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Det europeiska projektet : Politik och juridik, historia och framtid
Understanding the European Union - where it has its roots and how it works - is not the easiest thing. Nevertheless, it is an absolutely necessary knowledge to acquire in order as an individual to be able to navigate in today's Europe. Understanding the European Union - where it has its roots and how it works - is not the easiest thing. Nevertheless, it is an absolutely necessary knowledge to acqu
Secondhand Index and the Spirit of Green Vintage Fashion
This chapter analyses how secondhand consumption and vintage fashion retailers are incorporated into Swedish urban life and the retail planning context. The chapter is part of an ongoing research project, studying retail planning and vintage fashion consumption practices. Key concepts when discussing retail and localization are attractiveness and accessibility. Cities are often characterised by th
Epidemiology of Distal Forearm and Childhood Fractures in the Skåne Region, Sweden
H-Matrix Accelerated Contour Integral Method for Modeling Multiconductor Transmission Lines
An efficient algorithm based on the contour integral method (CIM) is presented in this letter for the modeling of lossy multiconductor transmission lines. Different from the volume integral equation, the CIM only discretizes the contour of the cross section of each conductor, which significantly reduces the number of unknowns in the resultant system equations. The solution of the CIM is accelerate
Unbiased Adaptive LASSO parameter estimation for diffusion processes
The adaptive Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (aLASSO) method is an algorithm for simultaneous model selection and parameter estimation with oracle properties. In this work we derive an adaptive LASSO type estimator for diffusion driven stochastic differential equation under weak conditions, specifically that the algorithm does not rely on high frequency properties.All conditional m
Pushing for miracles, pulling away from risk : An ethnographic analysis of the force dynamics at Senior Summer Camps in Sweden
With an ageing population and a discourse of active ageing guiding welfare policies, initiatives to engage older people in health promoting activities have been established. One growing phenomenon is Senior Summer Camps, arranged all over Sweden in beautiful natural environments close to water. Their main purpose is to enable older people to participate in outdoor activities in an institutionalize
SENSory re-learning of the UPPer limb after stroke (SENSUPP) : Study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial
Background: Many stroke survivors suffer from sensory impairments of their affected upper limb (UL). Although such impairments can affect the ability to use the UL in everyday activities, very little attention is paid to sensory impairments in stroke rehabilitation. The purpose of this trial is to investigate if sensory re-learning in combination with task-specific training may prove to be more ef
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OBJECTIVE: Sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies are social and health issues among Icelandic teenagers and are more prevalent than in neighbouring countries. In 2001 knowledge and attitudes to sexual education, sexually transmitted disease and contraception among 16-year olds were investigated by questionnaire. Knowledge was defective. The study was repeated in 2005-2006 in a la
Psychoanalysis and the study of organization
As a therapeutic technique, psychoanalysis had variable but at times spectacular results, as depicted in the film A Dangerous Method (2011). Starting as a clinical practice, psychoanalysis developed a theory of the unconscious that encompasses a wide range of phenomena, both normal and pathological, by problematizing the former and normalizing the latter. More generally psychoanalysis developed a
Informing climate models with rapid chamber measurements of forest carbon uptake
Models predicting ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange under future climate change rely on relatively few real-world tests of their assumptions and outputs. Here, we demonstrate a rapid and cost-effective method to estimate CO2 exchange from intact vegetation patches under varying atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We find that net ecosystem CO2 uptake (NEE) in a boreal forest rose linearly by 4.7
Becoming summoned to, visit and exit a “Barnahus” from Child Perspective
The institution ‘Barnahus’ [Children’s House] have been established in the Nordic countries in purpose to improve the investigations and collaboration of involved agencies in protecting children in suspicion of being victims of serious crimes of abuse. Sometimes children visit Barnahus with their parents. In Sweden when custodians or related persons are suspected, children can be summoned to Barna
Prescribing antibiotics : General practitioners dealing with “non-medical issues”?
The medical professions will lose an indispensable tool in clinical practice if even simple infections cannot be cured because antibiotics have lost effectiveness. This article presents results from an exploratory enquiry into “good doctoring” in the case of antibiotic prescribing at a time when the knowledge base in the healthcare field is shifting. Drawing on in-depth interviews about diagnosing
Kort om EU. En introduktion till Europeiska unionen
Application of Analytical Expressions for Retarded-Time Potentials in Analyzing the Transient Scattering by Dielectric Objects
Application of analytical formulas for the retarded-time potentials in Müller- and PMCHWT-type time-domain integral equations (TDIEs) is presented. The impulsively excited scalar and vector potentials are evaluated in closed form, and the coupling coefficients can be calculated with high accuracy. Examples of transient analysis of the electromagnetic scattering from dielectric objects are provide
A modified construction method of synthetic basis functions for phased antenna array
This paper introduces a modified construction method of synthetic basis functions (SBFs) for analyzing the radiation problems of phased antenna arrays. The effect of the feeding sources and the responses of incident electromagnetic fields are two relatively independent solution spaces. Singular value decomposition (SVD) method is used to extract the characteristic modes to the array from the two s
Holocene Hydroclimate Variability in Central Scandinavia Inferred from Flood Layers in Contourite Drift Deposits in Lake Storsjön
Despite the societal importance of extreme hydroclimate events, few palaeoenvironmental studies of Scandinavian lake sediments have investigated flood occurrences. Here we present a flood history based on lithological, geochemical and mineral magnetic records of a Holocene sediment sequence collected from contourite drift deposits in Lake Storsjön (63.12° N, 14.37° E). After the last deglaciation,
Migration dermatology : an issue to consider?
Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas : A Nationwide Registry-Based Study
Background and Aims: To investigate the paraclinical and pathological features of surgically resected intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms in Sweden. Materials and Methods: A review of prospectively collected data on patients undergoing pancreatic resection for a histopathologically verified intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm between 2010 and 2016 was performed using the Swedish National
Modelling of diesel spray flames under engine-like conditions using an accelerated Eulerian Stochastic Field method
This paper aims to simulate diesel spray flames across a wide range of engine-like conditions using the Eulerian Stochastic Field probability density function (ESF-PDF) model. The ESF model is coupled with the Chemistry Coordinate Mapping approach to expedite the calculation. A convergence study is carried out for a number of stochastic fields at five different conditions, covering both convention