

Din sökning på "*" gav 526355 sökträffar

An Upcoming Threat to Public Health: A case study on obesity and the structural challenges present in Indonesia

Obesity rates have been increasing at an alarming pace across the globe however, little has been done to address the issue even in high income countries. To further problematize this issue, many researchers and public health officials have conceptualized obesity as being individually based, rather than analyzing it from a structural perspective. This challenge will be extended to developing countr

Performance of the Defendant Role

Given the fact that experimental studies have found an influence on legal decision making by the court’s impression of the defendant, while at the same time the defendant has been foreseen in research on courtroom interaction and emotion, it is highly significant to study the way the defendant interact during criminal trials. This thesis is based on an ethnographic-inspired study conducted in Swed

From ‘Nordic Exceptionalism’ to ‘Swedish Expansionism’

The recent growth of the Swedish prison population and police force suggests a stark reversal from the small, rehabilitation oriented criminal justice system described in the “Nordic penal exceptionalism thesis.” This paper is based on a narrative analysis of documents published by the Government Offices of Sweden in the collection titled “A Safer Sweden” from 2013 to 2021. This research aims to u

Development of a plant-based ice cream

It is a challenge to make ice cream without any dairy ingredients, since the components in dairy contribute to the unique flavour and structure of the ice cream. The aim with this project was to develop an ice cream mix containing only plant-based ingredients. The source of the main ingredient, the plant-base, was chosen by the company of which this project was requested by. The aim was to develop

Work from Home - Information Security Threats and Best Practices

With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic a majority of the workforce were compelled to start working from home. In conjunction with this sudden shift, threats concerning information security have reportedly increased, which organisations may not have been prepared for. To address these threats, there are a variety of organisational and technological best practices that can prove to be important. H

Diagnosing Tuberculosis - A critical review of palaeopathological literature on tuberculosis in human skeletal and mummified remains

To analyse tuberculosis both in present and historic times becomes very important in order to understand the magnitude of this disease. The presented information in this thesis was based on a quantitative analysis of skeletal traits and aDNA used to diagnose tuberculosis in skeletal material and mummified remains. The material was collected from 51 articles, books and theses from the year 2000 unt

Amatörer och proffs : en jämförelse mellan två sorters litteraturkritik och deras funktioner i förlagens arbete

Litteraturkritiken är inte längre begränsad till de professionella kritikerna i dagspressen utan skrivs nu även av vanliga läsare, amatörkritiker, på olika plattformar online. Den här uppsatsen grundar sig i en jämförelse mellan den professionella kritiken och amatörkritiken, för att vidare undersöka vilka funktioner dessa två typer av litteraturkritik har för förlag på dagens svenska bokmarknad.

Från linjär till cirkulär offentlig upphandling - En fallstudie av fem kommuner och deras arbete och vad som står i vägen för utvecklingen

Från linjär till cirkulär offentlig upphandling - En fallstudie av fem kommuner och deras arbete och vad som står i vägen för utvecklingen Vårt levnadssätt där linjär ekonomi med slit och släng är norm är ohållbart för att uppnå klimatmålen och målen i agenda 2030. Offentlig upphandling har en stor roll i denna omställning och kan med hjälp av rätt strategier börja göra upphandlingar med produkterSwedish municipalities can play a key role in contributing to the circular economy through public procurement as this is responsible for the emission of 23 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. Previous studies indicate that there is a need of developing dialogues involving all actors to increase the knowledge concerning why circular products are needed. The aim of this study was to investigat

Are Prices in Charge of Congestion? An Empirical Study of Increased Congestion Charge and Traffic in Stockholm

Economic theory often suggests congestion pricing to smooth the demand for traffic from periods of high demand to periods with lower demand. However, the real-world implementation of con- gestion charges remains limited. This study investigates the relationship between time-varying congestion charges and traffic volumes. By applying a difference-in-difference (DiD) method on hourly level traffic d

Osynliga offer - En kvalitativ studie av normers påverkan på tillgången till rättsväsende och stöd för manliga offer för våld i nära relationer

Intimate partner violence has been described as a public health problem in Sweden and has recently been given attention by the media due to an increase of domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic. Discussions about intimate partner violence, both in media and science, have mostly centred around female exposure to such violence, leaving little room for discussions about male victimization. Th

Ett distribuerat ledarskap i en digital vardag. En kvalitativ studie om distribuerat ledarskap i en digital kontext

Titel: Ett distribuerat ledarskap i en digital vardag - En kvalitativ studie om distribuerat ledarskap i en digital kontext. Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs: KSMK65/ SMKK60 Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15hp, VT2021 Författare: Amanda Björk & Madeleine Ulriksson Handledare: Johan Alvehus Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bid

Fan Engagement Practises Through Digital Utilisation to Generate Revenue: A Manchester City Football Club Case Study

The purpose of this study is to contribute to existing research and add new research within the field of fan engagement practises that can be used through digital utilisation, in order to generate revenue within the football industry. The outcomes from the research are designed in a way that can assist other clubs and their management teams within the industry, who are looking to improve their off

Kommuners arbete för att minska biltrafiken - Utmaningar och målkonflikter i Göteborg, Borlänge och Jönköping

Att minska biltrafiken: varför är det så svårt? Många kommuner tar nu klimatförändringarna på allt större allvar, och många ambitiösa klimatmål sätts upp i landet. Studien som beskrivs här har fokuserat på kommunala mål om minskad biltrafik i Göteborg, Borlänge och Jönköping och undersökt hur väl dessa mål fått genomslag, och vilka centrala utmaningar som finns inom arbetet. Alltså: hur kan det vThere is a great need to figure out how to reach our many ambitious climate goals. This thesis focuses on municipal goals concerning reducing car traffic, and studies three municipalities (Göteborg, Borlänge and Jönköping) who have all adopted clear goals concerning decreased car traffic. The aim of this thesis is to identify potential goal conflicts and challenges within the municipalities’ work

Future Generations: Fundamental or an Afterthought?

Det finns just nu momentum för att stängda de luckor i lagstiftningen kring företags ansvar för negativa effekter på mänskliga rättigheter. En av de mest ambitiösa åtagandena hittills är initiativet till ett EU-direktiv med syfte att kräva skälig aktsamhet (så kallad ”due diligence”) och ansvar från företag för påverkan på mänskliga rättigheter och miljön. Ett lagförslag förväntas komma under sommMomentum is building for closing the regulatory gaps on business responsibility for adverse human rights impacts. One of the most ambitious actions so far is the initiative for an EU directive on corporate due diligence and accountability for human rights and the environment. A proposal for the provisions of the directive is expected this summer (2021). Historically children’s rights have been top

Impact of formulation on the survivability of Lactobacillus reuteri after freeze-drying

Lactobacillus reuteri is known as probiotics with health benefits. Freeze-drying is frequently used to preserve probiotics and keep them alive. However, freeze-drying through freezing and drying might cause some damages to the probiotic’s cells. Formulation by protective agents including cryoprotectants and lyoprotectants prior to freeze-drying can prevent and reduce these damages. In this study,

Digital Entrepreneurial Marketing Skills in European Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - An Explorative Research of Skills in the Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation.

Purpose - With the ever increasing digitization, businesses are exposed to new ways of marketing strategies. Even though new ventures just have a small success rate, research has not focused on exploring the skills entrepreneurs need to succeed with their venture. This research seeks to explore the importance of marketing skills, entrepreneurs need for a successful digital entrepreneurial marketin

Vilken roll spelar centralbankers formella målformulering om den finansiella stabiliteten i praktiken?

This study aims to analyse whether central bank’s explicit objective regarding financial stability has affected the practise of monetary policy and how this practise differs from economic theory. Through analysing the Bank of England and the Swedish Riksbank two central banks with different institutional setup and objectives regarding monetary policy and financial stability we see how the practice

A study on the impact of dehulling, germination and fermentation on the technological properties of grey pea flour

Grey peas are a forgotten grain seed in the Nordic countries as well as Sweden, which are quite unexplored for their potential uses in different food products. Before the cultivation of yellow peas and green peas took over, they used to be the dominating type of peas in Europe in medieval times. They are a rich source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as B vitamins, folates, and Iron.

Hur förhåller sig nutidsmänniskan till döden?

Bakgrund: I dagens moderna samhälle matas vi med information om ”andras” död, via nyheter, filmer, serier och böcker, men hur hanterar vi när döden kommer ”nära” och berör oss själva? Frågeställning: Hur uppfattar och talar nutidsmänniskan om döden? Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ studie med fenomenologiskt fokus. Jag använder mig av semistrukturerade intervjuer och urvalet är ett så kallat bek

Learned Multi-Sensor Indoor Positioning of Mobile Devices

Attenuation of the microwave signal used in the Global Positioning System (GPS) due to interaction with building structures complicates the task of accurate indoor positioning. For this reason, research on alternative approaches is being performed at universities and companies worldwide. The Global Indoor Navigation (GIN) research project in Lund is one such initiative, where the main goal is to p