

Din sökning på "*" gav 533452 sökträffar

Strangeness enhancement across collision systems without a plasma

We present novel rope hadronization results for strange hadron enhancement in pp, pPb, and PbPb collisions using PYTHIA/Angantyr at LHC energies. With the rope model for string fragmentation, we find that the strangeness and baryon enhancement has a coherent increase across all collision systems as a function of average charged central multiplicity, in qualitative agreement with LHC data. In AA co

Quantitative assessment of the relationship between land use/land cover (LULC), topographic elevation and land surface temperature (LST) in Ilorin, Nigeria

The urbanization of landscapes and the increase in impervious land cover materials is known to cause significant changes in the landscape's thermal properties, typically leading to urban heat island (UHI). Although previous studies have investigated the impacts of land cover land use (LULC) and other factors on the urban land surface temperature (LST), the results of such studies are mixed. For in

Immigrant ancestry and birthweight across two generations born in Sweden : An intergenerational cohort study

Introduction Differences in birthweight are often seen between migrants and natives. However, whether migrant-native birthweight inequalities widen, narrow or remain persistent across generations when comparing the descendants of immigrants and natives remains understudied. We examined inequalities in birthweight of mothers (G2) and daughters (G3) of foreign-born grandmothers (G1) compared with th

Unsupervised mobile app-based cognitive testing in a population-based study of older adults born 1944

Background: Mobile app-based tools have the potential to yield rapid, cost-effective, and sensitive measures for detecting dementia-related cognitive impairment in clinical and research settings. At the same time, there is a substantial need to validate these tools in real-life settings. The primary aim of this study was thus to evaluate the feasibility, validity, and reliability of mobile app-bas

Tumor markers. Consensus Conference on Diagnosis and Prognostic Parameters in Localized Prostate Cancer. Stockholm, Sweden, May 12-13, 1993

This chapter mainly deals with biochemical aspects on prostate specific antigen (PSA) and its clinical value. To a limited extent, also other tumor markers, which might be of importance in the evaluation of patients with prostate cancer are discussed. In serum, PSA exists in a free form or bound to antichymotrypsin. Interestingly, only 10% of PSA secreted from cancer cells seems to exist in a free

Trä och betong ur miljöperspektiv

Byggbranschen står inför en ny fas. Klimatförändringar och befolkningsökningen ger ökade påtryckningar till att bygga fler bostäder samt att fler kravs ställs på miljövänligare och energieffektivare byggnader. Under en modern bostads livstid råder dess högsta klimatbelastning under produktions- och byggskedet. En lägre klimatpåverkan eftersträvas och därmed behöver byggmetoderna utvecklas. Betong

Management of “the unaccompanied.” In search of a rights-based approach in the context of Swedish “crisis politics”

This chapter focuses on recent policies adopted by the Swedish government in its management of unaccompanied children, and asks what the implications are for the concerned children’s rights. Focusing on conditions for rights, the chapter identifies three tensions which illustrate spaces for rights claiming: the boundary between who is a child and who is an adult, the division of responsibility bet

Women’s experience of the decision-making process for home-based postnatal midwifery care when discharged early from hospital : A Swedish interview study

INTRODUCTION Women and their families are often excluded from reproductive decisionmaking processes in postnatal care, and do not know which choices they have. Shared decision-making is a critical but challenging component of maternity care quality. The aim was to explore women's experience of the decision-making process about early return from hospital with home-based postnatal midwifery care. ME

Hippocampal subregional thinning related to tau pathology in early stages of Alzheimer’s disease

Background: Subregions in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) are affected early by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology and subject to grey matter atrophy. Measuring the earliest AD-related atrophy in the hippocampus is challenging as region-of-interest (ROI) analyses of hippocampal subregional volumes collapse across voxels within anatomical subregions. PET imaging studies, however, report accumulation

Equivalence and polyvalence : A case for the stratification of semantics

The article presents a semantic theory suggesting that equivalence and polyvalence are closely connected phenomena. The connection between them is utilised by making equivalence the basis of an argument for polyvalence within semantics, or in other terms, for a stratified semantics encompassing two levels of description. This argument from equivalence lends new support to frameworks assuming a str

Motstridigheter : Om upplevda integrationsproblem och formuleringen av svensk integrationspolicy

During 2014–2016, Sweden received almost 300,000 people seeking protection. Politically, this asylum reception has been presented as a “crisis”, and a threat to the welfare system as well as Swedish culture. At the same time, many argue that immigration contributes to society's prosperity, both culturally and economically. The aim of this ethnographic study is to examine how problems are formulate

Misdiagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Long-Term Cohort of Early Arthritis Based on the ACR-1987 Classification Criteria

Objective: Correct diagnosis of early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is essential for optimal treatment choices. No pathognomonic test is available, and diagnosis is based on classification criteria, which can result in misdiagnosis. Here, we examined the differences between actual and misdiagnosed RA cases in a long-term cohort of patients included based on the ACR-1987 classification criteria. Method

DeepRecon : Joint 2D Cardiac Segmentation and 3D Volume Reconstruction via a Structure-Specific Generative Method

Joint 2D cardiac segmentation and 3D volume reconstruction are fundamental in building statistical cardiac anatomy models and understanding functional mechanisms from motion patterns. However, due to the low through-plane resolution of cine MR and high inter-subject variance, accurately segmenting cardiac images and reconstructing the 3D volume are challenging. In this study, we propose an end-to-

A CHEOPS-enhanced view of the HD 3167 system

Much remains to be understood about the nature of exoplanets smaller than Neptune, most of which have been discovered in compact multi-planet systems. With its inner ultra-short period planet b aligned with the star and two larger outer planets d-c on polar orbits, the multi-planet system HD 3167 features a peculiar architecture and offers the possibility to investigate both dynamical and atmosphe