

Din sökning på "*" gav 532856 sökträffar

The influence of different technique factors on image quality of chest radiographs as evaluated by modified CEC image quality criteria

The Commission of the European Communities (CEC) research project "Predictivity and optimisation in medical radiation protection" addressed fundamental operational limitations in existing radiation protection mechanisms. The first part of the project aimed at investigating (1) whether the CEC image quality criteria could be used for optimization or a radiographic process and (2) whether significan

Comparisons of the agar-film and membrane-filter methods for the estimation of hyphal lengths in soil, with particular reference to the effect of magnification

The agar-film and membrane filter methods were used to measure total hyphal length in ten different soils. The former method resulted in values 1.1 to 3.9 times those of the latter. Choice of magnification strongly influenced the results. The value for fungal length found at a magnification of 1250 x was 2 times that found at 800 x or 500 x . The measured mean hyphal diameter was significantly sma

Estimation of the batch-settling flux function for an ideal suspension from only two experiments

Modelling the sedimentation of suspensions with partial differential equations requires constitutive relations (material properties) to be known. Restricted to suspensions obeying Kynch's assumption (ideal suspensions), this paper deals with the inverse problem, which is to estimate the batch-settling flux function from experimental data. A new batch-settling test is suggested, from which it is th

Isomers in neutron-rich A approximate to 190 nuclides from Pb-208 fragmentation

Relativistic projectile fragmentation of Pb-208 has been used to produce isomers in neutron-rich, A approximate to 190 nuclides. A forward-focusing spectrometer provided ion-by-ion mass and charge identification. The detection of gamma-rays emitted by stopped ions has led to the assignment of isomers in Ta-188, W-190, Re-192, Re-193, Os-195, Ir-197, Ir-198, Pt-200, Pt-201, Pt-202 and Au-203, with

Comparison of Endorette and dilatation and curettage for sampling of the endometrium in women with postmenopausal bleeding

MAIN QUESTION: To compare the diagnostic properties of Endorette and D&C in women with postmenopausal bleeding, to relate the properties to endometrial thickness as measured by ultrasound, and to assess the women's experiences of the two methods. METHODS: In a prospective study, 133 consecutive women with postmenopausal bleeding were examined with transvaginal ultrasound. After measuring the e

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in enzymology: uncovering the mechanisms of two- substrate reactions

The purpose of this review is to draw attention to the use of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ( ESI-MS) for monitoring the course of enzyme substrate interactions, in the particular case of complex systems in which two substrates participate. The determination and characterization of intra-molecular reactions, especially those that occur in the enzyme active site, is not a trivial task i

Production and physicochemical characterization of acidocin D20079, a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079

Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 is the producer of a novel bacteriocin termed acidocin D20079. In this paper, a partial sequence of this peptide is determined, together with data on its secondary structure. A modification of the MRS-growth medium (replacing the detergent Tween 80 with oleic acid), was shown to improve the production level of the peptide by one order of magnitude, as well as to

A new collimator simulation in SIMIND based on the Delta-Scattering technique

To use conventional ray tracing methods in Monte Carlo simulation of the collimator in a scintillation camera system can be time consuming. It is however necessary to take collimator interactions into account when simulating radionuclides emitting high-energy photons that can penetrate the septa in the collimator. In this work a statistical collimator algorithm, based on the Delta-Scattering metho

Excitation energies for transition metal atoms - A comparison between coupled cluster methods and second-order perturbation theory

Coupled cluster methods are compared to multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory in a study of the high spin d(x)s(2) -> d(x+1)s(1) excitations in first, second, and third row transition metals. Large basis sets of the atomic natural orbital type are used. Scalar relativistic effects are included using the Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian. The effect of spin-orbit coupling is demonstrat

Propane ammoxidation on an Al-Sb-V-W-oxide catalyst. A mechanistic study using the TAP-2 reactor system

The reaction mechanism of propane ammoxidation was studied on an Al-Sb-V-W-oxide catalyst using a TAP-2 reactor system. Analyses of the responses from both high-speed pulse transients with reactants and TPD experiments were performed. Since the ammoxidation process with three reactants proceeds from propane to acrylonitrile over propylene as an intermediate, the experiments comprised oxidation of

Communication in Games and Decision Making under Risk

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är indelad i två delar. I den första delen studeras hur kommunikation påverkar utfall i strategiska situationer, så kallade spel. Den andra delen studerar individers riskpreferenser. Metodologiskt förlitar sig avhandlingen till största delen på ekonomiska experiment. I kapitel 2 till 4, som är författade tillsammans med Ola Andersson, studeras effekterna aThis thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The first part studies communication in games and the second part investigates individual decision making under risk. Chapters 2 – 4, co-authored with Ola Andersson, investigate communication and renegotiation in dynamic games. In Chapter 2, Bertrand supergames with non-binding communication are used to study price formation and stability of collus

The effect of receiver antenna array horizontal orientation on MIMO channel capacity

In multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems the horizontal orientation of a linear array has, in some situations a large influence on the available channel capacity. In this paper, we investigate the effect of horizontal array orientation on channel capacity, eigenvalue distribution and antenna complex correlation coefficient in such systems. We present channel measurements in an office corri

Working group on dry grasslands in the Nordic and Baltic region – Outline of the project and first results for the class Festuco-Brometea

The vegetation databank established by our working group covers the classes Festuco-Brometea, Koelerio-Corynephoretea, and Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei in the Nordic and Baltic region, i.e. NE Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, N Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and NW Russia. We aim to use these data to develop a consistent supra-national phytosociological classification of these xero

CTLA4ig induces long-term graft survival of allogeneic skin grafts and totally inhibits T-cell proliferation in LFA-1-deficient mice.

BACKGROUND: It was recently shown that some strains of mice are capable of rejecting transplants independently of B7 and CD40L signaling and that this rejection is mediated by CD8(+) T cells. LFA-1 is known to be important for CD8(+) T cell activation and cytotoxicity. Therefore, blockade of LFA-1 could be important in overcoming costimulation blockade, CD8(+) T-cell-mediated, resistant rejection.