

Din sökning på "*" gav 531343 sökträffar

Amyloid blood biomarker detects Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is currently incurable, but there is general agreement that a minimally invasive blood biomarker for screening in preclinical stages would be crucial for future therapy. Diagnostic tools for detection of AD are either invasive like cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers or expensive such as positron emission tomography (PET) scanning. Here, we determine the secondary structu

Relationship to parents in adulthood with a background of out-of-home care in childhood

The longitudinal study started with children aged up to 4 who had been taken into care because of unacceptable living conditions and deficient parental care. After their initial stay in a children's home, the 26 children in the research group went on to have diverse placement histories throughout their childhood (up to age 18). The children have been divided into 4 subgroups in accordance with the

An Intuitive Design Method for Disturbance-Rejecting Peak Filters

We present a method for augmenting a nominal controller with a peak filter to achieve improved rejection of narrowband disturbances. The method is based on consideration of the open-loop Nyquist curve, which arguably makes it more intuitive and flexible than previous approaches. We also comment on some implementation aspects, and give an application example based on a control problem at a particle

Pathophysiology of meningioma growth in pregnancy

Meningioma is among the most frequent brain tumours predominantly affecting elderly women. Epidemiological studies have shown that at the age of fertility the incidence is relatively low. The biological behaviour of meningioma in pregnancy is different from other meningiomas. The possible explanation is rooted in the complex physiological changes and hormonal differences during pregnancy. The incr

Characterization of protein-protein interactions in recombinant hemoglobin producing escherichia coli cells using molecularly imprinted polymers

The worldwide blood shortage has generated demands for alternatives to transfusible human blood. One such important option is based on recombinant hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (rHBOCs). Most efforts have been focused on various E. coli based production systems. One of the key challenges in these systems is to devise an efficient and economical protein production strategy involving selection of

Heavy flavor production in high-energy pp collisions : Color dipole description

We present a detailed study of open heavy flavor production in high-energy pp collisions at the LHC in the color dipole framework. The transverse momentum distributions of produced b-jets, accounting for the jet energy loss, as well as produced open charm D and bottom B mesons in distinct rapidity intervals relevant for LHC measurements are computed. The dipole model results for the differential b

Hur påverkas lustgas- och metanavgivning av stubbskörd?

I fyra försök var utsläppen av de kraftfulla växthusgaserna lustgas och metan ungefär på samma nivå från stubbskördade ytor som från ytor där stubbarna var kvar. Inte heller markberedning gav några signifikanta effekter. De här studierna är de första i världen på det här området, och resultaten måste därför tolkas med viss försiktighet.

Soft tissue angiofibroma : Clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical and molecular analysis of 14 cases

Soft tissue angiofibroma is rare and has characteristic histomorphological and genetic features. For diagnostic purposes, there are no specific antibodies available. Fourteen lesions (6 females, 8 males; age range 7-67 years) of the lower extremities (12) and trunk (2) were investigated by immunohistochemistry, including for the first time NCOA2. NCOA2 was also tested in a control group of other s

Central Limit Theorem for Lipschitz-Killing curvatures of excursion sets Gaussian fields

Our interest in this paper is to explore limit theorems for various geometric functionals of excursion sets of isotropic Gaussian random fields. In the past, asymptotics of nonlinear functionals of Gaussian random fields have been studied [see Berman (Sojourns and extremes of stochastic processes, Wadsworth & Brooks, Monterey, 1991), Kratz and León (Extremes 3(1):57–86, 2000), Kratz and León (

GLP-1 Induces Barrier Protective Expression in Brunner's Glands and Regulates Colonic Inflammation

BACKGROUND: Beneficial roles for glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)/GLP-1R signaling have recently been described in diseases, where low-grade inflammation is a common phenomenon. We investigated the effects of GLP-1 in Brunner's glands and duodenum with abundant expression of GLP-1 receptors, as well as GLP-1 effect on colonic inflammation.METHODS: RNA from Brunner's glands of GLP-1R knockout and wi

Diagnostic microRNA profiling in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL)

Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCLs) are the most frequent primary skin lymphomas. Nevertheless, diagnosis of early disease has proven difficult because of a clinical and histologic resemblance to benign inflammatory skin diseases. To address whether microRNA (miRNA) profiling can discriminate CTCL from benign inflammation, we studied miRNA expression levels in 198 patients with CTCL, peripheral T-c

High levels of microRNA-21 in the stroma of colorectal cancers predict short disease-free survival in stage II colon cancer patients

Approximately 25% of all patients with stage II colorectal cancer will experience recurrent disease and subsequently die within 5 years. MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) is upregulated in several cancer types and has been associated with survival in colon cancer. In the present study we developed a robust in situ hybridization assay using high-affinity Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) probes that specifically detect

Effects of carbonated liquid on swallowing dysfunction in dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia

Background: Swallowing dysfunction is an increasingly recognized problem in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD), which can result in aspiration pneumonia and death. Few studies have examined potential ways of improving swallowing function in this fragile patient group. The aim of this study was to evaluate swallowing dysfunction and carbonated liqui

Relationship between herd-level incidence rate of energy-related postpartum diseases, general risk factors and claw lesions in individual dairy cows recorded at maintenance claw trimming.

Laminitis and energy-related postpartum diseases share several risk factors, indicating a common etiology. Thus, a herd's incidence rate of energy-related postpartum diseases, such as displaced abomasum and clinical ketosis, might reflect the likelihood of cows to suffer from laminitis-related claw lesions. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between herd-level incidence rate

Comparative X-Ray Absorption Analysis of the Spectrum of Vacant Electronic States in Cobalt and Nickel Tetraphenylporphyrin Complexes

The energy distributions and the properties of the lower vacant electronic states in cobalt and nickel tetraphenylporphyrin complexes CoTPP and NiTPP are studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Quasimolecular analysis of the experimental absorption spectra measured in the region of the 2p and 1s ionization thresholds of complexing metal atoms, as well as the 1s thresholds of ligand atoms (nitrog

Predictors of Lymph Node Metastasis in Primary Breast Cancer - Risk Models for Tailored Axillary Management

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning1,7 miljoner nya fall av bröstcancer diagnosticeras årligen i världen. Bröstcancer är kvinnans vanligaste tumörsjukdom och i västvärlden samt Sverige kommer var åttonde till var nionde kvinna att insjukna under sin livstid. Överlevnaden efter bröstcancer är bland de högsta i världen i Sverige, med femårsöverlevnad på cirka 90%. För de kvinnor som diagnosticeras i Most patients with breast cancer present with low-risk tumors, node-negative disease, and excellent prognosis. For these patients, routine axillary nodal staging by sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has no therapeutic benefit. For patients with limited sentinel lymph node metastasis, completion axillary nodal dissection is controversial. Furthermore, those with heavy-burden metastasis could benefi