On the nature of species in lichenized Ascomycotina.
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Katekeser är en genre som vanligtvis förknippas med lutheransk religionsundervisning, och inte revolutioner. Dess form, att ställa en antal givna frågor och ge ett definitivt svar för varje fråga synes lämna föga utrymme för självständigt och kritiskt tänkande. Frågandet som teknik är en retorik; syftet är att styra läsarens tänkande i avsedd riktning. Inpräntande av normer, inte radikala reflekti
In this paper we investigate the role of reciprocity in sustaining the emergence of implicit collusive agreements in hierarchical organizations. We conduct a laboratory experiment in which an agent hires, on behalf of the principal, one worker out of two candidates. The two candidates differ in their ability and, once employed, the worker chooses a level of non-contractible effort to exert in two
It is a commonplace to suggest that liberal theory should construct principles which are race-neutral, that policies should be ‘color-blind1. This study criticizes the description of race neutrality in recent theories of political liberalism. The author begins by addressing recent writings on political liberalism by John Rawls, and explores the assumptions about racial practices which support Rawl
The main focus of this thesis has been to explore how the PFG NMR technique for diffusion measurements can be used to obtain useful information from various systems. The investigated systems have one thing in common; they belong to the general field of surface and colloid chemistry. The thesis is divided in two parts: one section is a summary and the other section contains four publications from
I kapitlet diskuteras samhällsfenomenet med att idag en ny form av tjänster, ledarskapsutveckling, kompetensutveckling och terapeutiska tjänster, erbjuds av privata företag eller enskilda entreprenörer utan att några krav på officiellt dokumenterad kompetens ställs.
The purpose of the current study is to investigate the effect of particle-pair interaction for various separation distances and angular positions. The results obtained are used in a particle-laden turbulent jet flows in order to improve the existing Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) models. In the first part, a detailed numerical study of particle interaction is carried out by varying the separa
Aims. This paper is a report on a study exploring beliefs about health and illness in women with gestational diabetes born in Sweden and Africa living in Sweden. A further aim is to study the influence of beliefs on self-care and care seeking. Background. Extensive global migration leading to multicultural societies implies challenges to health care. Health/illness beliefs are culturally related a
The main function of CAs (carbonic anhydrases) is to participate in the regulation of acid-base balance. Although 12 active isoenzymes of this family had already been described, analyses of genomic databases suggested that there still exists another isoenzyme, CA XV. Sequence analyses were performed to identify those species that are likely to have an active form of this enzyme. Eight species had
We report on measurements of radiative lifetimes in singly ionized iron of six 3d(6)4p levels between 61 512 and 64 041 cm(-1),using time resolved laser-induced fluorescence. Absolute oscillator strengths of 18 Fe II lines in the wavelength range from 2350 to 2800 Angstrom have been obtained by measuring branching fractions for the lines from two Fe II levels with a Fourier-transform spectrometer.
While Lars Norén’s confrontational and self-exposing En dramatikers dagbok (A Dramatist’s Journal, 2008) already has spurred discussions on the nature of confession in today’s mediatised literary public sphere, less has been said about the aesthetic project of the journal. By tracing this project back to Norén’s poetry of the 1960s as well as by comparing it to works by Lyn Hejinian and Kenneth Go
Impaired glucose metabolism and diabetes mellitus has been linked to a decreased risk for abdominal aortic aneurysm development in men. We evaluated potential relationships between blood glucose levels in 1722 men with mean age 34 years and their aortic diameter measured by ultrasound at age 65 years.
I den här artikeln studeras incestdebatten i Sverige under perioden 1982–96. Med utgångspunkt i ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv undersöks politiska processer, kunskapsproduktion och kamp om tolkningsföreträde i relation till hur incest definierades, debatterades och hanterades. Materialet är enskilda aktörers eller hela organisationers diskursiva praktiker, så som de kom till uttryck i publicerad
The main objective of this investigation is to determine the effect of different physical parameters on the performance of biofilters, treating hydrophobic compounds. In this respect, the effects of irrigation and water content of packings on the removal efficiency of bed in different pollutant loading rates, and gas phase flow rates, is studied. Alpha-pinene, which is produced from variety of ind
Antibodies specifically targeting tumor-associated antigens have proved to be important tools in the treatment of human cancer. A desirable target antigen should be unique to tumor cells, abundantly expressed, and readily available for antibody binding. The Ku70/80 DNA-repair protein is expressed in the nucleus of most cells; it is, however, also present on the cell surface of tumor cell lines, an