

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Role of B800 in carotenoid-bacteriochlorophyll energy and electron transfer in LH2 complexes from the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides

The role of the B800 in energy and electron transfer in LH2 complexes has been studied using femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy. The B800 site was perturbed by application of lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS), and comparison of treated and untreated LH2 complexes from Rhodobacter sphaeroides incorporating carotenoids neurosporene, spheroidene, and spheroidenone was used to exp

The charge state distribution of Be, C, Cl and Al ions at the Lund Pelletron accelerator with the recently modified terminal pumping in use

Some years ago terminal pumping for the gas stripper system at the 3 MV Lund Tandem Pelletron accelerator was installed and charge state distribution measurements using the new installation were reported. Since then, new modifications of the mechanical design of the stripper system have been made. The results of pressure profile measurements as well as the results of charge state distribution meas

Pathophysiology and treatment of defective insulin secretion in diabetes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes kännetecknas av konstant förhöjt blodsocker. Sjukdomen ökar lavinartat, och har beskrivits som en av det moderna samhällets stora epidemier. Diabetes förekommer i två huvudsakliga former, typ 1 och typ 2. I typ 1-diabetes, som framför allt drabbar barn och ungdomar, har de insulinproducerande beta-cellerna förstörts av kroppens immunförsvar. Patienter med typ 1Defective insulin secretion is a central feature in diabetes mellitus and results from reduced pancreatic beta-cell mass as well as aberrant beta-cell function. The pathophysiology of diabetes is incompletely known, but a strong hereditary component is suggested. This thesis investigates the genetic and cellular basis for impaired insulin release by employing a number of cell-physiological and bio

Entry points and reading paths on the newspaper spread: Comparing semiotic analysis with eye-tracking measurements.

The aim of this paper is to compare general assumptions about newspaper reading with eye tracking data from readers authentic interaction with the newspaper. In the first step, we extract assumptions about newspaper reading from the (socio)semiotic literature. Second, we apply these assumptions in an analysis of a newspaper spread. The newspaper spread is analysed without any knowledge of the actu

Automatic fermentation control based on a real-time in situ SIRE (R) biosensor regulated glucose feed

Monitoring and regulation of fermentations is of a paramount industrial and academic importance in order to keep conditions optimal during the entire process. Established techniques employed today include HPLC and spectrophotometry, which both have the disadvantage that broth samples have to be drawn from the fermentor and that they often require sample pre-treatment. The objectives of this study

Aggregation in a protein-surfactant system. The interplay between hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions

By precipitating a complex salt Ly(OS)(8) of the positively charged protein lysozyme and the anionic surfactant octyl sulfate OS-, one can generate a true ternary system: water-Ly(OS)(8)-NaOS. Using NMR diffusometry and U spectroscopy measurements the thermodynamic parameters of the association processes have been determined. The solubility product of the complex salt, K-s, is 10-(28) M-9.(1) On a

Differences in Backbone Dynamics of Two Homologous Bacterial Albumin-binding Modules: Implications for Binding Specificity and Bacterial Adaptation.

Proteins G and PAB are bacterial albumin-binding proteins expressed at the surface of group C and G streptococci and Peptostreptococcus magnus, respectively. Repeated albumin-binding domains, known as GA modules, are found in both proteins. The third GA module of protein G from the group G streptococcal strain G148 (G148-GA3) and the second GA module of protein PAB from P.magnus strain ALB8 (ALB8-

The impact of nicotine on osseointegration - An experimental study in the femur and tibia of rabbits

Objectives: The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of an enhanced systematic dose of nicotine on osseointegration of titanium implants. Material and methods: Sixteen female rabbits received either nicotine ( n = 8) or saline ( n 8) administered subcutaneously via mini-osmotic pumps for 2 months. The pump delivered 6 mg/kg/min of nicotine for the animals in the test group. Blood was

High-resolution infrared study of the nu(11) band of allene

The high-resolution infrared spectrum of allene has been observed in the 280-380 cm(-1) region at a nominal resolution of 0.00125 cm(-1) using the IR beamline at the MAX-1 electron storage ring in Lund. The spectrum shows the bending fundamental of the nu(11) band from which spectroscopic constants for the nu(11) level have been obtained. The accompanying hot band component 2nu(11)(2)-nu(11)(1) ha

Utvidgad etikprövning - en utmaning för humanister och samhällsvetare

Från den 1 januari 2004 gäller en ny lag om etikprövning av forskning som avser människor. De viktigaste förändringarna från 2004 blir att en central och sex regionala nämnder för etikprövning inrättas som fristående myndigheter. Lagen har aktualiserats genom Sveriges undertecknande av Europarådets konvention om mänskliga rättigheter och biomedicin. Den omfattar forskning på levande personer, men

Population dynamics in wastewater treatment plants with enhanced biological phosphorus removal operated with and without nitrogen removal

The population dynamics of activated sludge in a pilot plant with two activated sludge systems, both designed for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), but one of them with (BNP) and the other without (BP) nitrogen removal, was monitored during a period of 2.5 years. The influent water to the pilot plant was periodically manipulated by external addition of phosphorus (P), acetate and gluc

Current molecular understanding of Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome.

Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (ARS) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder affecting the development of the eyes, teeth and abdomen. The syndrome is characterised by complete penetrance but variable expressivity. The ocular component of the ARS phenotype has acquired most clinical attention and has been dissected into a spectrum of developmental eye disorders, of which open-angle glaucoma repr

Tributyl Citrate Oligomers as Plasticizers for Poly (lactic acid): Thermo-mechanical Film Properties and Aging

Poly (lactic acid), PLA, is a biodegradable thermoplastic that can be produced from renewable resources. The polymer is of interest for production of films for packaging applications. However, plasticization of PLA is required in order to obtain films with sufficient flexibility. PLA was blended with tributyl citrate (TbC) and two oligomers of TbC that were synthesized by transesterification of tr

Autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma by subtype

Background. Some autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders are associated with increased risks of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Because different NHL subtypes develop at different stages of lymphocyte differentiation, associations of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders with specific NHL subtypes could lead to a better understanding of lymphomagenic mechanisms. Methods: In a population-based ca

Assessment of fracture risk

The diagnosis of osteoporosis is based on the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD). There are a number of clinical risk factors that provide information on fracture risk over and above that given by BMD. The assessment of fracture risk thus needs to be distinguished from diagnosis to take account of the independent value of the clinical risk factors. These include age, a prior fragility fract