

Din sökning på "*" gav 537494 sökträffar

Socialtjänsten som oljat och grusigt maskineri - Berättelser om internt samarbete kring barn som far illa

The aim of this study was to examine how professionals in the social services view and talk about the internal cooperation between specialised units at the social services office (i.e. a receiving unit and an investigative unit). The motivation for such a study was located in an identified paradox between rapid societal changes creating more complex client needs and the implementation of new publi

Den nödvändiga, men tidsödande dokumentationen - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattning om dokumentation och standardisering inom socialtjänsten

During the last few decades there has been a steep increase in documentation and administrative procedures in the Swedish public authorities. This development has also affected the social services in which primarily social workers are employed. This bachelor's thesis aims to investigate how documentation procedures and use of standardized assessment methods is described by professional social

Övertid - lånad tid på arbetsmiljöns bekostnad? - En rättsvetenskaplig studie av arbetsgivarens rätt att beordra övertid i relation till skyldigheten att ansvara för arbetsmiljön

Arbetsgivarens möjlighet att beordra arbete på övertid är många gånger en nödvändighet för att verksamheten ska fungera. De senaste åren har det emellertid både rapporterats om ett högt övertidsuttag och en bristande psykosocial arbetsmiljö med hög arbetsbelastning inom flertalet branscher. I denna uppsats är syftet att utreda den rättsliga regleringen för övertids-uttag, där arbetsgivarens rätt aThe possibility for the employer to order overtime work can sometimes be necessary for the business to work. However, during the recent years it has been reported of both a high amount of overtime working hours, and an insufficient organizational and social work environment combined with a high workload, in several sectors of the labor market. This essay aims to investigate the legal regulation on

Att arbeta utan tydliga ramar : En kvalitativ studie om hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorers arbetssätt

The aim of this study was to understand how healthcare counselors think about their professional discretion.The method used in this study was qualitative and carried out by semi structured interviews. We conducted interviews with eight different counselors at the university hospital in Malmö and Lund on seven different occasions. The theories that was used to help analyze our empirical data was Mi

Fenomenet medarbetarupplevelse

Medarbetarupplevelse (employee satisfaction or employee experience) is an organizational phenomenon that has become an ascending work-process within the HR-profession. Through five interviews with various HR-practitioners, we managed to answer this essay’s three framing questions: 1) How can medarbetarupplevelse be defined? 2) Which essential and mutual factors can we identify in the interviews?

”Annars ska ni ha en bomb på socialkontoret” - En kvantitativ studie om hot och våld mot socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Studies have shown that people working within social work are more exposed to threats and violence in the workplace than people with other occupations. The pur-pose of this study was to investigate the exposure to work-related threats and vio-lence among social workers and examine how situations involving work-related threats and violence are handled. More precisely, the study examines social work

The Composition of a Radical Symphony - An Enquiry into the Possible Relation between Collaborative Design and Idea Quality in the Front End

This study sheds light on the connection between collaborative design and the qualitative aspect of ideas in the front end of innovation. The purpose is to showcase how subjective factors within collaborative design have an influence on the quality of radical selected ideas. This research prevailed that mutual understanding of initial set requirements among actors positively impacted the specifici

Klimatförändringen som upplevelse - En undersökning kring museers klimat- och hållbarhetsförmedling

Klimatförändringen är en av vår tids viktigaste frågor. Konsekvenserna av höjda temperaturer och havsnivåer är redan synliga på vissa håll i världen. Effekterna riskerar att för evigt förändra livsvillkoren för ekosystem, djur och människor. Vår uppfattning kring klimat- och hållbarhetsfrågor påverkas av hur den framställs i vår omgivning. Det kan vara via massmedia men det kan också vara genom Title: Climate Change as Experience - A Study on Climate- and Sustainability Communication in Museums Public perception on climate- and sustainability issues is shaped by how they are presented in media and by other communicative actors - like museums. This thesis explores how museum activities can increase public engagement and awareness on climate change and sustainability. The research has bee

Analytics in a Decision Service Context

Organizations struggle to rapidly respond to competitive and changing business environments and therefore implement smarter Information Systems that incorporate automated decision services. An imminent role for complementing automated decision making are analytics, as it can evaluate past performances to provide insights on potential future decision making endeavors. While the consensus on how ana

Mobile Business Intelligence: Barriärer ur en business analysts perspektiv

Mobile business intelligence (MBI) handlar som namnet antyder om en mobil variant av traditionell business intelligence (BI). Det senaste årtiondets explosionsartade framfart för smarta telefoner och surfplattor har givit nya förutsättningar för användandet av MBI. I övergången från skapandet av traditionella BI-lösningar till MBI-lösningar kan en del barriärer uppstå och det är dessa vi i denna u

Building an Online Presence - A New Social Media Strategy Framework for Startups

Social media is a field that is developing quickly. A field that brings both risks and opportunities for companies. It has become especially important for startups since using it requires only a small amount of resources. Even though many startups realize the value potentials with using social media, effective utilization of it still poses a daunting challenge to many of them. Based on a combinati

The Role of Capability Assessments for Decision Making

When experience is insufficient or not present at all, making decisions becomes difficult. Capability assessments are tools to inform decisions in all situations regarding risk management, but the use of them in Sweden is discussed. With experiments made in the microworld MikroRisk, conclusions can be made about the investment patterns induced by a capability assessment under the conditions of bot

The emperor’s old clothes : a consumer behaviour-based case study on second-hand clothing as a sustainable fashion consumption practice in Italy

The current fashion system known as Fast Fashion (FF) is responsible for severe environmental and social impacts. Fashion democratisation has increased consumers’ appetite for new trends, leading fashion companies to design an increasing number of collections per year. Manufacturing is outsourced to developing countries, where workers’ rights and working place regulations are hardly respected. Add

Financial stability of Islamic and conventional banks

This paper examines the stability of Islamic banks and conventional banks during and after the recent global crisis by determining the impact of the crisis on the banks’ stability. This was accomplished by measuring the z-score (the stability measure) for both types, with 96 observations of 12 banks in 4 countries where both types of banks have significant market share. This analysis suggests that

Imputation Methods in Dialysis Data

Vid de flesta processer som innefattar insamlande av data kan det ibland uppstå problem som gör att all data inte samlas in korrekt. När detta händer uppstår det tomma platser i datan där värden saknas. Det finns många sätt att hantera dessa tomma platser och i många fall kan man bortse från dem. Om ett komplett dataset behövs för analys kan så kallade imputationsmetoder användas för att fylla i dImputation of data is the process of filling in missing values in an incomplete data set. Missing data is a common problem in many fields, not least in clinical research. This report aims to evaluate different methods for imputing missing data in health records of dialysis patients. The imputed data will, in a related project, be used to predict hospitalizations of dialysis patients. The hope is t

Kreditrisk för lån på P2P-lånemarknaden - En studie av vilka variabler som påverkar sannolikhet för fallissemang

Den här uppsatsen undersökte vilka variabler som påverkar lån utfärdade på P2P-lånsplattformen Bondoras sannolikhet att gå i fallissemang. Tidigare har forskning visat att ett behov hos långivare finns om att bättre kunna använda information om låntagare för att förutse fallissemang. Genom regressionsanalys har uppsatsen identifierat olika variabler som kan förklara sannolikheten för fallissemang.

Equivalence of the sine-Gordon Model and the Massive Thirring Model: Derivations and Application

Vår värld kan beskrivas av hur fermioner interagerar via att utbyta bosoner. Fermioner är partiklar som utgör materias beståndsdelar, som till exempel elektroner, och bosoner är partiklar som till exempel fotoner (ljuspartiklar) som utbyts mellan laddade partiklar i elektromagnetisk växelverkan. Hur fermioner och bosoner uppför sig kan beskrivas med en kvantfältteori via hur olika fält interagerarThe equivalence of the sine-Gordon model and the massive Thirring model, (1+1) dimensional theories of a single scalar field respectively a single Dirac field, is derived by two alternative approaches. The equivalence is derived by a comparison of the perturbation expansions of the correlation functions of the theories around the corresponding massless theories. The alternative derivation of the e

Forensic Accounting Education - A study of curriculums in consideration of employer expectations

Purpose - To investigate if the forensic accounting education offered by universities provides the knowledge and skills that are required by the forensic accounting profession. Methodology - First, a qualitative content analysis of curriculums, with a mix between a deductive and inductive approach, is conducted. Second, an inductive quantitative content analysis of job advertisements is administe

Leveraging National Prestige : A Mixed Methods Case Study Investigation of China’s Position on the Global Field of Higher Education

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate China’s role in global higher education. It did so through focusing the investigative lens on global student mobility. The thesis followed a mixedmethods case study design, using interviews with Nordic students about their motivations to illuminate some of the features of Chinese higher education in a global context. A framework drawing concepts from t

Giving credit to credit

Financial intermediaries are ubiquitous in modern society and its impact have been exhaustively studied. A particularly vibrant field of research concerns the interrelationship between financial and economic development. While much research has been carried out on this topic, most only focus on narrow measures of both economic and financial development. Hence, this study assumes a wider approach b