

Din sökning på "*" gav 529682 sökträffar

High concentration of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in pancreatic islets

The concentration of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH, thyroliberin) in rat islets of Langerhans is 30-fold higher than in whole rat pancreas, indicating that the islets are the main source of pancreatic TRH. The TRH extracted from islets is indistinguishable from synthetic TRH in its immunological and biological properties and in its inactivation by human serum. The physiologic function of isle

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Rights Lost in Translation? : Analyzing the UN Member State Disputes on International Human Rights Recognition for Sexual and Gender Minorities

Since 2003, the United Nations international human rights framework has moved notably toward increased international human rights recognition for sexual and gender minorities. Most recently, 2016 saw the adoption of an Independent Expert on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Motivated by the nevertheless continued refusal by predominantly African and Middl

Bioolja från befintliga kraftvärmeverk-en systemstudie : Sammanfattning av ett forskningssamarbete mellan Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Karlstad universitet och Kraftringen Energi

Samhällets pågående omställning mot minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser kräver bland annat stora mängder fasta biobränslen och flytande biodrivmedel. Den svenska biobränslepotentialen domineras av bi- och restprodukter från skogen, som sågspån från sågverken och grenar och toppar (sk grot) från avverkning av skog. Att omvandla trä till flytande bränslen med hög omvandlingseffektivitet är utmanande, o

Variation in human milk composition is related to differences in milk and infant fecal microbial communities

Previously published data from our group and others demonstrate that human milk oligosaccharide (HMOs), as well as milk and infant fecal microbial profiles, vary by geography. However, little is known about the geographical variation of other milk-borne factors, such as lactose and protein, as well as the associations among these factors and microbial community structures in milk and infant feces.

Aerospace Electric Generator Specification and Selection - Opportunities and Challenges

The goal of this work is to specify and investigate suitability of a number of selected permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) topologies to be mounted directly on a low pressure shaft (LPS) of a geared turbofan engine. The starting point of the work is to explore the status of electrical machines for more electric engine in order to study different design aspects when identifying and defininThe goal of this work is to specify and investigate suitability of a number of selected permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) topologies to be mounted directly on a low pressure shaft (LPS) of a geared turbofan engine. The starting point of the work is to explore the status of electrical machines for more electric engine in order to study different design aspects when identifying and definin

Open-access portal with hindcast wave data for Skåne and Halland

Wave climate data for the Swedish provinces Skane and Halland, were hindcast using SWAN, a third-generation spectral wave model. The 40-year wave dataset, from 1979 to 2019, is made available through an open-access data portal (https://gis.sgi.se/vagmodell/). The wave data has a three-hour resolution and includes significant wave height, peak wave period, and wave direction. The wave model domain

Vem bygger vi för? : Om tillgänglighet och universell utformning i stadens rum

Vem bygger vi för? är den övergripande frågan i denna licentiatuppsats. Uppsatsensyftar till att belysa och problematisera hur människor inkluderas eller exkluderas iden byggda miljön, till följd av om, och hur mänsklig mångfald ges uttryck ochplats i plan och byggprocessen. Den bygger på två delstudier som behandlar hur detänkta användarna av den byggda miljön kategoriseras i planhandlingar ochstWho are we building for? This is the overarching question in this licentiate thesis.The thesis aims to shed light on and problematise how people are included orexcluded in the built environment due to if, and how human diversity is expressedand visible in the plan and construction process. It is based on two studies that dealwith how the intended users of the built environment are categorised in p

Behandling av alkohol- och narkotikaproblem : En evidensbaserad kunskapssammanställning

Utvärderingens syfteMissbruk och beroende av alkohol är ett av de största folkhälsoproblemen. Narkotikamissbruk är mindre vanligt men har stora medicinska konsekvenser för de berörda. De sociala och juridiska aspekterna är betydande. En kritisk genomgång av litteraturen vad avser behandling av abstinens, protraherad abstinens, behandling i syfte att förhindra återfall, psykologiska och sociala beh

Prenatal exposures to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals and children’s weight trajectory up to age 5.5 in the SELMA study

Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may impact early growth, although information is limited on exposure to combination of multiple EDCs. We aimed to evaluate the effect of prenatal exposure to EDC mixtures on birthweight z-scores and childhood weight trajectories. Twenty-six proven and suspected EDCs, were analyzed in prenatal urine and blood samples from 1118 mothers participating

Eco-chemical mechanisms govern phytoplankton emissions of dimethylsulfide in global surface waters

The anti-greenhouse gas dimethylsulfide (DMS) is mainly emitted by algae and accounts for more than half of the total natural flux of gaseous sulfur to the atmosphere, strongly reducing the solar radiation and thereby the temperature on Earth. However, the relationship between phytoplankton biomass and DMS emissions is debated and inconclusive. Our study presents field observations from 100 freshw

Photoelectrochemical oxidation in ambient conditions using earth-abundant hematite anode : A green route for the synthesis of biobased polymer building blocks

This study demonstrates the use of a photoelectrochemical device comprising earth-abundant hematite photoanode for the oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), a versatile bio-based platform chemical, under ambient conditions in the presence of an electron mediator. The results obtained in this study showed that the hematite photoanode, upon doping with fluorine, can oxidize water even at low

The lexical and typological trajectory of Indo-European gender evolution

The lexical and typological trajectory of Indo-European gender evolution Gerd Carling, Marc Allassionère-Tang, Silvia Luraghi, Sunny Pydugadu, Olof Lundgren &Filip Larsson(Lund University, University of Lyon, Pavia University, Pavia University, Lund University & Lund University) Keywords: Indo-European, gender, typology, evolution, phylogeneticsIndo-European is a family with a relatively s

Streams, sewage, and shallow groundwater : stream-aquifer interactions in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

The Kathmandu Valley in Nepal is facing a water quantity and quality crisis due to rapid urbanization and haphazard water and wastewater planning and management. Annually, groundwater extractions in the Kathmandu Valley exceed capture, resulting in groundwater table declines. Streams are often important sources of recharge to (or destination of discharges from) aquifers. However, stream-aquifer in

A Fair Distribution of Responsibility for Climate Adaptation : Translating Principles of Distribution from an International to a Local Context

Distribution of responsibility is one of the main focus areas in discussions about climate change ethics. Most of these discussions deal with the distribution of responsibility for climate change mitigation at the international level. The aim of this paper is to investigate if and how these principles can be used to inform the search for a fair distribution of responsibility for climate change ada

Intraspecific variation in metal tolerance modulate competition between two marine diatoms

Despite widespread metal pollution of coastal ecosystems, little is known of its effect on marine phytoplankton. We designed a co-cultivation experiment to test if toxic dose–response relationships can be used to predict the competitive outcome of two species under metal stress. Specifically, we took into account intraspecific strain variation and selection. We used 72 h dose–response relationship

Assessment of IsPETase-Assisted Depolymerization of Terephthalate Aromatic Polyesters and the Effect of the Thioredoxin Fusion Domain

Terephthalate polyesters such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) have been massively produced over the last few decades due to their attractive properties in multiple applications. However, due to their limited biodegradability, they have accumulated in landfills and oceans, posing an environmental threat. Enzymatic recycling technologies are predicted to generate long-term socioeconomic benefi