

Din sökning på "*" gav 528344 sökträffar

Picosecond dynamics in a millimetre-wave RTD-MOSFET wavelet generator

The performance of a millimetre-wave wavelet generator under picosecond-pulsed trigger operation conditions has been evaluated experimentally. The reactively-loaded resonant tunnelling diodes metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor circuit is shown to generate well-formed wavelets for control pulse-lengths down to approximately the free-running carrier oscillation period. Transient circu

Fetal scalp blood sampling during labor: an appraisal of the physiological basis and scientific evidence

Fetal cardiotocography is characterized by low specificity; therefore, in an attempt to ensure fetal well-being, fetal scalp blood sampling has been recommended by most obstetric societies in the case of a non-reassuring cardiotocography. The scientific agreement on the evidence for using fetal scalp blood sampling to decrease the rate of operative delivery for fetal distress is ambiguous. Based o

Effects of increasing doses of glucagon-like peptide-1 on insulin-releasing phases during intravenous glucose administration in mice

Chan HM, Jain R, Ahren B, Pacini G, D'Argenio DZ. Effects of increasing doses of glucagon-like peptide-1 on insulin-releasing phases during intravenous glucose administration in mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 300: R1126-R1133, 2011. First published February 9, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00687.2010.-The increase in insulin secretion caused by glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and GLP-1 m

Direct and indirect aggression and victimization in adolescents - Associations with the development of psychological difficulties.

Background Previous research has established that direct and indirect forms of aggression differ in their association with gender and type of psychological difficulties. One purpose of the present study was to test if the same applies to direct and indirect victimization. A second purpose was to study these associations not only cross-sectionally (as in most previous research) but also longitudina

Climate-driven ecosystem succession in the Sahara: The past 6000 years

Desiccation of the Sahara since the middle Holocene has eradicated all but a few natural archives recording its transition from a "green Sahara" to the present hyperarid desert. Our continuous 6000- year paleoenvironmental reconstruction from northern Chad shows progressive drying of the regional terrestrial ecosystem in response to weakening insolation forcing of the African monsoon and abrupt hy

The effects of water availability on root growth and morphology in an Amazon rainforest

This study examined how root growth and morphology were affected by variation in soil moisture at four Amazon rainforest sites with contrasting vegetation and soil types. Mean annual site root mass, length and surface area growth ranged between 3-7 t ha(-1), 2-4 km m(-2) and 8-12 m(2) m(-2) respectively. Mean site specific root length and surface area varied between 8-10 km kg(-1) stop and 24-34 m

Income Inequality, Economic Growth and Stroke Mortality in Brazil: Longitudinal and Regional Analysis 2002-2009.

Stroke accounts for more than 10% of all deaths globally and most of it occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Income inequality and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita has been associated to stroke mortality in developed countries. In LMIC, GDP per capita is considered to be a more relevant health determinant than income inequality. This study aims to investigate if income inequal

A chopper system for the MAX IV thermionic pre-injector

The MAX IV pro-injector will have one thermionic and one photocathode S-band RF gun, where the former will be used for ring injections. During ring injections, the bunches leaving the pre-injector have a structure that consists of ten 10 ns bunch trains, each containing three bunches. A chopper system consisting of two striplines and an adjustable aperture is used, where the desired bunch structur

Aeration control - a review

This review covers automatic control of continuous aeration systems in municipal wastewater treatment plants. The review focuses on published research in the 21st century and describes research into various methods to decide and control the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and to control the aerobic volume with special focus on plants with nitrogen removal. Important aspects of control system i

A comparative study of elevation data from different sources for mapping the coastal inlets and their catchment boundaries

Mapping coastal inlets and their catchment areas is essential for management of the coastal zone. The coastal inlets are important channels of exchange of nutrients, water and sediment between the land and sea. They are also important elements of the coastal hydrological system and play a vital role in controlling the water flow into the sea during floods. Blocking of the coastal inlets is one of

Buffer layer free large area bi-layer graphene on SiC(0001)

The influence of hydrogen exposures on monolayer graphene grown on the silicon terminated SiC(0 0 0 1) surface is investigated using photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM) and micro low-energy electron diffraction (mu-LEED). Exposures to ionized hydrogen are shown to have a pronounced effect on the carbon buffer (interface) layer. Exposures to atomic hydrogen are s

Induced hypothermia after cardiac arrest

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund: Nio av tio patienter som läggs in på sjukhus efter hjärtstillestånd utanför sjukhus är medvetslösa och behöver intensivvård. Dödligheten och risken för varaktiga hjärnskador är stor. Förhöjd kroppstemperatur under intensivvården är förenat med sämre överlevnad och hjärnfunktion. Nedkylning har i djurexperimentella och preliminära kliniska studier visat sig varThis thesis is based on studies of the clinical use of induced hypothermia as an intervention to reduce mortality and neurological impairment after cardiac arrest. After the publication of two trials indicating benefit of induced hypothermia, we developed a registry to assess outcome, possible adverse events and conduct of induced hypothermia when this intervention was implemented in a clinical p

Measuring systemic problems in National Innovation Systems. An application to Thailand

The paper contributes to research on innovation systems in general and, in particular, to the current debate on rationales for innovation policy by providing a framework to identify systemic problems in a given system of innovation and test the framework empirically. The data were drawn from the Thai Community Innovation Survey in the period after which a major change in the country's innovation s