

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

BIM för förvaltaren – En studie om förvaltarnas syn på BIM

In recent years the use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the construction industry has increased dramatically. In the current situation, many of the major players use BIM both in the design and production phase. What remains is to explore is how BIM can be used in property management. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out which information the contractor must put in the BIM mo

Läkemedelspatent ur ett konkurrensrättsligt perspektiv

Denna uppsats utreder konkurrensrättens relation till läkemedelspatent och den eviga dragkampen mellan original- och generikatillverkare. Läkemedelssektorn är ett område där starka intressen och ekonomiska krafter styr. Patentet är centralt och nödvändigt för att privata parter ska få incitament till forskning och utveckling. Samtidigt är det nödvändigt att originalläkemedel efter en viss tids eThis thesis investigates the competition rules’ relationship to pharmaceutical patents and describes the tug-of-war between originators and generics. The pharmaceutical sector is governed by strong interests and economic forces. The patent is key and necessary for the creation of incentives for private actors to pursue in research and development. At the same time it is essential that patent pro

Reflections on “the Present”. Culture. Politics. Globalization.

This is an inquiry into how aspects of the present human reality came to being and thereby also an investigation into limitations and potentialities of this “present”. An important argument in this essay is that there exists a mutually affective relationship between culture and politics and that this relationship implies both possibilities and constraints. With this in mind I try to critically inv

On dealing with knowledge in participatory processes of decision making

This text tries to explore the issue of knowledge in relation to ‘participatory processes of decision making’. Writing from an interdisciplinary perspective, the text revises both theories on democracy and on knowledge trying to bridge them in order to highlight the importance of the knowledge dimension for understanding the ‘participatory processes of decision making’(PPDM). The text suggests 3 a

Sociala medier och revolutionen

This is a case study that aims to explain social media's impact on the outcome of the Egyptian revolution by examining the social and political issues. The social mobilization process intends to seek citizens' rights to sustain a civil society. Two main theories about the role of media from a social perspective and civil society are used in order to understand the rise of revolution and w

Hur har det koloniala arvet påverkat diasporans identitetskonstruktion? En studie i postkolonial teori

The relationship between the social political constructions; The Orient and The Occident; The East and The West; Them and Us is not a new mental synthesis. However, it was during the colonial era the idea of The Other manifested itself within the narrative. The colonial heritage is still evident in today’s discourse regarding the Diaspora. Postcolonial theory aim to create awareness around the cir

Flexibilitetens fram-­‐ & baksida En uppsats om effektivisering & tjänstekvalitet i en hotellverksamhet

Titel: Flexibilitetens fram- & baksida: En uppsats om effektivisering och tjänstekvalitet i en hotellverksamhet Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs: SMKK01 Service Management: Examensarbete kandidatexamen, 15 hp, 2012 Seminariedatum: 29 maj 2012 Författare: Linnéa Hultén, Madelaine Levander & Josefine Marklund Handledare: Torleif Br

Osakliga skillnader i lön eller diskriminerande löneskillnad?

Föreliggande uppsats behandlar lönediskriminering och osakliga löneskillnader på grund av kön på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Rättsdogmatisk metod har legat till grund för uppsatsens underlag genom rättskälleläran samt empiriskt material i form av statistik från Medlingsinstitutet och rapporter från motparter på arbetsmarknaden. Praxis har visat att den mest problematiska och svåråtkomliga lönedis

Kunskapsåterföring på Novab - En fallstudie

The thesis will identify how Novab is working with transfer of knowledge within their company. Novab is a medium sized organization and have few resources in relation to several of the major construction companies in Sweden. This means that there is no room for large and costly systems to compile and transfer the knowledge obtained in the organization in a structured way. Explore what lies behind

A feasibility study of a network arch bridge with glulam arches

The drive of using more renewable material has increased the interest in timber bridges. This makes it more interesting in looking in to new ways of constructing timber bridges. Most timber bridges for road traffic are using an arch with a hanging deck suspended from the arch using vertical hangers. This master thesis has looked at the possibility of using a system (developed for steel arch bridge

Prefabricated timber-concrete composite system

Timber-concrete composite structures were originally developed for upgrading existing timber oors, but during last decades, they have new applications in multistorey buildings. Most of the research performed on these structures has focused on systems in which wet concrete is cast on top of timber beams with mounted connectors. Recently investigations on composite systems were performed at Luleå Un

"Jämställdhetens blinda fläck" - om anhöriga som vårdar äldre

Enligt 2 kap 2 § socialtjänstlagen (2001:453) har kommunen det yttersta ansvaret för att de som vistas i kommunen får det stöd och den hjälp som de behöver. Det innebär bland annat att vård och omsorg är en offentlig angelägenhet och ett offentligt ansvar. Trots det är den vård som utförs av anhöriga och andra närstående personer en betydande och, till följd av nedskärningar i den kommunala omsorgArticle 2 § 2 in the Social Services Act (2001:453) declares that the municipality has the ultimate responsibility to see to that the individuals in the municipality receive the support and help they need. This means that health care is a public concern and a public responsibility. Despite this regulation, the care provided by relatives is, as a result of cuts in municipal care, a significant and

Cultural racism without race : an exploratory insight into the discrimination and self-perception of the Sweden Democrats

This study presents a fresh, humanistic perspective into the worldview of a rarely studied group: The Sweden Democrats. Having entered the Swedish Parliament in 2010, the Sweden Democrats are a controversial nationalist-populist party, and they are currently the only major party in Sweden rejecting the country’s famed multiculturalism model. The Sweden Democrats, and other Swedes who are openly cr

Passiva åtgärder för att reducera sommartemperaturer i bostäder

Det finns idag cirka 160 miljoner byggnader inom EU och energianvändningen hos dessa står för cirka 40 % av unionens totala energiförbrukning. Detta gör byggnadsbeståndet inom EU till den enskilt största källan till koldioxidutsläpp. Dagens krav om energieffektivitet på moderna byggnader såsom bostadshus, kontorshus och andra lokaler är ett steg i ledet om att minska energianvändningen inom sa

Forced Displacement and Labor Market Access for Women in Colombia, 2001-2011

Among the multidimensional effects that forced displacement has on population welfare, the economic ones may be measured in various ways: one of them is assessing the effect of being a forced migrant in the probability of accessing the labor market in the destination communities in Colombia. This is obtained through the estimation of a logit model which uses data from the “Survey in marginalized a

Development of a photo voltaic building rooftop integration analysis tool for GIS for Dokki District, Cairo, Egypt

Popular science This study describes the development and implementation of a Photo Voltaic (PV)Roof Integration Analysis Tool integrated into a GIS system in order to be used in conducting research within alternative energy field. This study focuses on the Dokki district in Greater Cairo that was used as a case for developing the idea of a tool to assess the possibility of the roofs of existing bu

Analys och effektivisering av patientflöden på Skånes Universitetssjukhus Ortopediska klinik

Problem: Vilka är de drivande faktorerna till köbildning på klinikens avdelningar samt hur kan ökad kunskap om dessa faktorer på sikt skapa möjligheter för en effektivare kapacitetsplanering och en förbättrad servicenivå mot klinikens kunder? Syfte: Förbättra kapacitetsplaneringen för att på så sätt frigöra resurser och minska väntetiderna. Ta reda på vilka data som krävs för att på ett smidigt mProblem: Which are the driving factors creating queues at the different sections at the Department of Orthopedics and is it possible to use enhanced knowledge of these factors to create competitive advantage when conducting capacity planning? Will this also lead to an increased service level towards the patients? Purpose: Improve the capacity planning in order to free resources and reduce waiting