnival and vernacular humour presented by Mikhail Bakhtin a carnival perspective is applied to the course of events in Collin’s trilogy. Following a description of carnival as theory in the study of literature in general and more specifically children’s literature, the carn

Ett associationsskapande vägval? – Hur populärkulturella och idrottsliga ikoner kan fungera som medskapare av varumärkesimage.

Syfte: Det är denna uppsats syfte att undersöka hur populärkulturella och idrottsliga ikoner genom varumärkessamarbeten kan fungera som en del i medskapandet av konsumenters uppfattning av ett varumärke. Frågeställningar: Vilka associationer skapar Volvos samarbeten med Zlatan Ibrahimovic och Swedish House Mafia hos konsumenter? Vilken roll spelar dessa associationer för hur konsumenter uppfatta

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In this thesis I investigate the relationship between power, knowledge and gender in contemporary trafficking discourses by examining how the ‘problem’ of trafficking was represented, reproduced and destabilized in the course of a recent legal process on trafficking in a Danish court of law. By applying Carol Bacchi’s ‘What’s the problem represented to be’ analysis to an ethnographic material cons

The consequences of dwarf galaxies colliding with the Milky Way

I simulate the collision of satellite galaxies with the Milky Way and observe the effects that this has on the orbits of the globular cluster populations within both the Milky Way and the satellite galaxies. This is done in order to investigate whether some of the Milky Way's globular clusters could have been donated from satellite galaxies which have been tidally stripped, since it is believe

The effects of site preparation on carbon fluxes at two clear-cuts in southern Sweden

Popular science The carbon balance of the forest ecosystems is determined by the uptake and release of carbon. Forests take up carbon dioxide (CO2) by photosynthesis and release by respiration. One part of the assimilated carbon is respired back to the atmosphere by vegetation. The other part is respired by soil microbes which decompose organic material in soil. The microbial respiration is contro

The Urban Penalty

The stimulus for this essay was given by the fact that life expectancy in certain countries started to increase long before the development of modern medicine. Having as a principal axis the so called „urban penalty‟, the analysis was limited in two port cities; Glasgow and Malmö. Data on crude, age-specific and disease-specific mortality were used over the period 1800-1914 in order to identify th

2010 års hyresreform -nödvändig för att ej stå i strid med EU-rättens konkurrens- och statsstödsregler?

Sammanfattning Den svenska bostadshyresmarknaden präglas av en öppenhet för alla grupper i samhället. Syftet med den svenska bostadspolitiken är att skapa social, ekonomisk och etnisk mångfald i alla stadsdelar genom att kunna erbjuda prisvärt boende samt hyra oavsett inkomst. För att nå detta mål, införde Sverige samma hyressättningssystem för alla typer av bostäder, oavsett om de tillhandahölls Summary The Swedish housing market is characterized by being accessible to all groups in society and by the objective of achieving an overall social cohesion in its rental market. The purpose of this is to further integration and counter segregation by creating diverse neighborhoods accessible to all groups in society regardless of social status and for a reasonable price. To reach this goal, Swed

Inflationsförväntningar och konsumtionsattityd - fattar Sveriges befolkning informerade beslut?

This paper examines the relationship between inflation expectations and consumption attitude regarding durable goods. It does so using cross-sectional data on Swedish households collected on behalf of Konjunkturinstitutet. We use an ordered probit model, with a number of controls, to obtain estimates of the aforementioned relationship. In contrast to established macroeconomic assumptions, our resu

Facilitating Consciousness Development

The more globalized, dynamic and quickly changing society creates complexity and uncertainty that is challenging for many leaders of today's organizations. To handle this complexity it can be argued that the organizations of today are in need of more consciousness-developed leaders. In can also be argued that today’s formative leadership development programs, focusing on leaders acquiring the

Consumer Response and Interpretation of Provocative Advertising through Message Encoding and Association Creation

In a globalized world subjected to ongoing rapid technological development and increasingly evocative entertainment, advertisers are turning their attention to methods of provocation in an effort to induce actionable behavior from the consumer. Struggling to fight their way through the challenging environment of todays saturated market and appeal to the increasingly desensitized consumer, advertis

Drug Cartels and Apartheid: Critical Study of Nation Branding in Developing Countries Burdened by Stigmatizations

Nation branding is gaining increasing importance between both scholars and practitioners. Although, research in this field seems to focus mainly on developed economies, developing countries are affected by a “label effect” of being categorized as ‘developing’ which generates tacit social stigmatizations. Hence, their attempts to craft a desirable brand image to attract investment, tourism and

Mobile Commerce App Adoption: Consumer Behavior Differences between Europe and Asia

Title: ‘Mobile Commerce App Adoption: Consumer Behavior Differences between Europe and Asia’ Research Question: 1. What are the differences between European and Asian consumer behavior of adopting m-commerce apps? 2. Why is there a different level of m-commerce app adoption between European and Asian consumers? Research Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the reasons why consum

An Exploratory Research on Performance Management: From Perspectives of Management Control and Human Resource Management

This is an exploratory research paper that focuses on performance management, which is the interface between management control (MC) and human resource management (HR). We have three purposes. First, we aim to investigate whether, in reality, management accountants and human resource management staff has different perception of performance management. Second, we aim to investigate whether there is