

Din sökning på "*" gav 530209 sökträffar

Deep Learning with a DAG Structure for Segmentation and Classification of Prostate Cancer

Deep learning is a machine learning technique inspired by the biological nervous system. The method has been used more and more over the last decades. Within this thesis, convolutional neural networks (CNN:s) are used for Gleason classification of prostate cancer in histopathological images. The data that has been used consists of digitalized microscopic images of prostate biopsies stained with ha

Repatriation of Afghan Refugees from Pakistan: Participation, Consultation and Consent in the Resettlement Process

Afghan refugees living in refugee camps in Pakistan are studied in this thesis. However, the repatriation and resettlement of Afghan refugees necessitate the durable solution strategy for their reintegration in home country. The previous program for the repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan was subjected to complexities. This thesis analyzed the consultation and consent of Afghan refugees

The convergence of societal advancement and the education of future sustainability professionals: a solution-oriented approach to place-based environmental changes - A descriptive case study of the Master's course 'Strategic Environmental Development' of Lund University, Sweden

Building sustainable, collaborative solutions to contemporary sustainability challenges requires a new generation of future professionals or ‘change-agents,’ the engagement of non-academic stakeholders, and academic facilitation. Educational reform is needed in order to enhance students’ competencies in becoming effective sustainability professionals. Effective collaborative platforms have the pot

The Impact of Economic Centres on City Level Growth in China - A panel data analysis of urban economic growth

China’s space economy is highly fragmented with a few mega cities and a large periphery with less advantageous cities lagging behind. While this have been the explicit approach of China’s policymakers to achieve rapid growth, less developed cities have been challenged as the suppliers in the process. The purpose of this paper is with the use of a production function examine the spatial spill overs

Can Demographics improve the forecast accuracy of Inflation? Evidence from United Kingdom

This paper seeks to determine whether demographics can increase the forecasting accuracy of United Kingdom’s inflation rate. Five forecasting models were employed, namely: the benchmark ARMA model, the SW (2002) model with and without a demographic factor and the FHLR(2003) model with and without a demographic factor. Both the out of sample and the in-sample forecast results indicates that, factor

Robustness Analysis when Estimating Economic Capital for Credit Risk

Credit risk modeling is an important part of the nancial protection used by banks during times of turbulence in the economy. More precisely, the modelling is about estimating how much economic capital a bank needs to hold in order to survive during an extreme loss. This thesis is about improving the robustness for the estimation of the economic capital, when it is updated as time passes. A decreas

Mitigating Default Risk in the Consumer Credit Market

This paper aims to evaluate recent policy updates in a credit scoring model and determine if the new model is efficient, as well as further investigate other potential risk factors. In order to evaluate the policy changes, the proprietary dataset is first categorized and estimated by a logistical regression model and secondly the dataset is transformed according to new policies and then simulated

Massively Parallel BVH Construction Using Mini-trees

Med mer kraftfulla grafikkort har möjligheterna utökats för vilka grafikmetoder som kan utföras i realtid. För en sådan metod, raytracing, används speciella data- strukturer, och för att kunna användas i realtid behöver dessa byggas upp snabbt.The Bounding Volume Hierarchy is an acceleration data structure used in ray tracing, allowing for faster intersection tests between rays and triangles. The goal of this thesis was to take one algorithm for rapidly generating such data structures, the Bonsai algorithm, which was initially implemented on a CPU, and instead implement it on a graphics processing unit. Many parts of the al- gorithm go

Framework for district heating optimization

The objective of this thesis was to develop a flexible optimization framework for district heating networks (DHN) and to introduce pressure in the network models. This was done by creating a network represen- tation (NR) of the networks using the Python package NetworkX. Each node represents a customer or producer and the lines between the nodes are the corresponding pipes. The method of the proj

Exploring the Occupational Mismatch in Spain (1990s-2013)

This research aims to give a thorough look at the incidence, and evolution of occupational mismatch in the Spanish labor market from the 1990s till 2013. This is done by examining which parts of the labor market have been exhibiting this feature, and what the odds are of being mismatched, given individual characteristics. Two, large micro-data surveys were used; the Wage Structure Survey (WSS) and

From Refugees to Citizens: What Happens to Livelihoods? – A Study of How New Tanzanians Utilize Their Citizen Rights

För drygt 40 år sedan kom en stor grupp flyktingar till Tanzania från Burundi. Om man räknar in barn och barnbarn omfattar den här gruppen idag ungefär 200,000 personer. I oktober 2014 blev de medborgare i Tanzania. Min studie undersöker vilken skillnad det gjort för några av dessa personer att bli medborgare jämfört med att vara flyktingar när det kommer till deras levnadssituation och möjligheteThe purpose of this study was to find out how attaining citizenship had affected livelihood opportunities and strategies among the approximately 200,000 Burundian refugees who after more than 40 years in exile became Tanzanian citizens in late 2014. It is a case study of local integration and development, analysing the situation for new Tanzanian citizens through the sustainable livelihoods framew

Local pollution and the risks of OPFR, PBDE and PFAS to the marine ecosystem outside Longyearbyen and Barentsburg in Svalbard

Förorenar Arktiska samhällen sig själva och påverkas marina organismer i samband med detta? Ja, bara i Adventfjorden och Grønfjorden på Svalbard finns förorening från lokala källor för 14 av 57 analyserade flamskydds- och ytbehandlingsämnen i sediment. Inte så mycket tänker kanske du? Men den största anledningen till förekomsten av dessa ämnen är utsläpp av orenat avloppsvatten och läckage från sMost of the ecotoxicological research conducted in the Arctic until today has focused on long range transport of pollutants, while fewer studies on local pollution have been published. The aim of this study was hence to investigate if local pollution of organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) occurs outside tw

Study of active technologies for prefabricated multi-active facade elements for energy renovation of multi-family buildings

In Sweden, between 1964 and 1975, approximately one million dwellings were raised in the so called million programme. Due to their age and often neglected maintenance regarding both building envelope and installations, in many cases, comprehensive retrofitting is now required. The aim with this study was to theoretically investigate the energy saving potential and cost-effectiveness of integrating

Det svenska lagförslaget om hållbarhetsrapportering: En fallstudie om hur företag hållbarhetsrapporterar och en diskussion om vad lagförslaget kan komma att leda till

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera några fallföretag med avseende på deras process att framställa en hållbarhetsrapport samt deras utgivna rapport. Vidare vill vi diskutera det svenska lagförslaget och vad hållbarhetsrapportering kan bidra till. För att undersöka syftet har en kvalitativ och explorativ studie använts med ett tolkningsperspektiv och en induktiv ansats. Studien g

Charitable Program Clustering in Canada: A quantitative analysis using T3010 responses

There is a lot of research dedicated to understanding what makes firms successful, and that research has expanded to take on a systemic approach. Most developed nations are implementing some sort of cluster policy and firms in clusters are well known to perform better than their counterparts. This thesis suggests we borrow practises used to understand firms, to better understand nonprofit organiza

Integrating Xtext and JavaRAG: Using an attribute grammar library in a language workbench

Having a specialized editor or IDE has become commonplace for many programming languages. Smaller languages, especially domain-specific ones that normally have very narrow usage areas, often lack such convenience features due to their naturally small user base. Tools for implementing editor support for these languages are called language workbenches. Unfortunately these often lack features for mor

Kan man mötas utan att synas?

I ett samhälle som blir allt mer tjänsteintensivt blir servicemöten en allt större del av vår vardag (Corvellec & Lindquist 2005: Svingstedt 2005) vilket gör att även intresset för dessa möten ökar. I denna studie undersöks servicemötet mellan chaufförer och deras kunder då det är en bransch där mötet med kund inte alltid resulterar i en mänsklig interaktion. Syftet är att belysa problematiken

PROM och PREM efter obesitaskirurgi – en kvantitativ empirisk undersökning

Bakgrund: Förbättrad återhämtning efter kirurgi (fast-track surgery) innebär ett multidisciplinärt synsätt på den perioperativa vården för att möjliggöra en kortare vårdtid. Denna undersökning utgår ifrån patientens perspektiv och baseras på patientens upplevelser. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att postoperativt utvärdera patientrelaterade utfallsmått (PROM) och erfarenheter (PREM) hos kvinnor eft

Akviferlagers miljöpåverkan i ansökningar och tillstånd

Hur akviferlagers miljöpåverkan beskrivs i ansökningar och hur det påverkar tillstånd Akviferlager är den större och effektivare kusinen till jord- och bergvärme. Systemet använder sig av grundvattnet och ger både värme och kyla. Miljöriskerna är större än för enskilda villors jord- och bergvärme. Men hur väl utvärderas detta? Det finns ett hundratal akviferlager i Sverige som betjänar allt fråThe utilization of groundwater for the use of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is of growing interest in the world. The technique is seen as an environmentally friendly and cheap solution for the purpose of heating and cooling large buildings. Research has shown that an ATES will have physical, chemical and biological consequences for the environment. This study assesses how the consequences