

Din sökning på "*" gav 534558 sökträffar

Ownership - a challenged Consumer Ideal. A Study of two Collaborative Consumption Practices: Clothes Swapping and Clothing Libraries

This research is a theoretical contribution to CCT and existing literature on ownership, investigating whether ownership has become an out-dated ideal in consumer culture. We explore how Millennials negotiate issues of ownership and sharing in the context of collaborative consumption. Consequently, the study provides insights on new consumption forms, and more specifically swapping and access-base

Real-time Panorama Stitching using a Single PTZ-Camera without using Image Feature Matching

In surveillance applications one thing to consider is how much of a scene one can cover with a camera. One way to augment this is to take images with overlap and blend them, creating a new image with bigger field of view and thereby increase the scene coverage. In this thesis work we have been looking at how one can create panorama images with a pan-tilt-camera and how fast it can be done. We chos

Lärplattformar i skolan - En studie av lärares användaracceptans

Idag använder sig en majoritet av alla svenska grund- och gymnasieskolor av en lärplattform. En lärplattform är mjukvara som stödjer både det administrativa och pedagogiska arbetet och används bland annat till kommunikation, bedömning och till att tillhandahålla material i undervisningen. Uppsatsen kopplar samman lärares upplevelser av dessa lärplattformar till teorier gällande användaracceptans.

Product development of a system for people with visual impairment

Detta examensarbete utfördes i samarbete med LVI, Low Vision International AB för att utveckla ett nytt arbetsplatsanpassat system för personer med nedsatt syn. Företaget är specialiserat på att utveckla, producera och sälja olika typer av tekniska synhjälpmedel i Sverige, Europa och USA. De hjälpmedel som utvecklas på LVI består till största del av förstorande läskameror som finns i olika utföranThis thesis objective was to design a workplace integrated system for people with visual impairment for LVI, Low Vison International. The system is in the same category of video magnifiers as the company’s other products and it was desired from the company that the product maintained the overall LVI design language. Initially a pre-study was performed that consisted of identifying the user, analy

Arms, Alliances and Trade

With the use of arms trade data spanning the time period between 1992 and 2010, this thesis sets out to study what influence joining NATO has on a country’s volume of arms export and its probability of exporting arms. An assessment is also made of how NATO members trade arms. The data is estimated with a set of different gravity models and by using linear regressions evaluating volume and logistic

NPD Project Evaluation in the Manufacturing Industry

Title: NPD Project Evaluation in the Manufacturing Industry Seminar date: 26 May 2015 Course: FEKN90 Authors: Carl Ekbom and Alexander Wrange Supervisor: Ph.D. Christian Koch Key words: NPD projects, evaluation methods, evaluation criteria, portfolio management, manufacturing industry Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how new project de-velopment (NPD) project

The Impact of Venture Capital on Business Dynamics in Europe and the United States

The venture capital industry is seen to be favourable for an economy’s business dynamics. Using a panel of 23 countries over 2004 – 2012, the thesis explores the linkage of venture capital with firm births, employment in newly born firms and survival rates. The aggregate approach allows considering the implicit multiplier effect of VC. The thesis proposes a reconsideration of venture capital for e

Slumpen som Investeringsstrategi

Studien undersöker om det är mer fördelaktigt att slumpmässigt skapa sig sin egen portfölj av aktier än att slumpmässigt välja en aktivt förvaltad aktiefond. Det görs genom att använda en Monte Carlo-metod där vi simulerar ett stort antal portföljer bestående av de mest omsatta aktierna på Stockholmsbörsen, dessa jämförs sedan med hur Sverigefonderna har presterat under samma tidsperiod. För jämfö

Influential Factors within MNCs: From an Extended Agency Perspective

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to give further understanding of the relationship between subsidiaries and HQ by applying it to the broader agency theory perspective. By providing empirical material from a case study, the purpose is to further enrich and complement the agency theory applied to the context of subsidiary and HQ relationship. Methodology: This study is a qualitative case study of

Det Digitala Museet - En studie om myndigheten Livrustkammaren, Skoklosters slott och stiftelsen Hallwylska museets arbete med digitalisering

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to demonstrate how the government agency constituted by the Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and The Hallwyl Museum (further on shortened as LSH) works with digitization of their collections. The aim is also to present which opportunities and problems this process may bring. A presentation of the digitization process in the “centralmuseerna” (museums that ar

Credit Rating Changes and Post-M&A Firm Value: Assessing the importance of credit ratings changes as a motive for successful M&A

This research shows the impact of credit rating change (thereafter CRC) announcements on the combined entities following mergers and acquisitions. In looking at the effect of CRC announcements on share prices, we measure the level of influence that a credit upgrade or downgrade has on the equity value of firms. Existing literature disputes the applicability of share price as a measure of value cre

The Chinese Maritime Frontier: 10th — 16th Century

China’s maritime development during 200 B.C. to 1600 A.D. is usually vastly overlooked compared to its counterpart: Europe. Traditionally, Europe’s maritime development has been associated as the frontier of maritime growth, which began around the sixteenth century and eventually evolved into modern economic growth. However, the thesis challenges that Europe was the frontier of maritime growth; ra

To buy or not to buy - public or private. A study regarding the announcement effect and value creation in different types of M&A transactions

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the abnormal returns for the acquiring firms surrounding M&A announcements. The emphasis of the study lies on examining the difference in abnormal returns between acquiring public and private firms. Secondly, the study aims to get theoretical insights by examining the relationship between the magnitude of abnormal returns and different deal char

Thicker than water : exploring values among actors sharing a water body for effective management : the case of Lake Ringsjön

The underlying values people hold in relation to the environment is an important aspect to consider when natural areas are shared. These underlying values, so called value orientations, and differences in values directed towards a natural phenomenon can impact views on suitable management, lead to disagreements and even conflict. Understanding of the diverse aspects people value can therefore be i

Incitament för energibesparing i studentbostäder - Energieffektiva åtgärder för studentbostäder i Lunds kommun

De ständigt ökande klimatförändringarna orsakade av människan har visat sig medföra enorma komplikationer för stora delar av världen. Insatser som syftar till att bekämpa de negativa klimatförändringarna som har uppstått till följd av växthusgasutsläpp utvecklas nu på allvar och de negativa effekterna kan bland annat dämpas genom en effektivare energianvändning. I det moderna samhället står byggnDue to the constantly increasing threat caused by climate change necessary measures against the current situation needs to be accomplished. This study shows that one potential approach to reach this goal is by a more effective way of energy consumption. In this study the energy use of students in the city of Lund in Sweden was assessed. The purpose of the study was to find out what sort of driving

Nordic Banks - Credit Risk and Risk Linkages

The recent global financial crisis has once again shown how fragile the financial system is. This essay investigates the credit risk in the Nordic banking sector by measuring the probability of default of the six major Nordic banks. This is done by using the Merton (1974) model which utilizes stock prices as well as balance sheet data. The results are compared with an approach first suggested by H

Communicate to Cash-Out? A critical review of recommendations and realities in startup

The purpose of this study is to explore the field of strategic communication in startups by investigating communication in start-ups and, in doing so, critically questioning its function within startups. A qualitative research approach was cho-sen, carried out as a case study of the startup scene in Berlin based on 14 expert interviews and a content analysis of online magazine articles and blog en

"Målsägande verkar lite knepig". En diskursanalys av femininitet i polisens kvinnoregister.

In December 2014 Swedish radio leaked that Swedish police kept a record about women reporting that they have been exposed to domestic violence. The record contained subjective comments about 2500 women. The record has been kept at and used by Polisen Södertörns victim group, and holds subjective comments about both the women and their related. The record has been established and used during the ye