

Din sökning på "*" gav 526355 sökträffar

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This bachelor thesis examines how the Danish birthing and pregnancy culture is a dialectic one. It argues that nature and culture, in a classical understanding, gives rise to an ambivalence where a new type of discourse surrounding pregnant women occurs. This discourse focuses on a natural, vaginal birth, but this type of natural birth takes place at a hospital, which is everything but natural. Th

Ideologi i skönlitterär översättning : En undersökning av två svenska översättningar av Marlen Haushofers Die Wand

I den här uppsatsen undersöks de två svenska översättningarna av Marlen Haushofers Die Wand (Väggen), Per-Erik Wahlunds från 1988 och Rebecca Lindskogs från 2014. Fokus ligger på hur bokens ideologiska budskap språkligt återges i respektive översättning och vilka tolkningsmöjligheter som öppnas upp för svenska läsare. Uppsatsen inleds med en genomgång av centrala feministiska tolkningar som gjorts

Grade inflation in Sweden: Differences between public and independent schools

In a setting where both schools and students have incentives to demand higher grades than may be warranted, there is a risk of grade inflation. Shedding light on the observed grade inflation in Swedish schools, this study investigates possible grading differences between independent and public compulsory schools by comparing their grades to national test scores. Theory and previous studies suggest

Ett rimligt självbestämmande - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om boendepersonals perspektiv på självbestämmande inom LSS, personkrets 1

The law from 1994, the Swedish Act concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments (LSS) is an entitlement law that is meant to guarantee good living conditions and self-determination for different groups with disabilities. However, studies have shown that coercive measures still occur within organizations bound by the law. The aim of this study was to examine the re

Direct Conversion Front End for LTE and LTE-A with Frequency-Translational Feedback, Harmonic Rejection Mixer and Input Matching Compensation

This thesis covers the design of a wideband, flexible front end for LTE and LTE-A in a 65 nm CMOS process. A topology with global frequency translational feedback is investigated and a harmonic rejection mixer is implemented. To compensate for parasitics at the RF input, a variable phase shift is used in the global feedback to improve input matching and prevent loss of noise performance. Combinati

Enhancing User Engagement in Mobenga’s Sportsbook

Online sports betting is a billion-dollar industry with fierce competition to deliver the best possible experience. To be able to withstand the competition from rivals, bookmakers needs to be able to differentiate themselves with innovative and cutting edge solutions that offers a complete user experience. The goal of this master thesis is to investigate how sportsbook users perceive current betti

The treatment costs of ADHD - A framework for future economic evaluations

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobehavioral problems among both children and adults. Around 5% of the children and 3- 4% of the adults suffers from the condition in Sweden. In general, diagnosed children achieve poorer results on standardized tests, receive lower grades and are more prone to dropout of school. Adults tend to struggle with work-performa

Ungdomar och idrott: en rättssociologisk studie om hur det idrottspolitiska programmet kan verka som en skyddsfaktor och vara brottsförebyggande för ungdomar i Lund

The ambition of this essay is to achieve a greater understanding of how adolescence and sport can act as a protective factor and as crime prevention. All the positive effects that sports provide to all kinds of people are something that is even more important for adolescents (Riksidrottsförbundet (2009) Idrotten vill - idrottsrörelsens idéprogram 2016, s.13-14). The commune of Lund took this knowl

The Relationship between Anxiety Vulnerability Factors, Psychedelic Drug Use and Trait Anxiety

BACKGROUND: Distress tolerance (DT), anxiety sensitivity (AS), and intolerance of uncertainty (IU) are transdiagnostic vulnerability factors for emotional distress. Some have argued that AS and IU are components of DT but this hypothesis has not been properly addressed yet, and neither has their relationship to trait anxiety. Self-report studies and to lesser extent small clinical trials suggest t

"Do you use a Swami Gimmick?" Om att översätta magiskt fackspråk

Följande uppsats baseras på en översättning av ett utdrag ur Tony Corindas bok 13 Steps to Mentalism, ett standardverk inom magiformen mentalism, där fokus ligger på att förutsäga publikdeltagares val samt ge sken av att läsa tankar. Översättningen presenteras i magisterarbetets första del, Översättningsdelen. Utdraget som översatts kommer från första kapitlet i boken som bär titeln Swami Gimmick.

Rank-Based Selection Strategies for Forecast Combinations: An Evaluation Study

This thesis evaluates four of the most popular methods for combining time series forecasts. One aspect that is often overlooked in the literature is the choice of which forecasts to include in a forecast combination. The focus here, is to investigate the variability in forecast accuracy that occurs between all distinct subsets from a fixed set of eleven individual forecasting models that a combina

Bridging the circularity gap in the LDPE value chain: A Tetra Pak and PolyPlank case study in Sweden

The consumption of single use and disposable packaging has led to significant amounts of waste. A large share of food and beverage packaging products are multi-layered aseptic cardboard packages laminated with aluminium and principally with the Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) plastic material. This multilayer design makes them poorly recyclable and causes that aluminium and LDPE layers are often i

Lateral stabilisation in multi-storey timber volume element buildings

Det ökade användandet av träbaserade volymelement i flerfamiljshus kräver effektiva och detaljerade beräkningsmetoder. Numeriska modeller av volymelementen ger stora fördelar med avseende på analys av stabilitet mot vindlaster genom möjligheten att beakta hela den tredimensionella konstruktionens styvhet.The use of timber volume elements (TVEs) in residential multi-storey buildings is increasing in popularity. Manufacturing methods and building processes have been streamlined to improve product quality. However, further streamlining still remains concerning the efficiency of current calculation methods, as many developers still use simple hand calculations. The objective with this dissertation was

Possibilities of solar energy and heat recovery in Spanish housing

The present thesis is an investigation about the analysis and study of what is the best way to obtain greater savings of heat principally from the reuse of Drain Hot Water (DWH). The study is carried out through the hypothetical application of one of these heat reuse systems and the installation of renewable solar system to reduce the electricity consume in a single-family house of 300 m2 located

Correlation of microstructural damage to functional properties of irradiated carbon fibre based composites used in neutron chopper discs

Understanding material behaviour has in the past enabled human development and will continue to characterize the various stages of our future development. The use of neutrons will greatly affect several research areas, such as sustainable energy production and cancer research, due to their interaction with nuclei. Neutrons will thus interact differently depending on the specific isotope, reveal in

”Har du något önskemål om tonart?” En studie om platstagande och kvinnors utrymme i jazzensemble på en folkhögskola

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur platstagande ter sig i en jazzensemble på en folkhögskola. Studien har främst ett genusperspektiv men tittar också på andra faktorer som påverkar platstagandet samt lärarens roll i fördelningen av plats. Deltagarna filmades vid två tillfällen: under en lektion samt vid en repetition utan läraren. Filmerna analyserades utifrån ett critical incidents techThe aim of this study is to investigate how the participants in a jazz ensemble at a folk high school [folkhögskola] claim space. The study has primarily a gender perspective but also looks at other factors that affect how the students claim space and also the teacher’s role in the distribution of space. The participants were filmed on two occasions: during a lesson and during a rehearsal without

Ansvarsfördelningen vid faktiska fel i fastighet: En kritisk studie av gällande rätt och frågan om behovet av en mer långtgående upplysningsplikt för säljaren

Fastighetsköpet är ett mycket speciellt köp i det avseendet att fastighetens egenskaper, skick och förhållanden i övrigt varierar avsevärt från fall till fall. Detta kan bero på många olika faktorer, exempelvis var fastigheten är belägen, för vilket ändamål fastigheten tidigare har använts, hur gammal den är, vem som har uppfört dess byggnad eller vilka framtida planer som finns för fastighetens oThe purchase of property is a special acquisition in the sense that the quality, shape and condition of the property in general vary considerably from case to case. This may be due to many different factors, for example, where the property is located, to which purpose the property has previously been used for, how old it is, who has built its structure or what future plans exist for the property&#

Mitt hem är min borg

I flera av EUs medlemsländer ses en ökning av hushållsanställda till följd av samhälleliga förändringar. Även i Sverige är antalet individer inom sektorn på uppgång. Nationellt och internationellt har arbete i privat hushåll historiskt karaktäriserats av att uteslutas från vissa arbetsrättsliga bestämmelser samt fallit under separata regleringar. Det finns idag tre möjliga avtalsförhållanden för dIn several of the EU member states, an increase in household employees is seen as a result of societal and demographic changes . Sweden has also seen an increased number of individuals in this trade. Both nationally and internationally this line of work has historically been characterized of being excluded from certain labor law provisions and falling under separate regulations. There are currentl

Material Flow Analysis – A Case and Simulation Study

Title: Material Flow Analysis – A Case and Simulation Study. Background: The case company, i.e., Volvo Cars is about to make changes in their supply chain setup by implementing a cross-dock within the EMEA region which will affect the supplying frequency of articles to the production facility in Torslanda, Gothenburg. Due to these upcoming supply chain modifications, Volvo requested a performance