

Din sökning på "*" gav 534558 sökträffar

Gendered work and power relations in Indonesian NGO:s : A qualitative study from two organizations in Java

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze power relations between Muslim female and male employees, active in working together with gender issues in two Indonesian non governmental organizations in Java. The study analyzes power relations and gendered work among female and male employees in the daily work and aims to give a picture on both female and male experiences from working to

Att se resultatet av målet eller att ha resultatet som ett mål? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur fokus på resultat har kommit i utryck inom den svenska biståndsverksamheten

As one of the world’s largest donors, Sweden’s development cooperation has a vision to make a change that will lead to a better world. But how do we know that our aid assistance affects the world for the better? Measuring aid is a very well discussed subject and this paper aims to examine how much the Swedish aid politics focuses on measuring results, and if there are any positive or negative aspe

Ett osynligt förtryck? : en kritisk diskursanalys av språket i tre propositioner gällande ett svenskt deltagande i den internationella militära insatsen i Afghanistan

Den internationella militära insatsen i Afghanistan har sedan inledningen varit mycket debatterad världen över. Inte minst i Sverige då regeringen redan under det inledande året beslutade att ställa svensk militär personal till förfogande. Denna studie fokuseras till en svensk kontext och till språket i tre propositioner vilka uttrycker regeringens ståndpunkt gällande ett svenskt militärt bidrag t

Designing for the Future: Integrating Sustainability into the Design Process of Electrolux

The purpose of this paper was to research how environmental concerns and sustainable thinking could be integrated into the design process of Electrolux, a Swedish home appliance manufacturer. The research will hopefully help the Electrolux industrial design department improve in the area and prove as a good case study for other companies or academic institutions. Electrolux conducts much research

Näringslivets syn på CSR : en kritisk diskursanalys av Svenskt Näringslivs syn på CSR

Debatten kring CSR är idag splittrad. De berörda aktörerna inom CSR har olika uppfattning om vad begreppet innebär och vilket ansvar företag har för mänskliga rättigheter. Flera svenska företag har uppmärksammats för att ha varit med i människorättskränkningar genom produktionernas olika led. Svenskt Näringsliv utgör en intressant aktör för ämnet eftersom de representerar 60 000 företag i Sverige.

Solid State Fuses for Commercial Vehicles - Limitations and Possibilities

This thesis, written at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, Sweden, during the spring of 2015, treats the subject of Solid State Fuses and the possibility to use these in heavy vehicles. A Solid State Fuse is a device containing only solid state components, implementing a function to protect wiring harness and connectors from damage caused by electrical faults. The device should contain circuit breakers a

Individualisering av barn : En kritisk diskursstudie av barns kompetens i offentliga texter inom social barnavård

Individualization of Children: A Critical Discourse Study of Childrens' Competence in Public Texts on Social Care of Children The aim of this study is to critically examine and discuss overarching notions and discourses on children and individualization, with a starting point in public texts within the field of social work with children. The empirical material has been two SOU-reports (“Swedi

Temperature Estimation in Trailer Disc Brake

Automatic brake functions in trucks and cars can save lives but may heat the brakes to dangerous temperature levels. Various types of models for temperature estimation in a disc brake have been evaluated. A homogeneous temperature inside the disc was assumed and this simplification gave adequate modeling results. The implementation was done in Simulink. One model estimated the heat generation base

Ekonomistyrning i byggprojekt

Byggbranschen kritiseras för sitt konservativa tänkande och ineffektivitet. Generellt sett har branschen låg lönsamhet med små marginaler. För att uppnå lönsamhet i ett byggprojekt krävs styrning mot uppsatta projektmål. Mål och vinstmarginaler nås genom ekonomisk styrning. Begreppet ekonomistyrning omfattar alla aktiviteter från planering till uppföljning och avstämning som görs för att upptäcka The construction industry is criticized for its conservative orientation and inefficiency. The industry has a low profitability with small margins. To make a construction project profitable it requires steering towards established project goals. Goals and profit margins are achieved through cost control. The concept of cost control covers all activities from planning to monitoring and reconciliati

Toward Innumerable Futures: Frank Stanford & Origins

This thesis is a combined critical, biographical, and bibliographical study of American poet Frank Stanford (1948-1978). A prodigious, prolific poet's poet, Stanford is a long-underappreciated artist whose unwavering legacy, in recent years, has grown to be an undeniable force in contemporary American poetry. Stanford was an adoptee, and this study investigates his preoccupation with his loss

Väderskydd vid byggproduktion

Syftet med studien är att få en inblick i varför väderskydd inte används i den utsträckning som rekommenderas med tanke på fuktsäkerheten. Att intervjua personer i projekt med väderskydd och även elementskyddade väderskydd av olika karaktär görs för att undersöka varför dessa beslut tas samt hur väderskyddet hanteras i ett upphandlingsskede. Genom att undersöka fallprojekt som platschefer är iblan

Constructing “The new woman” in the blogosphere - A gender study of Swedish lifestyle blogs

The thesis serves to understand how women create gender identities and constructions of the world within the Swedish blogosphere. The research is based on a Qualitative Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the language and imagery used in the Swedish blogosphere.The study of the Swedish blogosphere reveals how “The new woman” is internally conflicted due to old gender stereotypes and her purs

Building texture - the impact of mixing and recipe parameters on mayonnaise quality

Majonnäs består till största delen av olja och ägg. Detta är två produkter med flytande karaktär, så hur kommer det sig då att majonnäs har en sådan krämig konsistens? Att majonnäsens konsistens kan vara nyckfull är vi nog många som kan skriva under på efter mindre lyckade försök i köket. Här ska det redas ut hur den perfekta konsistensen uppnås.Mayonnaise is an oil in water emulsion with a high oil content dispersed in a continuous water phase. The egg is used as the emulsifier, which stabilizes the oil droplets in the continuous phase. The objective was to increase the knowledge of the mayonnaise production process and its impact on the mayonnaise quality. The approach was to produce mayonnaise with a high shear rotor-stator mixer and v

Utvecklingen av praxis avseende legal privilege vid konkurrensrättsliga inspektioner enligt EU-rätten vid misstänkta brott mot artikel 101 och 102 i FEUF

Sammanfattning En sedan länge efterfrågad genomgång av de EG-rättsliga konkurrensreglerna inleddes med Kommissionens vitbok den 28 april 1999. Denna så kallade Moderniseringsreform ledde bl.a. till Rådets förordning 1/2003 om tillämpning av konkurrensreglerna i artiklarna 81 och 82 i EG-fördraget. Denna trädde i kraft den 1 maj 2004 samtidigt som tio nya stater tillträdde EU. Den nya förordningen Summary A long-sought review of the EC competition law was initiated with the Commission's White Paper on 28 April 1999. This so-called modernizing reform resulted, inter alia, in Council Regulation 1/2003 on the implementa-tion of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty. The regulation came into force on the 1 May 2004 at the same time as ten new states joined t

A comparative analysis between the EU and the US on refusal to license under anticompetition policies

This paper makes a comparative analysis on to the legality of unilateral refusal to deal IPR as a dominant undertaking in EU and US. In particular the paper examines the circumstances in which the judicial bodies in EU and United States will be willing to order a mandatory license of IPR under the relevant anticompetition/antitrust policies, such as article 102 TFEU under EU and the Sherman Act se

Realisering av PLC-system och simulering med mikrokontroller

The purpose of this thesis with the conversion of the industrial press for centrumbrick on Höganäs Bjuf AB was to improve the security for the work- and maintenance personnel. To improve the security a new control system containing a PLC based control logic and HMI was developed. The new control system will improve the work security for the maintenance personal because the operating voltage for se

Exploring the relationships between biodiversity and benthic habitat in the Primeiras and Segundas Protected Area, Mozambique

The Primeiras and Segundas Archipelago Reserve, located in the waters of northern Mozambique, is the largest marine protected area in Africa, extending over 200 km of coastline. Despite the region’s importance for the local economic, information on the marine ecosystem, notably benthic habitat, is very scarce. Twelve atolls were mapped in the region using object-based image classification of very-