

Din sökning på "*" gav 533717 sökträffar

Limited Project Management Tools Evaluation

The research questions in this study address perceived effectiveness when performing common project management tasks with locally installed Project Management Tools software vs. Cloud Computing Project Management Tools software with Swedish as language. With the Competitive Values Framework framework as a basis, Usability Experiments and questionnaires are used to study perceived effectiveness usi

Internal Branding in the Virtual Web: Recruitment and communication processes in SyNet

This thesis aims to explore to what extent internal branding efforts foster the level of understanding necessary to allow a brand to act as the uniting force of a virtual web. We conclude that focusing on recruitment can establish a baseline for brand understanding, but refined communication processes are necessary to facilitate the level of understanding required to encourage web members to actua

Negative electronic Word of Mouth & Customer Based Brand Equity: A Qualitative View of the Apple iPhone Aversion on Facebook

The emergent Social Media presents risks and opportunities for the brand that academic research still needs to reach further understanding (MSI, 2010). From both theoretical and managerial points of view, research is needed in regards to consumer created negative brand meanings in social media settings. Further, consumers have now the ability to share negative brand product evaluations at a massiv

Shareable Consumption - indications of a social collaborative lifestyle

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the phenomenon of collaborative consumption through creating an understanding of why consumers engage in these consumption activities, and, if possible, relate their intentions to a shared collaborative lifestyle. Methodology: A qualitative case study design has been applied and combined with netnographic observations and a focus group inter

The spatial structure of economic activities in the Netherlands. Discussing regional specialisation trends.

This thesis investigates differences in the industrial composition of employment and value added across COROP regions in the Netherlands for each year over the period 1995-2007. It is found that the direction of the regional specialisation trend – as measured by the Coefficient of Regional Specialisation – has fallen for employment but has risen for value added. This relation is further explored b

A Battle against Regulatory Arbitrage in the Delusive Fringes of Article 49? – The Current State of Law in Terms of Abuse of Right to Establishment for Legal Persons

Genom sitt beslut i målet Centros, öppnade EU-domstolen för en bred användning av etableringsfriheten för juridiska personer. I huvudsak konstaterar domen att det finns situationer där etableringsfriheten kan åberopas för att kringgå nationell lagstiftning. Sådana kringgående transaktioner kan betecknas som regelarbitrage Det ska förstås som åtgärder varigenom ekonomiska aktörer försöker dra nyttThrough its decision in Centros, ECJ opened up for a wide use of the freedom of establishment for legal persons. In substance the ruling concluded that there are situations were the freedom of establishment can be relied upon in order to circumvent national legislation. Such circimventional transactions can be denominated as regulatory arbitrage. It is to be understood as the actions by which eco

"Jag går på soc" En kvalitativ undersökning om försörjningsstödtagares uppfattning om hur samhället ser på dem

Abstract Author: Charlotte Edvinsson Title: I support myself on welfare-A qualitative study of social assistance recipients idea of how society perceive them Supervisor: Agneta Hedblom Assesor: Torbjörn Hjort The need of social assistance has increased dramatically during the 1990s. In large due to the unemployment. A large number of studies have been made which look into how the clients have ex

Radikal eller förtryckt? En studie av hur muslimska kvinnor porträtteras i media

Radical or oppressed? A study of how Muslim women are portrayed in media The aim with our study is to analyze how Muslim women are portrayed and imagined in Swedish media. We have been interested in researching how media affects the public opinion about the Muslim woman in Swedish society and also how it affects Muslim women. We have chosen to concentrate on Muslim women because they are often de

Illegal Importation and Customs VAT Liability:Liability in the EU

The introduction of foreign goods into the European Union is subject to import VAT; some importers seek to introduce goods in an illegal way to have tax advantage and make their business more profitable. Customs seek to control and combat this problem, finding out whether the goods are imported in a proper manner, determining the responsibilities of importers on VAT, and thus impose penalties prov

En studie om interaktioner mellan stress, copingstrategier, optimism och pessimism bland anställda

The purpose of this study was to examine the possible interrelationships between stress, optimism, pessimism and coping strategies. A further aim was to examine the possible gender differences regarding the studies variables. Versions of the questionnaires that measure stress, optimism, pessimism and coping strategies were distributed out to 100 employees in different workplaces and answered indiv

Rätten till muslimskt profilerade skolor - en målkonflikt?

The right to non-public schools with an ethnic or denominational profile has for the past two decades been a highly contested matter in political and media debates in Sweden. This study seeks to examine the political debate surrounding schools of muslim profile. Through a method of descriptive analysis of ideas the study explores the debate about the right to grade schools with a muslim profile a

Mergers & Acquisitions -Is the past the future?

The main purpose of this study is to examine if the relationship between a target and an acquiring company´s abnormal return prior the transaction can affect the outcome in the future. Furthermore, our secondary purpose is to see if Swedish companies have a higher success rate compared to what earlier studies have shown about these phenomena. Finally our third purpose is to try to identify if ther

Jag vill också vara med : den svenska skollagens implementering av vuxnas och barns mänskliga rättigheter

This essay analyses whether agency affects adults and children’s human rights in the law of Swedish elementary school and educational system. It’s done by an analysis of relevant human rights legislative that is aimed to be implemented in the educational system and the Swedish school law. Human rights also need to meet the right to agency set forth in the convention on the rights of the child, art

Methods for measurement of solubility and dissolution rate of sparingly soluble drugs

The drug discovery process has changed dramatically during the last decade. The development of technologies such as combinatorial chemistry has introduced methods to synthesize massive numbers of new diverse compounds. This, combined with High-Throughput Screening techniques HTS, makes it possible in vast numbers to examine the potency in vitro of new compounds. This kind of approach is highly suc

No title

Homophobia is widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa. The causes of homophobia are numerous and interconnected, but the main causes can be found in Africa’s colonial history, and its influence on religion, gender roles and African leaders. Christianity became widespread in Africa during the colonial era, and religion has since played a major role in African societies and in the construction of homophobi

How effective are language trainings for immigrants? Evaluating active labor market policies by applying propensity score matching

Integration programs are important and at the same time controversial parts of an immigration policy. This paper contributes to this debate by evaluating the effectiveness of German language trainings for immigrants with respect to their labor market performance. To allow for possible sample selection bias, the propensity score matching method is applied. This method matches treated and control pe

Corporate environmentalism and its practical implications for managers- A case study about manager`s environmental work at Skanska

Key words: Corporate environmentalism, ecologic-economic decision-making, CSR worldviews Purpose: To explore environmental decision-aming processes at managers at Skanska, also with regard to enviornmental decison-making conceptualizations in theory. Method: The research of the thesis is based on a qualitative approach through the use of semi-structured and open interviews. Furthermore an interpre

Finanskrisers påverkan på revision

Den senaste ekonomiska krisen har skapat problem världen över, inte bara för företag utan även hela länder har varit nära kollaps. Börser världen över har fallit, stora finansiella institut har brutit samman eller köpts upp och regeringar även i de rikaste länder har använt sig av räddningspaket för att rädda sina finansiella system. Utifrån förändringarna i de ekonomiska förhållandena i världen a

Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring of Independent Management Consultants

The study aims to investigate how independent management consultants experience the differences between supervision, mentoring and coaching and how they employ these approaches in their professional development. It also aims to find out how mentoring, coaching and supervision could be conceptualized in a strategy for independent management consultants’ professional development. The paper is based

Valuation Effects of Corporate Cash Holdings

Corporate cash holdings have an important role in the financial management of corporations. Firms hold cash for various reasons, Keynes (1936) states the reasons to be of transaction, precautionary and speculative nature, respectively, and firms’ cash policies differ both on an industry and firm level. Previous empirical studies mainly deal with the determinants and behavior of corporate cash hold