

Din sökning på "*" gav 533930 sökträffar

Across Borders: Migrancy, Bilingualism, and the Reconfiguration of Postcolonialism in Junot Díaz’s Fiction

Equipped with Junot Díaz’s novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) and his collections of short stories Drown (1996) and This Is How You Lose Her (2012), this thesis interprets the fundamentals of migrant literature, studies Díaz’s tools of migrant depiction, and examines contemporary postcolonial and migrant discourse. This is performed in three integral segments of study. First, the un

The effect of household income on household consumption in China

China’s economic growth undoubtedly led to an increase in the standard of living. Nevertheless, the price that China paid for this remarkably fast growth since its opening up in 1978 cannot be neglected. Due to a restructuring of the economic growth model, inequality occurred to a certain extent and has been strengthened by Chinese institutional features. The current growth model is considered as

Utformning av gångfartsområden

Today there is a push towards creating vibrant cities where the status of pedestrians and vehicles in the traffic environment is more equal. One possible way of enabling this is to introduce walking pace areas, where drivers must keep walking speed and also must give way to pedestrians. In this work four walking pace areas are selected in order to investigate what makes them function as intended.

In-plane fracture analysis of paperboard using XFEM

It has been shown that during certain steps in the packaging process, the paperboard is prone to forming in-plane cracks. Hence, it is proposed to establish a model that can simulate failure in paperboard in order to get a better understanding of the mechanisms and ultimately, prevent any cracks from initiating. The thesis begins with some introductory chapters which describes the background of t

Sveriges jämställdhetspolitik – Ett avpolitiserat politiskt område utan perspektiv på makt och kön?

How can Swedish equality politics be understood, based upon analysis of formulations about gender and power, in the Swedish politic parties’ election manifestos from 1998, 2006 and 2014? Can any change, or trend, be identified over these years? By using a Faircloughian discourse analysis, along with a feministic theoretical perspective, is this study aiming to investigate how the nine largest poli

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control in JModelica.org

In this thesis, a stronger support for Model Predictive Control (MPC) in JModelica.org has been implemented. JModelica.org is an open-source software for simulation and optimization of systems described by Modelica models. MPC is an optimization-based control strategy where one formulates an Optimal Control Problem (OCP) to describe the aim of the controller. At discrete time points the state of t

Job motivation in high-tech knowledge work- the unintended detrimental role of management

Title: Job motivation in high-tech knowledge work- the unintended detrimental role of management Seminar Date: 4th June 2015 Course: FEKH49 Author: Chaitra Harish Bhat Supervisor: Sverre Spoelstra Key Words: Knowledge Worker, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Priority Task, Recognition. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to critically examine the role of intrinsic motivation in kno

Effects of the immunosuppressive bacterial protein TcpC on the inflammasome pathway

Recently, uropathogenic Escherichia coli were shown to express a virulence factor that specifically inhibits Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling. The TIR-domain protein C (TcpC), has high homology with the TIR (Toll Interleukin Receptor) domains of innate immune signaling molecules such as TLR4, TRIF, TRAM and MyD88. By binding to these domains, TcpC prevents TIR homodimerization and inhibits innat

Sustainability and the Public Burden of the Elderly After Pension Reforms

There are multiple dimensions pertaining to the sustainability of the public pension systems. The old PAYG DB schemes were typically more focused on income adequacy than financial sustainability. The current public pension systems of Austria, Germany, Finland and Sweden are the result of recent reforms undertaken in response to a universal phenomenon. The aging of the population promised to put a

Interpretation in Conformity with EU Law - the Case of the Financial Service Exemption in the Swedish VAT Act

Mervärdeskatterätten utgör ett fullständigt harmoniserat område inom EU och medlemsstaternas lagstiftning på området är till sin helhet baserad på EU rätten. En uniform tillämpning av momsreglerna i medlemsstaterna är av stor vikt för mervärdesskattesystemets funktion. Skyldigheten att tolka nationell lag i enlighet med EU rätten är därför ett viktigt instrument för att säkerställa en uniform tillThe area of VAT constitutes a completely harmonized area within the EU and the national provisions in this area are to their entirety based on EU law. A uniform application of the VAT provisions throughout the EU therefore becomes essential in order to ensure the proper function of the VAT system. The obligation for national courts to interpret national law in conformity with EU law becomes an imp

Hyres- och konsumtionsutveckling vid de centrala handelsstråken

Rapporten utgör en undersökning av hur konsumtion påverkar hyresnivån för butikslokaler inom en marknadsplats. Det finns flera olika faktorer som påverkar hyresnivån för butikslokaler, men avgränsning har gjorts till att undersöka omsättning då den utgör en avgörande parameter. För fastighetsägare är det av största vikt att veta hur butiken går försäljningsmässigt för att kunna sätta en marknadsenThe report represents a survey of how consumption affects the level of rents for retail space in a marketplace. The demarcation has been done to examine the revenue when it is a crucial parameter. For property owners, it is vital to know how the shop runs in sales terms in order to set a rent. The report includes an analysis of two municipalities, Lund and Helsingborg, where a survey of two market

Lokala företags marknadsföringsmöjligheter på Facebook

Syfte: Att undersöka skillnader i konsumenters facebookbeteende angående företags aktiviteter på Facebook beroende på om dessa är lokala eller nationella/internationella. Vidare undersöker studien om det finns något som kännetecknar konsumenter med preferenser gentemot lokala företag på Facebook. Metod: Vårt vetenskapsteoretiska perspektiv i denna uppsats är positivistiskt. Vidare har vi haft enPurpose: To investigate differences in consumer’s Facebook behavior, regarding companies’ activities on Facebook, depending on weather these activities are performed by local or national/international companies. Furthermore, we investigate if there is any distinguishing attributes consumers possess, if they have favorable preferences towards local companies’ activities on Facebook. Methodology: O

Rethinking the balance sheet

Abstract Title Rethinking the balance sheet Seminar date 05 June 2015 Course FEKH89, degree project undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 university credit points, ECTS Authors Victor Estwall, Hugo Oftedal and Andreas Åström Advisor Tore Eriksson Keywords Return on assets, firm performance, corporate finance, regression analysis, balance-sheet compositions Purpose The aim of this

Entrepreneurship and the perceptions of Capabilities : A comparative study of the Resource Based View between India and Sweden

Entrepreneurship within Information and Communications Technology as a research area has been greatly researched in terms of access to society. Two examples are governance and accessibility. However, little research has been conducted about the perceptions of starting an enterprise within two different countries and how regulatory institutions influence entrepreneurs. This thesis aims for an under

Frigjord parkeringsyta med bilpoolslösningar - Fallstudie Lund

Det här examensarbetet undersöker hur stor yta av Lunds tätort man kan frigöra från parkeringsplatser i tre olika framtida scenarier. Dessa scenarier utspelar sig ungefär år 2040 och handlar om tre varianter av bilpoolslösningar. Bilen tar fysiskt upp mycket yta i staden. Detta har bl.a. undersökts i tidigare examensarbeten, men med fokus på utvecklingen av andelen tätortsyta som låses av trafiklöThis master thesis examines how much of the urban area of the city of Lund, could be released from parking space in different future scenarios. These scenarios are based on three different options of car sharing and unfold around year 2040. Historically city planning has had various influences from different centuries with both economic and military ideals. But the 20th century and the introducti

Going Global: Cases for Relationship Marketing in Chinese Higher Education

The integration of the global economy is a phenomena that is increasingly evident in our everyday lives. Ranging from rapid economic growth in developing nations to the flow of capital across continents, globalization is affecting almost all corners of modern society. This includes the higher education sector, in which recent years have seen unprecedented growth in Asia as the economy increasingly