

Din sökning på "*" gav 526355 sökträffar

Evaluating Service Mesh as a Network Monitoring Solution

Modern software systems often utilize a distributed architecture, which uses the network as the communication channel. This results in the system being dependent on the network performance to behave as expected. The network performance varies, and network faults can occur, which may negatively affect the system. As a system maintainer, it is difficult to know if the problem lies in the service or

Transmission Modeling for Optimization of Electric Powertrains

Over the last decade, the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the world's roads has rapidly increased. Optimization of power consumption in electric powertrains will, therefore, lead to reduced energy usage in the road transport sector. EPOS, is a research project that aims to optimize EV powertrains, with the objectives to minimize cost and power consumption. As a part of the EPOS project, t

Wear Performance Investigation of Metal Matrix Composite

To improve the abrasive wear resistant which is governed by a combination of both high hardness and toughness, WC particles were used to reinforce the Hadfield steel. This latter is known with its good work hardening property. WC is mainly considered for its combination of suitable hardness and toughness. Various characteristic techniques were applied to study the microstructure, interface layer,

Event Geometry and Anisotropic Flow in Proton-Proton Collisions

We seek to better understand the relationship between an anisotropic distribution of partons in the initial state of pp-collisions and the amount of elliptic flow. We do this through the implementation of a new model that is based in generating positions for multiparton interactions from the uneven volume created by the overlap of two Gaussians. We then examine how this asymmetric probability dens

Pseudonymer i förlagsbranschen : det fabricerade författarnamnet som varumärke

This paper examines different authors and their reasons as to why they use pseudonyms. With the help of theories like Paratexts, Thresholds of Interpretation (1997) by Gérard Genette and Konvergenskulturen (2012) by Henry Jenkins, the essay provides an insight into why authors choose to use pseudonyms as well as publishers’ marketing strategies for this. To gain a better understanding of the world

Ofrivilliga förövare och motvilliga offer - En intervjustudie om pornografi och sexuell aggressivitet bland barn

Men's violence against women is a major global problem. Pornography often depicts humiliation and violence against women. Moreover, it becomes problematic to work for an equal society when children have free access to pornography online. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate how employees in Swedish healthcare and aid organizations perceive the relationship between online pornograp

Hur uppfattas avsaknaden av regleringsformer på privat drivna skyddade boenden? En kvantitativ studie om om åsikter från två skilda perspektiv

The aim of this essay is to study the lack of regulation on privately run sheltered housing in Sweden from two different points of view. The first group is the general public opinion and the second group is employees and volunteers from women’s shelters. The relevance of this study is based on the assumptions from the effects of pandemic’s restrictions that violence against women is increasing and

Addressing the New Workforce’s Expectations in the Management Discussion

Management, due to its interdependence with many contingent factors of the world, is a concept in continuous evolution. One of the factors that drive this evolution is the workforce, which is also constantly changing. However, despite the importance of considering the expectations of the workforce towards management, more attention has to be paid to this factor in the discussion on management. The

A system in crisis with the worst yet to come: Social security spending in Finland 1980-2018 and some gloomy forecasts for the near-future (2019-2030)

Finland’s social security spending has been increasing rapidly over the past four decades, and is expected to continue increasing in the decades to come. The increase has been largely driven by population ageing resulting in increased old-age spending. Finland’s social security system is however more than just old-age social security; which warrants a more detailed analysis of the different types

Development of a FCM data acquisition and processing pipeline for evaluating pure cultures of Limosilactobacillus reuteri and co-cultures with Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Flow cytometry (FCM) is a powerful method for analysing cell characteristics, for cell quantification and for separation of different species. An automated FCM processing pipeline for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was developed, and an analytical pipeline for co-cultures of LAB and Saccharomyces cerevisiae was designed. Data processing pipelines for Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 sampled over

Towards a More Circular Post-Consumer Textile Waste Management

There has been a substantial increase in demand for textile and clothing with huge implications for post-consumer textile waste management systems. The current ‘buy-and-throw-away’ culture has led to larger quantities of textile and clothing ending up in landfills and incineration than before. This has become an increasing problem in the world and the linear way of operating is no longer sustainab

Mission (im)possible - En kvalitativ studie som undersöker påverkande faktorer till planerade toppstyrda kulturförändringar

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med ytterligare kunskap inom området kulturförändringar i organisationer, närmare bestämt öka förståelsen kring planerade toppstyrda kulturförändringar. Syftet är mer specifikt att bidra med en insikt kring hjälpande och stjälpande faktorer. Forskningsfrågor: - Vad har Svenska Gymnastikförbundet för ambition med kulturförändringen? - Hur förhåller sig

Radiative Corrections Beyond the Soft-Photon Approximation

This thesis calculates the bremsstrahlung correction beyond the soft-photon approximation for the decay ω → π0 l+ l- . The effect of the radiative corrections on the extraction of the transition form factor from data is investigated. Four different form-factor mod- els are used to compute corrections: vector-meson dominance, lowest-meson dominance, tree-level, and two-hadron saturation. The experi

Spara och Slösa - en studie i hur brukare påverkar energianvändningen i plusenergihus

Energieffektivisering av bostäder och lokaler i Sverige är nödvändig för att de globala och nationella miljömålen ska uppnås. Bostads- och servicesektorn står för närmre 40% av Sveriges totala energianvändning. Genom tekniska lösningar och beteendeförändringar kan energianvändningen minskas (Naturvårdsverket, 2020). Målet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur brukarna påverkar den totala energian

Högkänslighet i ett “känslolöst” samhälle: En kvalitativ studie om högkänsliga personers upplevelse av sitt personlighetsdrag

Sensorisk beartbetningssensitivitet (SPS) är ett personlighetsdrag som tros återfinnas hos ca 15 - 20% av populationen. Personlighetsdraget karaktäriseras av djup bearbetning, förhöjd mottaglighet och medvetenhet om både yttre och inre stimuli. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka högkänsliga personers (HSP) upplevelse av personlighetsdraget SPS. Tidigare forskning har föreslagit att HSP är särSensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is a personality trait believed to be found in about 15 - 20% of the human population. It’s characterized by deep processing, enhanced responsiveness and awareness of external as well as internal stimuli. The aim of this study was to examine the subjective experiences of highly sensitive people (HSP). Research suggests that influences from the social environmen

Från förskola till förskoleklass - en forskningsöversikt om de inre och yttre processer som omger barnen i den pedagogiska övergången

Denna studie är en forskningsöversikt i ämnet övergång mellan förskola och skola. Metodvalet innebär att forskning i ämnet sammanställts och analyserats utifrån likheter och olikheter i studiernas utfall. Sammanlagt fjorton studier har använts i genomförandet av den här studien. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka de processer som omger barnet i den pedagogiska övergången mellan försk

Den kristna ljudboken : något för den svenska bokmarknaden?

The audiobook is a format that has invaded the Swedish book market. Through it’s format it has made literature available to more people, just like the paperback did when it was first introduced on the market. By simply having the book on your phone, it’s easier than ever to take it with you and can be played while the listener does other things, such as traveling, cleaning or performing other acti

The Effects of Number of Births on Educational Outcomes: A Regional-Level Comparative Study of Peru

Learning attainments of children in Peru have remained at low levels according to international assessment. The country has carried out several educational policies from different perspectives aiming to raise the school achievements of students in primary and secondary education, nevertheless the levels of satisfactory attainments at the regional level show severe contrast between less and more co

Creating a workflow of 3D building data in a municipality context

3D city models are valuable tools for visualization and analytical purposes in the urban environment. A popular format for city models is CityGML, an open data model that can be used for storage and exchange of 3D city models. However, using city models based on CityGML has appeared to be a challenge as there is a limited number of software applications that are able to read them. Complexity in Ci