

Din sökning på "*" gav 532887 sökträffar

Concordance of Tumor Differentiation Among Brothers with Prostate Cancer

Background: Genetic factors seem to be of greater importance in prostate cancer than in other forms of cancer. Studies have suggested familial concordance in survival, but the extent to which that is due to tumor characteristics is not known. Objective: We hypothesized that a brother of an index case with prostate cancer is at particularly increased risk of prostate cancer with the same tumor diff

Computer-assisted surgery in children

Although positive in terms of patient trauma and recovery time, minimally invasive surgery has several technical drawbacks compared with open surgery. The new da Vinci® Surgical System from Intuitive Surgical® offers technical innovations aiming at overcoming these drawbacks and at improving the surgeon’s operating skills, such as the improved 3-D vision, tremor reduction and flexible instruments

Ceaușescu och litteraturen. Mellan antisovjetism och personkult

The goal of this article is to examine what role literature played for Nicolae Ceaușescu, Romania's political leader between 1965 and 1989. I focus on the period between 1968 and 1974, when the basis was laid for a cultural policy which was to be applied until the end of Ceaușescu's reign in 1989. Such studies are easier to conduct today, when the archives of the Romanian Communist Party have been

Coordinator-based systems for secondary prevention in fragility fracture patients

The underlying causes of incident fractures-bone fragility and the tendency to fall-remain under-diagnosed and under-treated. This care gap in secondary prevention must be addressed to minimise both the debilitating consequences of subsequent fractures for patients and the associated economic burden to healthcare systems. Clinical systems aimed at ensuring appropriate management of patients follow

Synthesis, structural characterisation, and catalytic activity of Mn(II)-protected amino acid complexes covalently immobilised on chloropropylated silica gel

In this work the syntheses, structure, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and the catalytic use in the oxidative transformations of cyclohexene of covalently grafted Mn(II)-complexes formed with various C-protected amino acid (L-histidine, L-cysteine and L-cystine) ligands are presented. The structural features of the surface complexes were studied by EPR, X-ray absorption, and mid/far IR spectro

The GH5 1,4-β-mannanase from Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bl-04 possesses a low-affinity mannan-binding module and highlights the diversity of mannanolytic enzymes.

β-Mannans are abundant and diverse plant structural and storage polysaccharides. Certain human gut microbiota members including health-promoting Bifidobacterium spp. catabolize dietary mannans. Little insight is available on the enzymology of mannan deconstruction in the gut ecological niche. Here, we report the biochemical properties of the first family 5 subfamily 8 glycoside hydrolase (GH5_8) m

ACAC beta gene (rs2268388) and AGTR1 gene (rs5186) polymorphism and the risk of nephropathy in Asian Indian patients with type 2 diabetes

Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are usually obese and concurrent obesity results into activation of the renin-angiotensin-system (RAS) which is a risk factor for diabetic nephropathy (DN). Gene-gene interaction between acetyl-coenzymeA carboxylase beta (ACAC beta) gene, which is involved in fatty acid metabolism and angiotensin II receptors (AGTR1) gene, which mediates RAS proteins actions on

Search for TeV-scale gravity signatures in final states with leptons and jets with the ATLAS detector at root s=7 TeV

The production of events with multiple high transverse momentum particles including charged leptons and jets is measured, using 1.04 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector during the first half of 2011 at root s = 7 TeV. No excess beyond Standard Model expectations is observed, and upper limits on the fiducial cross sections for non-Standard Model production of these

Prognostic and treatment predictive factors for radio- and chemotherapy resistance in breast cancer patients- a step towards personlized medicine

Breast cancer is the most common cancer form among women in the Western world. Although treatment has improved during the last decades, there is still a significant proportion of the patients who are not cured. To further improve clinical outcome we need new treatment strategies, new prognostic markers, and new treatment predictive factors for personalized medicine.In this dissertation I have focu

Time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the study of molecular systems relevant for artificial photosynthesis

Transition metal coordination compounds have a rich photochemistry and are interesting candidates as both light harvesters (photosensitizers) and catalysts in photocatalytic systems. Knowledge of electronic and molecular structure of excited states of photosensitizers and intermediates of catalysts is a key topic for rational design of systems for artificial photosynthesis. We describe recent adva

Clonal Evolution through Loss of Chromosomes and Subsequent Polyploidization in Chondrosarcoma.

Near-haploid chromosome numbers have been found in less than 1% of cytogenetically reported tumors, but seem to be more common in certain neoplasms including the malignant cartilage-producing tumor chondrosarcoma. By a literature survey of published karyotypes from chondrosarcomas we could confirm that loss of chromosomes resulting in hyperhaploid-hypodiploid cells is common and that these cells m

Med kärret som källa : om begreppen offer och ritual inom arkeologin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varför lade människor ner stenar, ben och redskap i vatten och våtmarker under förhistorisk tid? Och hur kan arkeologin skapa förståelse för denna typ av lämningar? Vanligen tolkas de nedlagda föremålen som offer, men det är ett begrepp som är förknippat med en rad problem. Bland annat riskerar användningen av offerbegreppet att dölja olikheter och nyanser i människornaThis thesis deals with questions concerning theoretical perspectives and archaeological interpretation. It is also a thesis about prehistoric wetland depositions, as they illustrate the discussion. The starting point of the study is the use of the concept of sacrifice (or offering) in Scandinavian archaeology. There are several assumptions, both explicit and implicit, that are considered problemat

Isocaloric substitution of carbohydrates with protein: the association with weight change and mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes.

The health impact of dietary replacement of carbohydrates with protein for patients with type 2 diabetes is still debated. This study aimed to investigate the association between dietary substitution of carbohydrates with (animal and plant) protein and 5-year weight change, and all-cause and cardiovascular (CVD) mortality risk in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Rapid Learning of Magnetic Compass Direction by C57BL/6 Mice in a 4-Armed 'Plus' Water Maze

Magnetoreception has been demonstrated in all five vertebrate classes. In rodents, nest building experiments have shown the use of magnetic cues by two families of molerats, Siberian hamsters and C57BL/6 mice. However, assays widely used to study rodent spatial cognition (e.g. water maze, radial arm maze) have failed to provide evidence for the use of magnetic cues. Here we show that C57BL/6 mice

Are you content with being just ordinary? Or do you wish to make progress and be outstanding?

This paper examines the emergence and features of new therapeutic and coaching practices in contemporary Sweden, offering to the individual therapy or coaching in order to find his or her “inner potential” as a means to achieve health, self-realization and success in life as well as in work. This focus on the inner self and the formation of a new, late modern selfhood demands new ritual creativity

Monolithic cryogels with open porous structure and unique double-continuous macroporous networks

A novel approach to create macroporous cryogels (or gels synthesized at sub-zero temperatures) with increased mechanical strength is presented. The cryogels with unique double-continuous macroporous networks were prepared via sequential freezing-thawing, when the new cryogel was synthesized inside the interconnected macropores of the preformed or primary cryogel. The prepared double-continuous mac