Din sökning på "*" gav 534649 sökträffar
What is Reasonable to Demand? Islam in Swedish Textbooks
Growth of one-dimensional nanostructures in MOVPE
Decentralized Inventory Control in a Two-Level Distrubution System
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Vägen till en färdig C-uppsats kan vara lång – men god handledningsdesign kan skapa genvägar
This paper presents a more efficient model for thesis supervision compared to prevalent practice in many departments within the Humanities.
The Case for Methodological Individualism in Agency Autonomy Research
Over the past few decades, the literature on agency autonomy has increased rapidly. It still struggles, however, to find solid evidence for specific factors explaining variations in autonomy. This paper argues that a reason for this is basic assumptions in this line of research, and more specifically the tendency to focus on factors on the collective level. Using the distinction between methodolog
In The Loop : Rendering Culture and Multi-Targeted Ethnography in Applied Contexts
Power aware communications for wireless OptiMised personal area network
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Reconciliation and Reinterpretation of the Past: The "New" Israeli Historians and their Critics
Rural transformation and vulnerability to hardship. Production, prices and mortality in Sweden, 1750–1860
Allocation decisions and emergency shipments in multi-echelon inventory control
The control of inventories is a key issue for achieving efficient management of supply chains. This Licentiate Thesis is devoted to inventory control theory, a subdiscipline within the field of operations research and the management sciences. The objective of the research presented is: To develop mathematical models for efficient control of stochastic multi-echelon inventory distribution systems,
Cross Linguistic Variation in the Realm of Support Verbs
In this paper I investigate a particular case of cross-Germanic variation, namely a number of syntactic differences with respect to VP Topicalization, VP Ellipsis and VP Pronomi-nalization. Swedish and English turn out to be the two extremes, with Danish and Norwegaian in between; Icelandic is like Swedish, but lacks the possibility to topicalize VP. Arguments are given for the analysis that the s
Fire, Walk with Me: Towards a Geography of the Fourth Topology.
The concept of topology has become a cornerstone in the project of widening the ontological register in both ANT and human geography. The seminal starting point has for many years been ‘Regions, networks and fluids’ by Annemarie Mol and John Law from 1994, an article that for instance influenced John Urry’s outline of a global complexity. In the article, two familiar topologies, the region and the
Statistik i ingenjörsutbildningen: en grundkurs med ett lärandeperpektiv
Arterial Thrombosis in mice with factor V Leiden mutation
Protocol Requirements in an SJTAG/IJTAG Environment
Några fotoninducerade kärnreaktioner vid höga energier
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