

Din sökning på "*" gav 533317 sökträffar

On-line density estimators with high efficiency

We present on-line procedures for estimating density functions and their derivatives. At each step, M terms are updated. By increasing M the efficiency compared to the traditional off-line kernel density estimator tends to one. Already for M = 2, it exceeds 99.1% for kernel orders and derivatives of practical interest.

Flow structures in a dissolved air flotation pilot tank and the influence on the separation of MBBR floc

The objective of the study was to find ways of improvement of the dissolved air flotation process by studying the flow structure. The paper presents experimental data on flow structures and the relation between the flow structure and the removal efficiency. Measurements have been performed in a pilot plant with an Acoustical Doppler Velocimeter. The water velocity was measured in a grid net, givin

ForSAFE - an integrated process-oriented forest model for long-term sustainability assessments

Planning management activities for a long-term sustainable forestry requires predictive tools designed for this kind of management. Many tools available today are either designed for planning periods that are too short to consider long-term sustainability, omit important parts of the forest ecosystem or are not capable of considering environmental changes. A long-term potential growth-limiting fac

The effect of packaging material on the sensory properties of broccoli.

Three different commercially available polymeric films were studied to determine their effect on the sensory properties of fresh broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica cv. ‘Marathon’). The polymer materials investigated were oriented polypropylene (OPP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and one low density polyethylene (LDPE) which contained an ethylene absorber. The fresh broccoli was packaged and s

Failure monitoring in water distribution networks

An algorithm for the burst detection and location in water distribution networks based on the continuous monitoring of the flow rate at the entry point of the network and the pressure at a number of points within the network is presented. The approach is designed for medium to large bursts with opening times in the order of a few minutes and is suitable for networks of relatively small size, such

Proposed lipocalin fold for apolipoprotein M based on bioinformatics and site-directed mutagenesis

Apolipoprotein RI (apoM) is a novel apolipoprotein that is predominantly present in high-density lipoprotein, Sensitive sequence starches, threading and comparative model building experiments revealed apoM to be structurally related to the lipocalin protein family. In a 3D model, characterized by an eight-stranded anti-parallel beta -barrel, a segment including Asn135 could adopt a closed or open

One-way wave operators for nonstationary dielectrics

Propagation of transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) pulses in nonstationary, linear, homogeneous, and isotropic dielectric and magnetic materials is investigated using an exact wave splitting. Key intrinsic properties are the index of refraction and the relative admittance, which are both temporal integral operators with kernels that depend on two time variables. In addition, the Sommerfeld fore

Strategies for feeling secure influence parents' participation in care

This study investigates what makes parents of hospitalized children feel secure and factors influencing their level of participation. It also studies, whether the degree to which parents participate affects their child's pain and sleep during hospitalization. Questionnaires were distributed to a series of parents whose children were discharged from two paediatric surgical wards and one paediatric

Patch-clamp characterisation of somatostatin-secreting -cells in intact mouse pancreatic islets

The perforated patch whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique was applied to superficial cells in intact mouse pancreatic islets. Three types of electrical activity were observed corresponding to alpha-, beta- and delta-cells. The delta-cells were electrically active in the presence of glucose but lacked the oscillatory pattern seen in the beta-cells. By contrast, the alpha-cells were

Laser Diagnostics for Applications to In-Cylinder Engine Investigations

In the work presented in the thesis laser diagnostics was employed primarily in the investigation of engines, but was also used to study soot in flames. Quantitative measurements were performed for visualizing both in-cylinder soot formation and DME sprays in a combustion vessel. The DME sprays inside a diesel truck engine were also qualitatively investigated. The combustion process in the HCCI en

Frequency chirp of harmonic and attosecond pulses

We study the phase of the atomic polarization in the process of high-order harmonic generation. Its dependence on the laser intensity and the harmonic order induce a frequency variation in time (chirp) respectively of the harmonic pulses and attosecond pulses. We review the recent experimental results on the temporal characterization of the harmonic emission and show that measurements performed us

The human CD77(-) B cell population represents a heterogeneous subset of cells comprising centroblasts, centrocytes, and plasmablasts, prompting phenotypical revision

The process of becoming an Ig-producing plasma cell takes the mature B cell through the germinal center, where Ig genes are diversified through somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination. To more clearly define functional characteristics of the germinal center dark zone centroblasts and the light zone centrocytes, we have performed expression analysis of the CD77(+) and CD77(-) populatio

A nephritogenic peptide induces intermolecular epitope spreading on collagen IV in experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis

This group previously identified a peptide p13 of alpha 3(IV)NC1 domain of type IV collagen that induces experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis (EAG) in rats with generation of antibodies to sites on alpha 3(IV)NC1 external to the peptide as a result of intramolecular epitope spreading. It was hypothesized that intermolecular epitope spreading to other collagen IV chains also was induced. Rats

Ultrafast opto-terahertz photonic crystal modulator

We present an agile optically controlled switch or modulator of terahertz (THz) radiation. The element is based on a one-dimensional photonic crystal with a GaAs wafer inserted in the middle as a defect layer. The THz electric field is enhanced in the photonic structure at the surfaces of the Ga-As wafer. Excitation of the front GaAs surface by ultrashort 8 10 nm laser pulses then leads to an effi

Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone supplement on health-related quality of life in glucocorticoid treated female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of low dose dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in glucocorticoid treated female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Forty one women (>= 5 mg prednisolone/day) were included in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study for 6 months where DHEA was given at 30 mg/20 mg (= 46 years) d

The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) systematic overview of radiotherapy for cancer including a prospective survey of radiotherapy practice in Sweden 2001 - Summary and conclusions

A systematic assessment of radiotherapy for cancer was conducted by The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) and published in 1996. The assessment reviewed the scientific literature up to 1993 on the use of radiotherapy in the treatment of solid tumours. and estimated the costs associated with radiotherapy It also described the current practise of radiotherapy in Sweden 19