

Din sökning på "*" gav 534513 sökträffar

Detektering av igentäppta dagvattenbrunnar i smart cities

In the urban society there are more and more hard surfaces that prevent the natural drainage of rain water. To lead the runoff of rain water and to avoid flooding it is crucial that the systems for drainage work properly. In the event of a storm drain being blocked, flooding can occur due to the rain water not being able to flow in to the storm drain. A system that can send an alarm when a storm d

Samtalsstyrning i molnet

Abstract Through today’s Cloud platforms, one can easily gain access to several services that eases collaboration and data storage. This thesis focuses on developing and deploying a web application, with the help of a cloud platform, which is able to search through data with the purpose of redirecting a telephone call. The thesis is done in collaboration with Telavox, who wants to broaden the prod

Börsintroduktioner som kortsiktig investering

Titel: Börsintroduktioner som kortsiktig investering - En studie om en kvantitativ, tidsbaserad investeringsstrategi vid börsintroduktioner Seminariedatum: 1 juni 2018 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH89 Examensarbete i Finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Erik Johnsson, Måns Lindnér, Melissa Skog Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Fem nyckelord: Börsintroduktion, BHAR, Kortsiktigt perspektiv, Title: Börsintroduktioner som kortsiktig investering - En studie om en kvantitativ, tidsbaserad investeringsstrategi vid börsintroduktioner Seminar date: 1 June 2018 Course: FEKH89 Bachelor’s Degree Project in Financial Management Undergraduate Level, Business Administration Undergraduate Level, 15 University Credits Points Authors: Erik Johnsson, Måns Lindnér, Melissa Skog Advisor: Anamaria Co

En stödd kultur, en stött kultur : Litteraturstödet 2018 - föreställningar och förväntningar

I början av 2018 utbröt en debatt om kulturrådets utdelning av litteraturstöd i svenska dagstidningar. I samband med uttalanden från kulturminister Alice Bah Kuhnke menade vissa av bokmarknadens aktörer att litteraturstödet är utsatt för politisk styrning och att kvalitetskriteriet bortprioriteras. Uppsatsen undersöker de olika förväntningarna och föreställningarna som finns på litteraturstödet. J

Comparison of mutual fund ranking patterns: A case of U.S. technology sector funds

This paper presents a comparison of ranking between two different performance measures, Sharpe Ratio and Certainty Equivalent Returns, on U.S. tech sector funds. Firstly, we compared the ranking of funds based on the Sharpe Ratio family, i.e. the traditional Sharpe Ratio, Reward-to-VaR and Reward-to-ES. The strong correlation between the rankings is in line with the previous studies. Further, by c

”Kreativa medarbetare sökes” – En studie om huruvida kreativitet på en reklambyrå kan prediceras utifrån typ av regulatory focus, typ av motivation och grad av öppenhet för erfarenhet

Studien ämnade att undersöka huruvida det går att predicera kreativitet utifrån variablerna typ av regulatory focus, typ av motivation och öppenhet för erfarenhet då kreativitet som egenskap kan vara problematisk att mäta. Syftet med undersökningen var att företag ska kunna använda denna kunskap vid rekryteringar, bemötande av personal och samarbetsfrågor. För detta syfte använde studien sig av reThe study aimed to explain whether it is possible to predict Creativity based on the variables Regulatory Focus style, Motivation style and Openness for Experience since the trait creativity can be troublesome to measure. The ambition was that companies will find this information useful when recruiting new co-workers, handling employees and when dealing with cooperation matters. To serve this purp

Performing Sustainability in Fast Fashion Retailing

This paper stems from understanding how fast fashion retailers market their sustainability and how the retail space drives different forms of sustainable performances and consumption. Departing from a practice-based approach and practice theory, the study gives insights on how retailers actions in the production chain are translated in-store and online for consumers sense-making, performances and

Vändpunkter för att lämna ett kriminellt förflutet: före detta kriminellas erfarenheter gällande återanpassning.

The aim of this study was to examine what factors ex-offenders consider has facilitate and prevent their turning points for leaving a criminal life. In addition, the purpose was also to investigate how ex-offenders experienced prison as a factor for re-entry in society. From those two perspectives of view we also wanted to ascertain if prison or factors that are non-legal are the most successful f

Environmentalism of the occupied: A slow violence perspective on the West Bank’s deteriorating agricultural sector, and an overview of Palestinian agro-resistance in the struggle towards food sovereignty

This thesis explores what it means to struggle for food sovereignty under belligerent occupation. It makes the argument that the deliberate suppression of agriculture in the West Bank (occupied Palestinian territories) and ensuing deterioration of food sovereignty can be understood as an example of “slow violence,” further entrenching the settler-colonial occupation of Palestine. The settler-colon

Improving a Complete Vehicle Model for Solidity Simulations

Målet med examensarbetet är att korrelera en simuleringsmodell med ett fysiskt test av en Lynk & Co 01. Simuleringsmodellen är en komplett fordonssimulering som innefattar en simuleringsmodell i Adams och en simuleringsmodell i MSC Nastran. För att kunna utföra korrelationen är olika förkorrelationsfaser nödvändiga. Dessa faser består av att få en förståelse för simuleringsmodellen, utveckla vThe aim of the master thesis project is to correlate a simulation model with a physical test of the Lynk & Co 01. The simulation model is a complete vehicle simulation which includes an Adams simulation model and a MSC Nastran simulation model. To carry out the correlation, different pre-correlation phases are necessary. These phases consist of obtaining an understanding of the simulation mode

The Influence of Credit Growth on Output Growth in Iceland: A VEC Model Approach

In this thesis we used a Vector Error Correction (VEC) model to analyse whether changes in credit growth have a significant effect on output in Iceland using monthly data for the period 1997-2017. Both our results from the error variance decompositions and the impulse response functions suggest that changes in credit and exports have a large impact on Icelandic output. We conclude that changes in

Gender coding and the consequences of campaigns for equality - A study in the wake of #MeToo

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how gender relations are expressed by women within the IT occupation. Moreover, our objective is also to enhance our understanding of the meanings of campaigns for increased equality, by more specifically aiming to comprehend the meaning or meanings of the #MeToo campaign. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative abductive research approach

Unga traumatiserade flyktingars upplevelse av behandling med neurofeedback

Som ett möjligt och allvarligt tillstånd i reaktion på en traumatisk händelse så innebär posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (PTSD) ofta funktionsnedsättningar, komorbiditet och nedsatta livsfunktioner. Utan behandling riskerar patienten framtida relationella och sociala problem samt svårigheter att delta i arbetslivet med omfattande behov av psykiatriska insatser och samhällsstöd. Barn och ungdomar utgöAs a possible and serious condition following a traumatic event, posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) often entails disability, comorbidity and damaged life functions. Left untreated, patients are at risk of future relational, social and employment difficulties, entailing extensive psychiatric resources and social support. Children and adolescents represent a high-risk group as the condition can l

A Linear, Wide-band, Low-Power Receiver for Narrowband- Internet of Things (NB-IoT)

Advancement of technology with the aid of new application, wireless communication has grown rapidly in the past two decades. Recently, in the wireless communication industry, Narrowband- Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is being discussed by everyone, as the most important emerging technology of the day. Being a wireless technology, owing to the exodus of devices to be connected, with due consideration

Are we Going to Burn Everything? Agbogbloshie’s Informal E-waste Workers’ Perspectives

This study engages with the informal e-waste sector, its financial, environmental and human health impacts as perceived by the e-waste workers. Although recovering resources from e-waste informally is useful to the financial needs of the workers, the rudimentary techniques employed are detrimental to the human-environment system. Surprisingly, not much is known about the perception of informal e-w

Managing Factors that Affect Utilizations of Open Government Data: A Case Study of a Municipality

Governments and municipalities are now starting to open up their large amount of collected data and provide it as open government data. The opening of data is often simplified, and the complexity of the phenomena is generally not understood by municipalities. In line with this, the purpose of the thesis is to discuss how the factors that affect utilizations of open government data are being manage

Föräldrars upplevelse av information och kommunikation med sjuksköterskan när deras barn vårdas för cancer

Bakgrund: Nästan varje dag diagnostiseras ett barn med cancer i Sverige. Barncancer drabbar inte bara barnet utan även resten av familjen. Sjuksköterskan spelar en central roll i omvårdnaden kring barnet och familjen och behöver kunna möta varje individs behov. Syfte: Att undersöka föräldrars upplevelse av information och kommunikation med sjuksköterskan när deras barn vårdas för cancer. Metod: En

Framtidens ledarprocesser: I en automatiserad värld

Automatisering har haft en stor påverkan i det svenska näringslivet och spås att fortsättas. Vi har genom intervjuer med olika ledare samlat in data som berättar om hur de tror ledare i framtiden kommer bli påverkade av automatiseringen. Resultaten visar på en tro om förändrat arbetsbörda, stort ansvar vid implementering av automatisering och ökat krav på teknisk förståelse. Resultaten visar också

Optimal Pulse Electric Field (PEF) Treatment for Drying of Carrots

Pre-treatment with pulse electric field (PEF) of whole carrots was investigated, with the aim of achieving maximal tissue damage and reduce drying time of carrot cubes. Relative electrolyte leakage (REL) measurements and trypan blue staining was used to evaluate the extent of tissue damage of carrots subjected to PEF. The investigated PEF parameters were: electric field strength, number of pulses,