Din sökning på "*" gav 530145 sökträffar
Characterization of major enzymes and genes involved in flavonoid and proanthocyanidin biosynthesis during fruit development in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)
The biosynthesis of flavonoids and proanthocyanidins was studied in cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) by combining biochemical and molecular approaches. Chemical analyses showed that ripe strawberries accumulate high amounts of pelargonidin-derived anthocyanins, and a larger pool of 3',4'-hydroxylated proanthocyanidins. Activities and properties of major recombinant enzymes were demonstr
Anti-inflammatory properties of titanium in the joint environment. An experimental study in rats
Little is known about the tissue reactions to various implant materials which coincide with an inflammatory reaction. We used the avridine arthritis rat model to evaluate the tissue response in the synovial, interstitial and subcutaneous tissues after implant insertion. Quantitative immunohistochemistry showed that normal joint synovial tissue is dominated by ED2-positive resident macrophages. Pol
Low- and medium-mass ion acceleration driven by petawatt laser plasma interactions
An experimental investigation of low- and medium-mass ion acceleration from resistively heated thin foil targets, irradiated by picosecond laser pulses at intensities up to 5 × 10^20 Wcm−2, is reported. It is found that the spectral distributions of ions, up to multi-MeV/nucleon energies, accelerated from the rear surface of the target are broadly consistent with previously reported measurements m
Visual summation in night-flying sweat bees: A theoretical study
Bees are predominantly diurnal; only a few groups fly at night. An evolutionary limitation that bees must overcome to inhabit dim environments is their eye type: bees possess apposition compound eyes, which are poorly suited to vision in dim light. Here, we theoretically examine how nocturnal bees Megalopta genalis fly at light levels usually reserved for insects bearing more sensitive superpositi
Regional Production and Utilisation of Biomass in Sweden
Regional production and utilization of biomass in Sweden is analysed, considering the potential of replacing fossil fuels and producing new electricity. Extensive utilization of biomass will decrease biomass-transportation distances. The average distance for biomass transportation to a large-scale conversion plant suitable for electricity or methanol production will be 30–42 km when the conversion
Pheasant sexual ornaments reflect nutritional conditions during early growth.
Differences in growth conditions during early life have been suggested to cause long-lasting effects on morphology and quality of adult birds. We experimentally investigated the effect of early growth conditions on the expression of sexual ornaments later in life in male ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). We also investigated the effects on immune function, as it could be a functional li
Unilateral versus bilateral neck exploration for primary hyperparathyroidism: a prospective randomized controlled trial.
Hydrogels from a water-soluble zwitterionic polythiophene: Dynamics under pH change and biomolecular interactions observed using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring
The water-soluble zwitterionic polythiophene, poly(3-((S)-5-amino-5-carboxyl-3-oxapentyl)-2,5-thiophene) hydrochloride (POWT), is a conjugated polyelectrolyte (CPE) with properties well suited for biochip applications. CPEs readily form hydrogels when exposed to water-based buffer solutions or biomolecule solutions. In this work, we used in situ quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D)
Bandwidth considerations for a CALLUM transmitter architecture
This article present an investigation of the combined analog locked loop universal modulator (CALLUM) linear transmitter architecture. A simple approximate formula is derived, linking the instantaneous frequency of the CALLUM signals to the modulation depth of the information signal. Further, the effect of the frequency mismatch between the VCOs present in the CALLUM architecture is examined, and
Molecular phylogeny of the subfamilies in Geometridae (Geometroidea: Lepidoptera)
Molecular sequence data from three gene fragments were used to examine critically a provisional phylogenetic classification based on morphological characters of the Geometridae, one of the most species-rich families of moths. The sister group relationship between Geometridae and Drepanidae gained further support from the molecular analysis, which was based on the ND1 mitochondrial gene and the fir
Effect of fracture on bone turnover markers: A longitudinal study comparing marker levels before and after injury in 113 elderly women
In this longitudinal, prospective, and population-based study (n = 1044), seven BTMs were assessed before and after trauma in 113 elderly women (85 with fractures). Markers were not altered in the immediate postfracture period but were clearly elevated during fracture repair. Recent fracture should thus be taken into account when markers are used in clinical practice.
Neuron-specific RNA interference using lentiviral vectors
Background Viral vectors have been used in several different settings for the delivery of small hairpin (sh) RNAs. However, most vectors have utilized ubiquitously-expressing polymerase (pol) III promoters to drive expression of the hairpin as a result Of the Strict requirement for precise transcriptional initiation and termination. Recently, pol 11 promoters have been used to construct vectors fo
Serum YKL-40 concentrations in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients and YKL-40 expression in malignant plasma cells
Objectives: A potential role in cancer biology is suggested for YKL-40 (CHI3L1, HC gp-39). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical value of serum YKL-40 (sYKL-40) in multiple myeloma (MM) and to examine YKL-40 expression in malignant plasma cells (MM PCs). Methods: sYKL-40 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 82 patients with newly diagnosed MM. YKL-40 expres
Implementation of a labeling algorithm based on contour tracing with feature extraction
This paper describes an architecture of a connected-cluster labeling algorithm for binary images based on contour tracing with feature extraction. The implementation is intended as a hardware accelerator in a self contained real-time digital surveillance system. The algorithm has lower memory requirements compared to other labeling techniques and can guarantee labeling of a predefined number of cl
Cerebral infarction in a girl who developed anticardiolipin syndrome after acute lymphoblastic leukemia
We would like to report a case of cerebral infarction associated with anti-cardiolipin syndrome occurring 8 years after cessation of successful treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 11 years after cranial irradiation.
Common variants in or around the JAZF1, CDKN2A/2B, CDKAL1 and WFS1 genes discriminate between autoimmune and non-autoimmune diabetes
Effect of adjunct metformin treatment on levels of plasma lipids in patients with type 1 diabetes
Background In addition to its glucose-lowering effect, metformin treatment has been suggested to improve lipidaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. In contrast, in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM), information about the effect of metformin treatment on lipidaemia is limited. In this study, we report the effect of a 1-year treatment with metformin vs. placebo on plasma lipids in T1DM patients
Acute leukaemia in children with Down syndrome: a population-based Nordic study
To determine the epidemiology and outcome of children with Down syndrome (DS) diagnosed with acute leukaemia in the Nordic countries, data registered in the Nordic Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (NOPHO) population-based leukaemia registry were analysed. Of 3494 children with acute leukaemia diagnosed between July 1984 and December 2001, 136 patients (3.9%) with DS were identified.
Stimulation-induced damage in rabbit fast-twitch skeletal muscles: a quantitative morphological study of the influence of pattern and frequency
The aim of this study was to determine whether muscle fibre degeneration brought about by chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation was related to the pattern and frequency of stimulation. Rabbit fast-twitch muscles, tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus, were stimulated for 9 days with pulse trains ranging in frequency from 1.25 Hz to 10 Hz. Histological data from these muscles were