

Din sökning på "*" gav 533717 sökträffar

Multiple Memberships - Loyalty Programs from a Consumer Perspective

Purpose: The aim of this study is to unravel consumer motives for enrolling in multiple programs and explore the consumer experience of multiple memberships in the highly competitive loyalty program market. Methodology: We have conducted a qualitative research with a hermeneutic approach. A sample group of nine women in the ages 47-62 were selected based on a snowball sample. Through detailed acco

Effectiveness of Consumer Endorser in Social Media Advertisement - Impact on consumers' attitudes and behaviors

The results of this study shows that the consumer endorser has positive effects in creating effectiveness in the social media advertisement, influencing consumers' attitudes and behaviors. Some characteristics of the endorser which are trustworthiness and attractiveness can create product awareness, interest and desire in the consumers leading to intention to buy. However, expertise of the con

Inspiration eller plagiat för kläder i modebranschen

Vi är omgivna av ett samhälle där marknaden grundar sig på produkter med tilltalande design, vilket har till syfte att locka konsumenter att vilja köpa något trots uteblivet behov. Dyr design på kläder och modeprodukter talar om vilka vi är, åtminstone vilka vi vill vara. Att äga ett dyrt designerplagg innebär status vilket således gör modebranschen till en lukrativ marknad för efterbildning. Syf

Utvärdering av användbarhet i mobiltelefoner

Dagens mobiltelefonanvändare har tillgång till en stor mängd funktioner. Några av dessa har tidigare bara gått att utföra på datorer. Operativsystemen till telefonerna blir mer komplexa för att kunna hantera den större mängden funktioner. En mobiltelefon har begränsade inmatningsmöjligheter och används i olika miljöer så funktionerna måste gå att komma åt snabbt.Detta ställer stora krav på tillver

Psykoterapihandledning: Om Arbetsalliansens betydelse för studentens utveckling i psykoterapeutrollen

Bakgrund: Studiens mål var att undersöka en aspekt av relevanta faktorer för terapeututveckling, nämligen betydelsen av arbetsalliansen mellan handledare och student inom psykoterapihandledning. Syftet var att utforska om arbetsalliansen mellan student och handledare påverkar studentterapeutens upplevelse av utveckling vs stagnation i terapeutrollen. Design: Med hjälp av formulär skattande studen

The Use of Double Tax Treaties and Treaty Shopping: How to Find the Borderline?

The author of the paper discusses the issue of treaty shopping and anti-treaty shopping measures adopted by different states. The purpose of the paper is to find out the algorithm of determination of the borderline between the use of double tax treaties and treaty shopping in international tax law could be found. Thus, the author, firstly, discusses the mechanics of treaty shopping and shows the m

The Four Immeasurables Program: Training empathy and promoting altruism through meditation. An eight-week randomized controlled pilot study.

The general purpose of this randomized controlled pilot study was to investigate the potential effects of The Four Immeasurables Program on empathy and measures assumed to be related to the development of empathy and empathic concern for others such as perceived stress, mindfulness, and self-compassion. Of primary interest was to study whether the program can alter the dispositional tendency to fe

Japanskans klassmarkörer : en närmare titt på klassmarkörerna –tsu, -ko och -hon

Japanese classifiers with emphasis on the three main classifiers –tsu, -ko and –hon will be discussed in this thesis. Initially the word classifier will be analyzed to give us further understanding of the Japanese classifiers. The prime goal of this thesis is to analyze the semantic properties and daily use of the classifiers –tsu, -ko and –hon and to see what these classifiers have in common with

No title

This thesis examines different usages of the particle sa, mostly in sentence-final position, as an interjection and as an interjectional particle, and discusses how it is used by women. The methodology was done by interview with three female informants in the ages 20 to 21. The thesis arguments that there are substantial differences between how sa is used by women and men, and in female roll-langu

Rättssäkerhet och effektivitet- en diskussion om samtyckeskrav vid sexualbrott

Jag skrev om en föreslagen ändring i Brottsbalken (BrB)som syftar till att komplettera kriminaliseringen av "våldtäkt" och "sexuellt tvång" med en paragraf som riktar sig mot "sexuellt övergrepp". Den nya paragrafen ska innebära att en person som företar en sexuell handling mot en annan person mot dennas vilja ska straffas oavsett övriga omständigheter. Jag ville disI wrote about a new proposition to the Swedish Penal Code (BrB) which has the purpose to complement the paragraphs regarding rape (”våldtäkt”) and sexual force (”sexuellt tvång”) with the crime sexual assault (”sexuellt övergrepp”). The new crime will imply that a person who undertakes a sexual action onto another person without the consent of that person will be punished. I wanted to discuss th

Ursprungs- och minoritetsrättigheter vs narkotikakonventionens integritet? : en kartläggning av kokabladets betydelse i Bolivia ur ett ursprungs- och minoritetsperspektiv

This essay aims to discuss the complicacy concerning minority and indigenous rights and its complex relation to other international law instruments. In this research I focus on the situation that occurred when the Bolivian president sent an amendment to the Secretary General concerning the withdrawal of the two articles regarding coca leaf-chewing in the Single Convention on Drugs. The member-stat

Papperslösa på arbetsmarknaden : en kritisk studie om hur fackföreningar och regeringen i Sverige ser på papperslösas mänskliga rättigheter i arbetslivet

Migration has been around from time immemorial because of the possibilities of better life conditions. Undocumented migrants are a particular vulnerable group in the labour market in Sweden as well in Europe. They can mainly be found in low skilled jobs in the informal economy. They work long hours under minimum wage in construction, cleaning and catering. This has complicated the trade unions mai

Roms Macella - en topografisk och källkritisk studie om Roms monumentala marknadsbyggnader

A macellum in ancient Rome was a marketbuilding, distinct from the city´s loud noice and throng. These marketbuildings had distinct variations from the more common and wellknown fora venalia, such as Forum Holitorium, Forum Boarium and Forum Suarium. The major difference is that it was set in a specific building, not as an outdoor open market. In this master (one year) thesis, I am going to anal

Finansiellt risktagande i fastighetsbolag - En jämförelse mellan kommunala och privata fastighetsbolag i sydvästra Skåne.

Vår undersökning visar att det finns betydande skillnader i finansiellt risktagande för kommunala respektive privata fastighetsbolag. Den viktigaste skillnaden är att kommunala fastighetsbolag, som ett resultat av de kan ställa bättre säkerheter och har fler finansieringskällor, är mindre oroade över tillgången på kapital. Detta innebär att de kommunala bolagen kan ha en större skillnad mellan rän

Patent on Survival : a study concerning the TRIPS agreement and the pharmaceutical industry’s production sector – a balancing act between the needs and demands

The world power stems from collisions between different control systems where various participants, such as multinational corporations and the United Nations, are either being encouraged or prevented from pursuing their given activities. It is therefore important to find a balance between enforcing human rights and the ever-expanding economic market. The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects (TRIPS)

Hur kan våld mot kvinnor i Jemen förhindras? : en studie kring frånvaron av ett våldsförbud i konstituionen som kvinnor att åtnjuta sina rättigheter i enlighet med V

The purpose of my paper is to explain how the lack of a violence ban in the constitution of Yemen is affecting women and prevents their rights regarding the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW is an international law which Yemen has adopted and they are obligated to accommodate women’s rights. Based on Yemen’s prehistory, customs, tradition and culture have affe

De stora och lyriken

During the late 20th century the bookmarket has undergone several major changes. Economic difficulties, tax reforms and countenance politics have made the market what it is today. Best selling books have larger share of the market at the cost of higher quality literature and this may result in fewer published titles. Poetry is a genre that is representative for quality literature and is considered

Evolutionens vara eller icke vara

För hundra år sedan hade många av oss svårt för att överleva. Med modern läkemedelskonst kan även de svårast sjuka blomstra. Innebär det att vi har satt evolutionen ur spel? Är detta slutstationen för mänskligheten eller utvecklas vi fortfarande?

Dom som bytte jobb - sju socionomer förklarar horisontella arbetsbyten

The aim was to study how socialworkers were articulating their horizontal change of work. Following questions were used: How does social workers explain and after explain their change of work? How does the social worker give meaning to the process? Which considerations were undertaken during the process? This socialconstructivist study was based upon seven qualitative interviews with social worker

Climate variability and satellite : observed vegetation responses in Tanzania

Climate and vegetation growth of an area are interrelated processes; both take place on small to global scales. However, climate change and variability impacts on vegetation in most places in the world including Tanzania is of great concern since vegetation supports many socio-economic sectors, and plays a crucial role in atmospheric greenhouse gas moderation. This study aims at investigating the