

Din sökning på "*" gav 535961 sökträffar

Ecosystem services - current challenges and opportunities for ecological research

e concept of ecosystem services was originally developed to illustrate the benefits that natural ecosystems generate for society and to raise awareness for biodiversity and ecosystem conservation. In this article we identify major challenges and opportunities for ecologists involved in empirical or modeling ecosystem service research. The first challenge arises from the fact that the ecosystem ser

Some results concerning design and decoding of turbo-codes

We consider the following problems related to the construction and analysis of turbo-codes: asymptotic behavior of interleavers (permutors), asymptotic behavior of the minimum distance, and also some examples of practical application of the developed methods to concrete turbo-codes.

Beginnings in North Sámi

In North Sámi, inceptives can be formed with the inceptive verb álgit, with the morphologically bound form -goahtit, or by changing the theme vowel of the base verb. The syntactic properties of these inceptives indicate that -goahtit is an auxiliary, and so is álgit when it takes a verbal complement. These inceptive auxiliaries are located below tense, and also below obligational and permissive mo

The ABO blood group system revisited: a review and update.

The antigens of the ABO system were the first to be recognized as blood groups and actually the first human genetic markers known. Their presence and the realization of naturally occurring antibodies to those antigens lacking from the cells made sense of the erratic failure of blood transfusion hitherto and opened up the possibility of a safe treatment practice in life-threatening blood loss. Alth

Desmopressin in mild hemophilia A: indications, limitations, efficacy, and safety.

Replacement therapy with blood products has long been the only available therapeutic option for patients with bleeding disorders. Plasma-derived cryoprecipitate and factor (F) VIII concentrates, which have been used for hemophilia A patients, involve the risk of transmitting blood-borne diseases. Both plasma-derived and recombinant FVIII concentrates are expensive, and there is a global shortage.

The P2Y(13) Met-158-Thr Polymorphism, Which Is in Linkage Disequilibrium with the P2Y(12) Locus, Is Not Associated with Acute Myocardial Infarction.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aims of this study were to investigate (1) if P2Y(12) polymorphisms defining the P2Y(12) H2 allele are associated with any other SNPs that may explain the previously reported association with increased ADP induced platelet activation and association with peripheral arterial disease and coronary artery disease and (2) if such variants are associated with acute myocardial in

Photoreceptor Function in School-Aged Children is Affected by Preterm Birth.

Prematurely born children have affected visual functions at school age. Optical coherent tomography (OCT) has shown morphological changes in the retina, suggesting a disturbance in normal retinal development in these children. The aim of this study was to examine retinal function with fullfield electroretinogram (ffERG) in school-aged children born prematurely and compare with children born at ter

Managerial Ignorance: A Study of How Managers Organise for Creativity

Creativity has become a key issue for managers and scholars alike. Creativity, however, is a complex and multi-levelled phenomenon. The significance of creativity and its complexity beg the question of how managers organise for creativity and how they address tensions linked to their organising attempts. Based on an interpretive methodology the book investigates these questions and explores differ

Review of Adrian Velicu, Civic Catechisms and Reason in the French Revolution

Katekeser är en genre som vanligtvis förknippas med lutheransk religionsundervisning, och inte revolutioner. Dess form, att ställa en antal givna frågor och ge ett definitivt svar för varje fråga synes lämna föga utrymme för självständigt och kritiskt tänkande. Frågandet som teknik är en retorik; syftet är att styra läsarens tänkande i avsedd riktning. Inpräntande av normer, inte radikala reflekti

Backscratching in Hierarchical Organizations

In this paper we investigate the role of reciprocity in sustaining the emergence of implicit collusive agreements in hierarchical organizations. We conduct a laboratory experiment in which an agent hires, on behalf of the principal, one worker out of two candidates. The two candidates differ in their ability and, once employed, the worker chooses a level of non-contractible effort to exert in two

Political Liberalism and the Politics of Race: Beyond Perfectionism and Culture

It is a commonplace to suggest that liberal theory should construct principles which are race-neutral, that policies should be ‘color-blind1. This study criticizes the description of race neutrality in recent theories of political liberalism. The author begins by addressing recent writings on political liberalism by John Rawls, and explores the assumptions about racial practices which support Rawl

NMR Self-Diffusion Studies of Surfactant and Polymer Systems. Methodology and Applications

The main focus of this thesis has been to explore how the PFG NMR technique for diffusion measurements can be used to obtain useful information from various systems. The investigated systems have one thing in common; they belong to the general field of surface and colloid chemistry. The thesis is divided in two parts: one section is a summary and the other section contains four publications from