Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar
Efter Festen...
Global mega-events have proven to be costly projects for the countries that host them. Still, there is a huge demand for hosting these events. Recent research has found an increase in host countries’ exports due to the hosting of mega-events. This thesis investigates whether the hosting of the UEFA European Football Championship have had any long term effects regarding the exports of hosting count
Fri och formlös -En socialantropologisk analys av graffiti och gatukonst
Den här kandidatuppsatsen handlar om graffitin och gatukonsten och syftet är att använda visuell antropologi för att undersöka hur dessa fenomen tar sig plats i samhället men också hur den omvandlar och konstruerar plats och arenor i det urbana. Mina huvudfrågor är; Vad innebär de visuella fenomen som brukar beskrivas som gatukonst och graffiti och hur kan dessa förstås och tolkas ur ett visuellt
Modeling and Simulation of Adenovirus-Tumor system
What is driving firm's performance in China?
China’s economic development since the beginning of the reform in 1978 has been impressive. Regardless of China’s poor financial banking system and lack of legal enforcements, the growth of Chinese firms makes China’s GDP one of the fastest growing in the world. This paper endeavors to answer the question of formal financial system or its counterpart the alternative informal finance are associated
Focused and General science parks: a study of New Technology Based Firms within Life-sciences in Sweden
New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) contribute greatly to the development and construction of their nations‟ economies. Therefore their creation, survival and growth have become a major focus for policy. Science parks as actors within regional innovation systems can be suitable tools to carry out this objective. This paper investigated whether the type of science park has any effect on performance
Glennville: A Transmedia Experiment
Bro med huvudbalkar av stål och brobaneplatta av limträ
In this thesis a bridge with main girders of steel and a bridge deck made out of glulam is studied. The bridge is compared with an existing composite bridge built in Kalix, Sweden. Initially both bridge solutions are presented and some detail descriptions is presented for the bridge with the glulam deck. A short description of the finite element method is given together with the main equations for
Development and Implementation of a Packaging Station with Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)
Protective Earplug Designed for Water Activities
The aim for this project is to improve and replace ArjoHuntleigh´s existing scoop stretcher with a new concept. The field-of-use for the current stretcher is in hospital- and homecare, although other competitive scoop stretchers are used for ambulance emergency care. For this reason, the possibility to extend the target group is investigated. Firstly, a comprehensive study, i.a. through study vis
The cartographic authorship of the state
This thesis is concerned with establishing a theoretical position regarding the state as a cartographic author. Critical cartography provides an understanding of the profound connection between the state and the map. I am adopting a classical state-as-actor IR-perspective in order to ascribe the state agency, and I situate this perspective in the ontological debate of structure contra agency. The
The Living Table
The Living Table is the result of my master thesis, a study about the table culture of our modern lifestyle. My aim was to create a concept that communicates values, motivates to share values and traditions that are related to food and table culture. The project was divided in two parts; the theoretical part, where I explored the development of the table and food culture within Europe and analysed
Design of an Automatic Tool Changer for a CNC Milling Machine
This Master thesis report contains the whole development process of an automatic tool changer device for a CNC milling machine. All aspects of an integral development of a product are included in it. The automatic tool changer is methodically developed through a series of stages, finally leading to an in-detail design of a working piece of machinery ready to be built. For the development of this
Get Into, Get By and Get Out of Trafficking; Uncovering the Agency of Rural Women in Vietnam
Human trafficking is an alarming issue that has been discussed by many scholars and policy makers from different fields. It has been argued that poverty is one of the root causes of trafficking, making people to take any risks to improve life. The severe exploitation that occurs during trafficking experience has put victims of trafficking in a difficult situation where they are often seen as objec
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Internet Piracy and Entrepreneurial Growth
Internet Piracy has become a phenomenon as a result of developed Internet technologies and file-sharing applications. With the growth of the Internet and the increased number of Internet users around the globe, the world is becoming ever more digitalized. Users are expecting digital information to be readily available at the touch of a button. This has caused an immense demand for digital goods, w
Vanans makt är stor - den rituella iscensättningen av svensk självbild i den första tv-säsongen av Hylands hörna (1962-63)
Ämnet för denna magisteruppsats är Hylands hörna, närmare bestämt den första tv-säsongen av programmet, som visades 1962-63. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur svensk självbild iscensätts rituellt i denna första tv-säsong. De viktigaste teoretiska verktygen har hämtats från Erving Goffmans Jaget och maskerna enligt vilken mänsklig aktivitet är teatralt utformad; vi spelar roller på en scen infö
International protection of internally displaced persons - A field study of internal displacement and available protection in the Republic of South Sudan
This thesis examines if international law and its protection mechanisms satisfactorily address the protection needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs). At the end of 2011, around 25 million people around the world were internally displaced by armed conflict, generalized violence and human rights violations. In contrast, the number of refugees was approximately 16 million. In spite of the fact
Timber compression strength perpendicular to the grain - testing of glulam beams with and without reinforcement
I och med övergången från den svenska konstruktionsnormen, BKR, till den nya europeiska normen, Eurocode, har både karaktäristiska värden och tillvägagångssättet för beräkning av träts hållfasthet förändrats. Trä som konstruktionsmaterial är även specifikt påverkat, då ett nytt klassificeringssytem har införts i samband med övergången till Euorocode. Träts hållfasthet har överlag blivit nedimensio
Dimensionering av en bågbro i trä - jämförelse av handberäkningar och Finita Element Metoden
In the past it was common to build in timber but in the last 150 years, steel and concrete in particular have been the dominating material in bridge-buildings. This is mainly due to not having mastered the timber construction to the same extent as steel and concrete. Nowdays the interest in timber bridges have increased and the technical solutions have been greatly developed in the last 15 years.