

Din sökning på "*" gav 537469 sökträffar

Analyzing Meteorological Relationships to Aerosols in China

Ekonomin i Kina har blomstrat över de senaste tiotal åren, och tillsammans med det skyhöga antalet invånare, strävar landet nu efter att uppnå världens största medelklass. Men för att Kina och hela världen skall kunna upprätthålla en levnadsstandard likt den vi har i väst, så kommer vi göra det på stor bekostnad av klimatet. Huvudsakligen sker det på grund av den massiva förbränning av kol och fosMeteorological conditions are influenced everyday by air-bound aerosols and pollution in the atmosphere, and understanding these processes from micro to synoptic scale, is essential for forecasting and creating high resolution weather models. In this study, three different experimental weather models are analysed to provide some understanding on how various meteorological parameters are influenced

Measuring volatile nicotine from electronic cigarettes

This thesis is focused on electronic cigarettes and the formulations (also known as e-juices) associated with these. The reason is that there have been countless studies on the health effects and nicotine delivery of normal cigarettes, but not as much on electronic cigarettes. This work aims to provide some insights into how electronic cigarettes behaves as nicotine delivery system. The overall re

Accessibility within Inflight Entertainment

Flying is a stressful and demanding task for many passengers, where airlines are always in the search for new technologies and methods to make the expe- rience more comfortable and stimulating. In this thesis, we have evaluated accessibility support within in-flight-entertainment systems available in the market today. The focus has beenonusabilityforuserswithreducedornovision. Interactivetext-to-s


This project focus on mouthfeel and textures within food area and try to connect it with emotion. The concept is inspired from space and Mars exploration in food related topics. Developing with experiments and coming up with a set of emotions outlet tools for not only eating but exploring your mouth. There are tons of product in markets that focus on only getting food from plate to mouth. However,

Controlling the Uncontrollable

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to tackle the paradox of governing free labour by exploring and drawing further understanding to the co-creation process in online brand communities. Originality: This study is the first to investigate co-creation from the theoretical perspective of the production of space and the first to introduce the concept of co-control in regards to the management of co

VEM ÄR INTRESSERAD AV ACCELERATORER? En studie av acceleratorer och dess intressenter

Examensarbetets titel: Vem är intresserad av acceleratorer? En studie av acceleratorer och dess intressenter. Seminariedatum: 2019-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEK69: Examensarbete i Redovisning, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Rikard Jannesson, Tyko Carling och Martin Trollér Handledare: Gert Paulsson Fem nyckelord: Startup, Accelerator, Innovation, Venture Capital, Intressentmodellen. Syfte: Syftet med dTitle: Who is interested in accelerators? A study of accelerators and their stakeholders. Seminar date: 2019-06-05 Course: FEK69: Degree Project Undergraduate level, Financial Accounting, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS. Authors: Rikard Jannesson, Tyko Carling och Martin Trollér Advisor: Gert Paulsson Key words Startup, Accelerator, Innovation, Venture Capital, Stakeholder Theory Purpose: The pu

Therapeutic efficacy of GutMagnific™ – a scientifically designed consortium of probiotic bacteria against IBS – in an animal model for multiple sclerosis

Kan samma preparat behandla både en irriterad tarm och MS? När många tänker på bakterier hör de något dåligt och kan nog bli förskräckta av att veta att vi alla lever med upp till 100 biljoner bakterier i magen, vilket kan motsvara 1–2 kg! Men faktum är, att de här bakterierna är enormt viktiga för oss. De hjälper oss bryta ner det vi äter, håller miljön i tarmen stabil, hjälper till att träna

The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Trust in the Supply Chain

Background: Trust is a main issue in supply chain collaboration. Since the Blockchain technology has received lots of attention, researchers and industries started to ask what the impact of BCT on supply chain collaboration is, and how they can benefit from BCT in supply chain relationships. This research is about exploring the impact of Blockchain technology on trust in supply chain relationships

Socionomen i skolan : en studie om skolkuratorers syn på sitt handlingsutrymme och dess utmaningar

The aim of the study was to investigate school counselors’ discretion and increase the knowledge of how it can approach and challenges it poses. Four school counselors’ were interviewed. To this study, I used semi-structured interviews. Themes such as large or limited discretion, relationship creation and trust emerged in the analysis. The study was empirically grounded and the results emphasized

Hatbrottens nya spelrum: en komparativ studie om arbetet mot hatbrott i Sverige respektive Tyskland med fokus på internet och sociala medier

By making a descriptive comparison, this paper examines how the prevention against hate crime works in Sweden and Germany. The aim is to compare both the work in general, and also the work against hate crime that takes place on the Internet and in social media. A number of concepts, such as democracy, human dignity and freedom of speech, serve as the theoretical foundation. From the results, it ap

Mapping female rural flight : a spatial analysis of Swedish youths' intended migration

Previous research into women's patterns of migration suggests a female flight from the European weaker peripheral regions to its urban cores, due to women's experience of being economically, socially, culturally, and normatively hampered compared to men in rural space. The thesis' attempt to corroborate these results on the municipal level, with the use of survey data from Swedish yout

The Strategic Management Implications of Understanding Fair Trade through Organizational Economics

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the contractual relationships associated with the fair trade concept by applying organizational economics theory in order to contribute with theoretical and practical strategic management insights. The purpose stems from the underlying research problem concerning a lack of supplementary theoretical perspectives and development informing strategic de

Effect of Unit Operations on Food Particles – Evaluated by image analysis and correlated with mechanical tests

In order to successfully produce food products containing less damaged particles (approx. 1 cm3) it is important to investigate at which limit that the particle could be subjected to processing. This study attempted to predict particle breakage using mechanical test with image analysis as method validation. The characterization of different coarse particles was done using the developed methods on

Vatten som maktutövning - Statliga samarbeten kring gränsöverskridande vattenresurser

State cooperation on transboundary waters is one of our times most crucial challenges to manage as freshwater securitization is the key to human survival, food production and economic growth. State shared water resources are causes of both political tension and territorial disputes. Drawn from a realism perspective this paper analyzes how and when China choose to formalize and not formalize intern

"Det analoga systemet för den digitala tidsåldern" : en etnografisk studie av bullet journals på Instagram

I denna uppsats har en netnografisk studie över bullet journal-metoden och instagramanvändare som brukar denna genomförts. Syftet var att undersöka vilka funktioner som anteckningsblocken fyller för användarna, hur bullet journal-relaterade instagramkonton används samt vad det är som driver människor att publicera bilder på sina bullet journals på Instagram och vad som händer i detta gränsland mel

“Ett rättighetstänkande som löpt amok” - Argumentationsanalys av debatten i svensk media om surrogatmödraskap år 2019

Uppsatsens ämnar att svara på huruvida de olika argumenten kring surrogatmödraskap avspeglar maktstrukturer i svensk medial debatt år 2019. Uppsatsen syftar även att problematisera argument som försöker legitimera en praktik som potentiellt kan exploatera sociala grupper. Utifrån mediala artiklar publicerade i fem svenska kvälls- och dagstidningar under 2019 har en argumentationsanalys utförts och

Vem ska räddas från vem? - En kritisk diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas åtgärdsprogram för kvinnor i vardagen.

Syftet med denna undersökning är att kritiskt granska hur Sverigedemokraterna (SD) redogör för de åtgärder de anser att Sverige bör vidta i arbetet för att säkra kvinnans utsatta roll i det svenska samhället. För att nå detta mål analyserar jag Sverigedemokraternas åtgärdsrapport för mäns våld mot kvinnor i vardagen genom att göra en kritisk diskursanalys. Genom Norman Faircloughs version av krit