

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Are dog noses too cool for the mammalian cold receptor TRPM8?

Med näsa för kyla: hudtemperatur och köldreception hos hundar Förmågan att känna temperatur är viktigt för att kunna identifiera behagliga samt undvika farliga temperaturer. Hittills har forskningen kring hur däggdjur uppfattar, för oss, smärtsamt kalla temperaturer lett till fler frågor än svar. En av orsakerna till detta är sannolikt att försöksdjuren som normalt används inom temperaturforskniSensing temperature is important for identifying preferable temperatures and avoiding dangerous extremes. The cold pain limit of mammals in general is estimated to approximately 12 °C. I reasoned that such a skin temperature is unlikely to be sustainable in colder climates and studied cold-adapted dogs in northern Sweden using thermography. Skin temperature on the rhinarium (naked nose tip) was 2.

Jämlikhetsbegreppet i den socialdemokratiska retoriken- En jämförande innehållsanalys på nationell och lokal nivå

Previous research suggests that the concept of equality has changed in the discourse of the Swedish Social Democrats since they lost power to the right wing parties in the 2006 elections. The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of equality in the rhetorics of the Swedish Social Democrats within the areas of education and work by implementing a content analysis at the national and loca

Evaluation and optimization of the production process of carrot juice concentrate to obtain a product with a higher content of beta-carotene

Carrot juice concentrate (CJC) produced from fresh carrots is used in various applications in the beverage industry. Its quality is mainly defined by the carotenoid concentration which in turn strongly depends on the quality of the raw material and the processing technique. Manufacturers are constantly searching for new ways to produce a high-colour CJC. Thermal, enzymatic and mechanical treatment

Adapting to Climate Change on the Coasts of Ireland: Lessons from California: How the Pacific can enlighten the Atlantic?

Coastal areas throughout the world are vulnerable to the effects of a changing climate. The warming of the world’s oceans, and the consequent rise in sea levels, will result in more severe coastal flooding, in accelerated erosion, and in the increased occurrence of extreme weather events. The large proportion of the world’s population who reside within close proximity of the coast will face seriou

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av nattklubben Etage

The purpose of this report is to examine the safety of people during evacuation of the nightclub Etage in case of fire. Etage is one of the biggest night clubs in Malmö and can receive a maximum of 500 guests during opening hours. Three different fire scenarios were analyzed along with evacuation scenarios. These were simulated in the programs FDS and Simulex. In many of the scenarios the evacuat

Purification and Co-crystallization of Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from Plasmodium falciparum with inhibitors

Malaria är en av de tropiska sjukdomarna som utgör ett stort hälsoproblem i många delar av världen. Sjukdomen orsakas av en så kallad tropisk parasit av släkte Plasmodium och överförs till människor via mygghonan Anopheles. Den vanligaste och mest dödliga formen av sjukdomen orsakas av Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). Den förekommer i 104 länder där ca. 216 miljoner nya fall registreras årligen. Av desMalaria is one of the diseases that spread by insect vectors. The disease is carried to humans by female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is caused by the plasmodium types. The most prevalent and dangerous type of plasmodium is Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). The disease occurs in 104 countries and approximately 216 million new cases of malaria and around 655,000 deaths takes place every year. Many drugs have

I skuggan av det glada studentlivet- En kvalitativ studie om psykisk ohälsa bland studenter ur kuratorer inom studenthälsovårdens perspekiv

Authors: Johanna Lantz and Josefine Karlsson Title: In the shade of the happy student life: A qualitative study of mental illness among students from the perspective of counselors in student health centers Supervisor: Anders Olsson Mental illness is a recognized and controversial public health problem both nation-ally and internationally and a highly relevant topic in social work. A large group o

Bortom vänster- och högerdikotomin: Politiska attityder och värderingar hos svenska väljare

Denna enkätstudie undersökte nyanserna bakom vänster-höger dikotomin. Detta gjordes genom en empirisk studie som tittade på såväl skillnaderna mellan de politiska blocken som inom dessa. Sex skalor som avsåg mäta attityder och värderingar kopplade till förändring respektive jämlikhet jämfördes med val av parti i det svenska riksdagsvalet 2010. Deltagarna var indelade i två grupper, med 314 deltagaThis survey study explored the nuance behind the left-right ideological dichotomy. This was done by empirically studying the differences both between and inside the political left and right. Six scales were used to measure the political attitudes and basic personal values connected to change and equality. These were compared with voting in the Swedish national elections in 2010. The participants w

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Adaptation, resistance or alternative identity? - A discource analysis of construction of identity among people with mental illness The aim of this study was to examine how people with mental illness construct their identities through linguistic interaction. The empirical study took place in three psychiatric centers (social psychiatry) and the empirical material was based on six focus group inte

“Bara för att kroppen känner njutning betyder det inte att huvudet eller själen vill ha sex.”: En kvantitativ undersökning av gymnasieelevers sexualkunskapsnivå, attityder kring könsroller och acceptansnivån av våldtäktsmyter

Denna studie undersökte gymnasieelevers sexualkunskapsnivå, deras attityder kring könsroller samt deras benägenhet att acceptera våldtäktsmyter. Våldtäktsmyter innebär falska påståenden kring våldtäkt som anses vara sanningsenliga av allmänheten, men som saknar empiriskt stöd. En webbenkät skickades ut till svenska och finlandssvenska ungdomar. Tre test användes för undersökningen; ett egenkonstruThis study aimed to investigate high schools students’ level of sexual health knowledge, their attitudes towards gender roles, and their willingness to accept rape myths. Rape myths are statements that appear truthful to the general public, but they lack empirical evidence. A web survey was sent out to Swedish and Fenno-Swedish high school students. Three tests were used for the study; a self-cons

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Högsboanstalten, byggnad F

The following report contains a fire safety evaluation of Högsboanstalten in Gothenburg. The purpose of this report is to analyse different fire scenarios to see if the chosen building can be evacuated safely in case of fire. This is done by comparing total evacuation time with the time until critical conditions have been reached. When critical conditions occur, safe evacuation can no longer be gu

Brandteknisk riskvärdering Nässsjö sim- ovh sporthall

Denna brandtekniska riskvärdering har som mål att utvärdera personsäkerheten i Nässjö sim- och sporthall i det fall brand utbryter i byggnaden. Sim- och sporthallen består av en idrottshall med läktare för upp till 1200 personer samt en nedervåning med diverse sportlokaler och omklädningsrum. Hallen är hemmaplan för Nässjö Basket som spelar på elitnivå vilket innebär att de spelar match ungefär en

Framkomlighetsåtgärder för busstrafiken i Malmö - En analys av Malmös planeringsdokument och deras åtgärder för en förbättrad framkomlighet för busstrafiken

Malmo’s visions in their planning documents are to be a sustainable city with sustainable travel. In the future Malmo will be a city with short distances and great availability to all parts of the city. To be able to meet these goals and visions it will be necessary to change and improve the public transport system and in particular the accessibility for buses in city traffic. This essay aims to

"Socionomutbildning och socialtjänst" - En kvalitativ studie om skillnader och likheter mellan socionomutbildning och socialtjänst.

The aim of this paper was to increase our knowledge regarding the differences in abilities taught during education of social services´ secretaries and the abilities work at the social service demands. I have done this by investigating 70 job ads from the employment service and three educational plans from three different universities in Sweden. Through qualitative text analysis I have analyzed thr

Jag är nog lyckligare när jag tränar

Studiens syfte var att undersöka effekter av fysisk träning på emotioner och psykiskt välbefinnande för tio individer i åldern 18–35 år. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med tematisk analys och nio teman genererades: Att släppa allt annat, Något att vara stolt över, En källa till glädje och energi, Pressen att prestera, Sorgen att inte kunna träna, Rädslan att förlora formen, Hindrar mig från att fThe objective of this study was to gain deeper understanding for the impact of physical exercise on emotions, and psychological well-being in ten healthy adults aged 18–35. Semi-structured interviews were conducted based on six main areas: Information, Significance of exercise, Emotions, Emotional regulation, and Cancelled exercise. Thematic analysis was performed and nine themes were generated: L

BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av samtal med vårdnadshavare vars barn far illa eller misstänkts fara illa

Introduction: For nurses and other health professionals the obligation to notify social services about child abuse is a problem of complex nature given the difficulty of identifying child abuse. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the child health care nurses´ experiences of dialogues with guardians of children at risk, with focus on the relationship. Method: The data consist of interviews