

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Innate immune cell response in sepsis

Leukocyte recruitment is known to be a key feature at sites of inflammation and important in the combat against infectious agents. However, the mechanisms of leukocyte recruitment in the pulmonary microvasculature in response to local and systemic inflammation remain elusive. Abdominal sepsis is associated with significant changes in systemic inflammation and coagulation. We hypothesized that leuk

Core-shell structure in self-assembled lead/lead-oxide nanoclusters revealed by photoelectron spectroscopy

Nanoclusters containing metallic lead and lead oxide have been produced by self-assembly out of a primary mixture of lead atoms and oxygen in a reactive sputtering-based cluster source. Comparison of the valence and core-level responses in the photoelectron spectra shows that clusters have a core-shell structure with a lead-oxide core coated by an outer shell of metallic lead. This core-shell orde

Acute right ventricular failure caused by concomitant coronary and pulmonary embolism: successful treatment with endovascular coronary and pulmonary thrombectomy.

Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is present in approximately 25% of the general population. PFO is characterized by intermittent shunting of blood from the right to the left atrium, especially in the context of increased right-sided filling pressures, with risk of paradoxical embolism. We describe a 69-year-old woman presenting with acute chest pain, severe dyspnoea, and acute inferolateral ST-segment e


The pectin content in the soluble and insoluble fractions of fiber suspensions from carrot, potato pulp and apple heat treated in four different ways was determined together with the particle size distribution, water-holding capacity (WHC), morphology and rheological properties of the fiber suspensions. In the carrot and apple suspensions, where beta-elimination was favored, the soluble pectin inc

Nonlinear analysis of crack widths in reinforced concrete

Former research indicates that the crack width close to the bar can be a better indicator for the risk for reinforcement corrosion than, as current concrete codes impose, the crack width at the concrete surface. In this paper a finite-element model is used to increase the understanding of how the crack width varies at different levels from the reinforcement and how different mechanisms control thi

Capacitive biosensor for quantification of trace amounts of DNA

A flow injection capacitive biosensor system to detect trace amounts DNA has been developed based on the affinity binding between immobilized histone and DNA. Histones from calf thymus and shrimp were immobilized on gold electrodes covered with self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of thioctic acid. Each of these histones was used to detect DNA from calf thymus, shrimp and Escherichia coli. The studies i

Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration - Improving Performance Through Smart Target Design

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många forskningsprojekt inom materialvetenskap, medicin eller grundläggande fysik kräver smala strålar av laddade partiklar som fungerar som provtagare för att undersöka materiens egenskaper. Dessa partiklar kan vara protoner, elektroner lättare joner. Relativt ofta, behöver de accelereras nästan upp till ljusets hastighet för att kunna tränga in tillräckligt djupt i prLaser-driven particle acceleration makes use of sub-picosecond, pulsed, high-power laser systems, capable of producing intensities ~10^{19} W/cm^2 at the laser focus to form plasmas, and use ultra-relativistic and nonlinear dynamics to produce quasistatic acceleration fields. This allows electrons to be accelerated to ~100 MeV over sub-centimetre distances, while protons may be accelerated to the

Fetch! Go away! Sit! – Feeling at home in contemporary Sweden

This article analyzes Natan against the background of an increasingly mobile world where social relations and practices have become disembedded and social capital decreases. Natan outlines an inability to feel at home in modern society, and counters this experience by restoring a nostalgic home for a seemingly homeless man.

Mass shell smearing effects in top pair production

The top quark pair production and decay are considered in the framework of the smeared-mass unstable particles model. The results for total and differential cross-sections in vicinity of t (t) over bar threshold are in good agreement with the previous ones in the literature. The strategy of calculations of the higher order corrections in the framework of the model is discussed. Suggested approach

The quality of public information and the term structure of interest rates

This paper analyzes the term structure of interest rates in an exchange-only Lucas (Econometrica 46:1429–1445, 1978) economy where consumers learn about a stochastic growth rate through observations of the endowment process and an external public signal. We allow for deluded consumers, who exaggerate the degree of covariation between the external public signal and the growth rate. With such consum

Bells pares ger resttillstånd hos 30 procent av vuxna patienter - Tidig behandling med kortison ökar utläkningen.

Bell's palsy is an acute unilateral weakness or paralysis of the face of unknown cause. The incidence of the disease is 30 individuals per 100,000 per year. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and other known causes for acute peripheral facial palsy must be ruled out. The prognosis is overall favorable and about 70% of the patients recover completely within 6 months without treatment. Recent randomized

Bird evolution: testing the Metaves clade with six new mitochondrial genomes

Background: Evolutionary biologists are often misled by convergence of morphology and this has been common in the study of bird evolution. However, the use of molecular data sets have their own problems and phylogenies based on short DNA sequences have the potential to mislead us too. The relationships among clades and timing of the evolution of modern birds (Neoaves) has not yet been well resolve

Perspectives on Software and their Priorities :Balancing Conflicting Stakeholder Views

The sustainable development of a software product depends on a number of groups working together to achieve a common goal. However, each of the groups interacts with the product in different ways, and can have conflicting aims and objectives. For example, developers trying to correct issues in the software architecture, which will impact future releases of the product, can be stopped by a project

Chemical shifts of small heterogeneous Ar/Xe clusters

Heterogeneous rare-gas clusters produced by a coexpansion of an argon/xenon mixture have been studied using synchrotron-radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy. Both valence and Xe 4d(5/2) core-level photoelectron spectra were recorded for three different concentrations of the primary argon/xenon mixture and, for those mixtures, spectra were recorded at several different stagnation conditions.

Characterization of the arrival time jitter at the MAX-lab test-FEL using electro-optical spectral decoding

Electro-optical spectral decoding is used as an online diagnostic tool at the MAX-lab test-FEL to characterize the arrival time of electrons relative to the seed-laser pulse, measure the jitter between them and to measure the relative width of the electron bunch in order to optimize compression. Frequency characteristics of the jitter are presented. The measurements are used to get information on

ICRP perspective on criteria of acceptability for medical radiological equipment

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) does not have a specific publication or recent detailed advice on acceptability criteria and suspension levels for medical radiological equipment. However, a number of the Commission's publications clearly stress the need to carry out acceptance testing of radiological equipment. Such general recommendations are frequent in earlier and

Carbonate mud mounds, conglomerates, and sea-level history in the Katian (Upper Ordovician) of central Sweden

The Katian (Upper Ordovician) facies succession of the Siljan district, central Sweden, records some of the most prominent environmental changes in the Ordovician of Baltoscandia. These changes include two separate phases of major sea-level drawdown that were of basinwide and presumably global importance. The first regression and lowstand terminated an entire generation of carbonate mud mounds (th

No title

This dissertation deals with conversational practices through which interactants manage issues of intersubjectivity, i.e. mutual understanding for all practical purposes. Intersubjectivity is understood in a procedural sense, and as built into the infrastructure of interaction, where each next action embodies aspects of how the previous action was understood. This understanding can be inspected by