

Din sökning på "*" gav 526355 sökträffar

Industry 4.0 as an Enabler of Circular Business Models: Within the clothing industry

This study investigates the role of Industry 4.0 as an enabler of circular business models within the clothing industry. The research was conducted based on a thorough investigation of the clothing industry through both an ethnographic content analysis and two interviews. Both the concepts of circular business models and Industry 4.0 are relatively new and more importantly, Industry 4.0 is a conce

En kris av solidaritet och omsorg: Civilsamhällets roll som omsorgsutförare i ett bristande välfärdssamhälle

This master’s thesis is about the role of the civil society in contemporary Sweden, during a crisis of solidarity and care. The crisis of solidarity refers to the so-called “refugee crisis” of 2015, and the events following after. The crisis of care refers to a crisis of social reproduction that is inherent to the capitalist system. Swedish welfare politics have gone through a process of changing

Closing the Plastic Tap — Global Plastic Waste and the Circular Economy. A Multi-Regional Hybrid Input-Output Analysis of Plastic Waste Footprints

Plastic pollution is a cross-national environmental and societal challenge that needs to be addressed from the point of view of global supply chains. The circular economy (CE) has emerged as an alternative paradigm to the traditional “take-make-waste” models of production and consumption to create a closed-loop system so that plastic is trapped in the economy and not in the environment. This resea

Plantering av skog på jordbruksmark i Sverige och dess påverkan på biologisk mångfald

Plantera skog i hagen eller på vetefältet? Att börja använda marken i stor skala i form av jordbruk, städer och nedhuggning av skog var en förutsättning till att den mänskliga civilisationen skulle uppstå, men det har inte kommit utan konsekvenser för planeten. Att använda marken på ett hållbart sätt är avgörande för att bemöta de stora miljöproblemen i världen som klimatförändringar och förlustenThe environmental effects, not least on biodiversity, of land use and land use change provide major challenges when sustainability goals are to be met along with demand for production and other ecosystem services. Here I systematically review literature on one major land use change, from agriculture to forest, and the implications for biodiversity. The aim is to provide information for land use de

“With great freedom comes great responsibility” - A Qualitative Study of Managers’ and Their Respective Employees’ Experiences of Mandatory Remote Work and Relationships in this Work Setting

Title: “With Great Freedom Comes Great Responsibility” - A Qualitative Study of Managers’ and Their Respective Employees’ Experiences of Mandatory Remote Work and Relationships in this Work Setting Authors: Anna Rebeka Dinnyes & Siri McGarvey Supervisor: Monika Müller, Lund University, Sweden Examiner: Stefan Sveningsson, Lund University, Sweden Course: BUSN49, Degree Project in Master’s P

RFID och streckkodsläsning med Androidtelefoner

Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka huruvida RFID-tekniken och streckkodsläsning i Androidtelefoner gick att tillämpa i en biblioteksmiljö. Fem bibliotekarier intervjuades för att utreda vilka funktioner som hade varit av värde i det vardagliga arbetet. Utvecklingen skedde i Android Studio med Java där verktyg som Gradle och J-Unit användes. CI/CD tillämpades i utvecklingsprocessen. En weThe purpose of this study was to examine the possibility of implementing RFID and barcode scanning in mobile Android phones for usage in a library setting. In order to investigate the functions that would be useful to librarians in their daily work, five interviews were conducted with said target group. Development was made with Java in Android Studio with tools such as Gradle and J-Unit. CI/CD w

Barriers to education among Dalit girls: accessibility of educational opportunities in Nepal

Unequal access to education still remains a major problem especially in developing countries such as Nepal. The caste system in Nepal creates a hierarchy of social groups which has resulted in unequal power distribution and unequal access to resources. The Dalit group is one of the lowest caste groups in the hierarchy because of which people belonging to Dalit community struggle to gain equal acce

Banking-as-a-Service and the transformation of the finance industry: An empirical investigation

This thesis aims to provide a deeper look into the current status of Banking-as-a-Service through digital ecosystems, digital platforms and API economy. Research was conducted as qualitative research, which had a purpose of examining the lightly researched concept of Banking-as-a-Service, and shed light on what is the current status of Banking-as-a-Service by pondering its benefits and disadvantag

The role of gender and familiarity for speech and gestures during agreement in Greek conversation

Gestures are used in a pragmatic way in interactive contexts such as conversation. Agreement between interlocutors is an ordinary aspect of talk-in-interaction, which is expressed through various types of utterances and gestures. The interlocutors’ status, such as gender and familiarity, may affect both their verbal and non-verbal behavior as previous research has shown. This study investigates th

Geolocating Alfa Laval's products using supervised machine learning

Geografisk lokalisering av Alfa Lavals produkter med hjälp av maskininlärning. Datakvalitet är en nödvändighet för att ett företag ska kunna bli datadrivna. Detta arbete använder maskinintelligens för att förbättra Alfa Lavals datakvalitet, genom att prediktera den geografiska positionen av deras sålda produkter. Majoriteten av världens företag har data som, på ett eller annat sätt, kan användas fA lot of companies have data that can be used to develop a more successful business. To become more data-driven, it is important to extract valuable information from the raw data. One of the largest challenges for companies, while trying to make this transition, is to ensure a data quality at a high level. In this thesis, we worked with Alfa Laval’s database of previously sold products. The main i

Exploring the entrepreneurial barriers and coping strategies of highly academically skilled immigrant entrepreneurs in Sweden: ethnic minority perspectives

The purpose of this study is to explore the entrepreneurial barriers and entrepreneurial coping strategies that highly academically skilled ethnic minority entrepreneurs [EMEs] experience in operating a start-up in Sweden. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 10 participants to support the inductive nature of this study and to better understand the entrepreneurial experiences of this p

Diagnosticismen: En modest undersökning angående symptomdiagnosen ADHD

This essay addresses the medical diagnosis known as “ADHD” from a sociological perspective. The primary aim has been to address how the participants of two well-established Swedish internet forums perceive and approach ADHD. A brief reflection regarding prior research regarding ontology, a perspective on nurture versus nature, as well as a prior study regarding the discourse of ADHD is then provid

Resolving Quasi-Degenerate Higgs Bosons

Many models beyond the Standard Model that predict the existence of multiple Higgs bosons. In general, some of these additional Higgs bosons could be quasi-degenerate in mass either to each other or to the observed 125 GeV Higgs boson. The goal of this thesis is to study under which circumstances we can resolve such Higgs bosons. We first make the simplifying assumption that the observed and predi

The Founder’s Approach: How Start-ups Attract Attention and Earn Trust in the Food Industry

Purpose: This study aims to investigate how start-ups use entrepreneurial marketing to attract as well as retain customers and compete against large companies in the food industry under the assumption that large corporations are adapting entrepreneurial marketing approaches. Methodology: The inductive qualitative study is based on eight semi-structured interviews with active founders which provid

Gender Norms at Play - A sociological study on new, first-time parents’ attitudes towards the EU directive on earmarked paternity leave

This thesis aims to examine gender norms in parental leave praxes and attitudes towards earmarked paternity leave. The starting point is a forthcoming EU directive on work-life balance for parents and carers that will implement earmarked paternity leave in Denmark by 2022. The empirical data consists of nine semi-structured interviews with six new, first-time parents (three couples). The study set

Patienters upplevelse av att vårdas under tvång

Bakgrund: Varje år vårdas ca 12 000 personer genom lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård (LPT). Patienter som vårdas under LPT fråntas tillfälligt autonomi och integritet. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva patienters upplevelse av att vårdas under tvång. Metod: Uppsatsens design är en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt där tio artiklar inkluderats. Artiklarna har analyserats genom integrerad

Synthesis of 3-azido-2,4,6-tri-O-(4-methoxybenzyl)-3-deoxy-galactopyranoside

Galectin-3 is a protein that is involved in many physiological processes such as metastasis, T-cell regulation etc. which makes it a good drug target for the medicinal chemist. In a paper made by Doak ete al (2015) macrocyclization emerged as an interesting strategy for new drug design as macrocycles remained orally active in chemical space previously thought of as “unsuitable” as per the classica

Oprah's Book Club 2.0 : en studie av interaktionen på Oprah's Book Club's Instagram

This paper is a study of how users on Instagram interact on Oprah’s Book Club 2.0. American Dirt was the book we studied for interaction between users and Oprah. A lot has happened with the digitalization since Oprah’s Book Club went from announcing the monthly book on TV to announcing it on social media. The outcome of the Book Club 2.0 has welcomed all kinds of opinions, both positive and negati