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Vetenskap eller sanning? Andersson och Jonung svarar på kritiken
Torben Holck Colding, Miniture- og Emaillemaleri i Danmark 1606-1850 (recension).
REcension av det först översiktsverket över miniatyr- och emaljmåleriet i Danmark.
"Öppet monopol" alternativ till den fria konkurrensen
"Debatten kring de offentliga monopolens framtid kretsar i allmänhet kring två alternativ; den fria konkurrensen kontra det traditionella monopolet. I själva verket är båda dessa behärskade med allvarliga brister, menar organisationskonsulten och forskaren Johan Schlasberg som vill lansera ett nytt begrepp "det öppna monopolet".
Institutional arrangements for limiting economic shrinking: the case of Indonesia
Health and Work Environment among Female and Male Swedish Elementary School Teachers-A Cross-Sectional Study
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Changes in teachers' work situation in Sweden since the 1990s may have contributed to an increase in common mental disorders (CMDs) and burnout. However, there is a lack of research in this field. The aim was to describe how Swedish elementary school teachers experience their health, organizational and social work environment, and the psychosocial safety climate at the w
The Swedish model for resolving the banking crisis of 1991-93. Seven reasons why it was successful
This study presents the main features of the Swedish approach for resolving the banking crisis of 1991-93 by condensing them into seven policy lessons. These concern (1) the importance of political unity behind the resolution policy, (2) a government blanket guarantee of the financial obligations of the banking system, (3) swift policy action where acting early was more important than acting in ex
From wet to dry : The assessment and conservation of the Gribshund figurehead
Anaphoric reference to quantifying expressions in Swedish
Megahertz x-ray microscopy at x-ray free-electron laser and synchrotron sources
Modern emerging technologies, such as additive manufacturing, bioprinting, and new material production, require novel metrology tools to probe fundamental high-speed dynamics happening in such systems. Here we demonstrate the application of the megahertz (MHz) European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (EuXFEL) to image the fast stochastic processes induced by a laser on water-filled capillaries with micr
Evaluation of serial crystallographic structure determination within megahertz pulse trains
The new European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (European XFEL) is the first X-ray free-electron laser capable of delivering intense X-ray pulses with a megahertz interpulse spacing in a wavelength range suitable for atomic resolution structure determination. An outstanding but crucial question is whether the use of a pulse repetition rate nearly four orders of magnitude higher than previously possible
Fyra missförstånd om överskottsmålet
Vi bör hålla fast vid dagens överskottsmål ett tag till. Först när vi kommit ned till 25 procents offentlig skuld kan vi våga överge överskottsmålet, skriver ekonomerna Fredrik N G Andersson och Lars Jonung, Lunds universitet.
Nu på nätet – Knut Wicksells arkiv i en sökbar databas
High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe
There is widespread concern regarding declines in bee populations given their importance for the functioning of both natural and managed ecosystems. An increasing number of studies find negative relations between bee species richness and simplification of agricultural landscapes, but the role of land-use intensity and its relative importance compared to landscape simplification remain less clear.
Long-term follow-up of retinal function and structure in trpm1-associated complete congenital stationary night blindness
Purpose: TRPM1-associated congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is characterized by nystagmus and high myopia. We assessed retinal function and structure over long-term follow-up up to 10 years in two siblings from a family with the homozygous deletion c.2394delC in exon 18 that we previously identified. In addition, we describe retinal function and structure in two other siblings with the
Nomenclature of Genetically Determined Myoclonus Syndromes : Recommendations of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Task Force
Genetically determined myoclonus disorders are a result of a large number of genes. They have wide clinical variation and no systematic nomenclature. With next-generation sequencing, genetic diagnostics require stringent criteria to associate genes and phenotype. To improve (future) classification and recognition of genetically determined movement disorders, the Movement Disorder Society Task Forc
En rättvis omställning av transportsystemet : - En analys av de sociala effekterna av styrmedel för minskade klimatutsläpp
Dagens planeringssystem är uppdelat på många aktörer och har traditionellt drivits av fokus på prognoser, kostnadseffektivitet, och samhällsekonomisk lönsamhet. Klimatutmaningen ställer delvis helt nya krav på planeringen, med ett fokus på att utveckla styrmedel som på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt leder till de utsläppsminskningar som behövs. I detta behövs en större uppmärksamhet på de sociala effe