

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Pappersarbete : Formandet av och föreställningar om kontorspapper som medium

This thesis explores office paper as a medium between 1920 and 1960 in Sweden. During this period, paper was muchdebated due to the number of standards that were implemented. These standardstransformed paper, making it a modern medium in many different ways. The aim ofthe present thesis is to analyze how office paper was reshaped to solveproblems regarding production, reproduction, circulation and

Significant inter-observer variation in the diagnosis of extrapancreatic necrosis and type of pancreatic collections in acute pancreatitis – An international multicenter evaluation of the revised Atlanta classification

Background For consistent reporting and better comparison of data in research the revised Atlanta classification (RAC) proposes new computed tomography (CT) criteria to describe the morphology of acute pancreatitis (AP). The aim of this study was to analyse the interobserver agreement among radiologists in evaluating CT morphology by using the new RAC criteria in patients with AP. Methods Patients

Prostaglandin-dependent modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission elicits inflammation-induced aversion in mice

Systemic inflammation causes malaise and general feelings of discomfort. This fundamental aspect of the sickness response reduces the quality of life for people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases and is a nuisance during mild infections like common colds or the flu. To investigate how inflammation is perceived as unpleasant and causes negative affect, we used a behavioral test in which m

General purpose technology diffusion and labour market dynamics : A spatio-temporal perspective

This dissertation aims at advancing the knowledge about the role of the labour market in the process of the technology-induced economic transformation, taking into account the variety of factors involved at micro-, meso-, and macro-levels of the economy and at different geographical scales. Empirically, the dissertation investigates the co-evolutionary dynamics of industrial restructuring and work

Imaging diffusional variance by MRI [public] : The role of tensor-valued diffusion encoding and tissue heterogeneity

Diffusion är den slumpmässiga rörelse hos partiklar som drivs av deras kinetiska energi. Den är oftast osynlig för blotta ögat, men den utgör en viktig funktion för vår överlevnad. Diffusionen står bland annat för transporten av näringsämnen över cellmembran, och det är diffusionen som gör att ämnen i kroppen blandas så att livsviktiga kemiska reaktioner kan ske.Man kan undersöka diffusionsprocessDiffusion MRI provides a non-invasive probe of tissue microstructure. We recently proposed a novel method for diffusion-weighted imaging, so-called q-space trajectory encoding, that facilitates tensor-valued diffusion encoding. This method grants access to b-tensors with multiple shapes and enables us to probe previously unexplored aspects of the tissue microstructure. Specifically, we can disenta

Front-end electronics for the tagger of the BGO-OD experiment

The BGO-OD experiment is intended for the systematic investigation of the photo-production of mesons off the nucleon. The experiment will use bremsstrahlung photons from an e- beam incident upon a thin radiator. The photon energy will be measured via the deflection of the electrons in the magnetic field of a photon tagger. The B-FrED is a 16 channel double-threshold discriminator and shaper board

Serum levels of thyrotropin are decreased by oral calcium in healthy subjects but not in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism

It has been suggested that calcium changes the set point of the pituitary thyroid feedback. It is not known, however, if small and slow changes of calcium and/or parathyroid hormone (PTH) within the physiological range influence the serum levels of thyrotropin (TSH) and thyroid hormones in healthy subjects or patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). Nine healthy subjects and nine patients

Surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism performed under local anaesthesia

Patients with primary hyperparathyroidism are often elderly with cardiovascular disease and in some an operation might be hazardous owing to anaesthetic complications. A technique for operation for primary hyperparathyroidism under local anaesthesia is described. The method uses a unilateral approach. Seventeen consecutive patients operated on under local anaesthesia were compared with a group of

Alcohol consumption, genetic variants in the alcohol- and folate metabolic pathways and colorectal cancer risk : The JPHC Study

The association between alcohol intake and colorectal cancer (CRC) may vary secondary to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two pathways related to alcohol intake. 375 cases of CRC were identified among 38 373 Japan Public Health Center-based prospective Study (JPHC Study) participants who had returned a baseline questionnaire, reported no diagnosis of any cancer and provided blood samples.

Joint business model innovation for sustainable transformation of industries - A large multinational utility in alliance with a small solar energy company

Whereas existing business models for sustainability research have mainly focused on business model activities and sustainability outcomes for separate firms, we observe that alliances between small and large firms can influence a large firm's learning and dissemination of sustainable technologies, thereby contributing to the sustainable transformation of mass markets. According to the theoretical

Signal-Adapted Tight Frames on Graphs

The analysis of signals on complex topologies modeled by graphs is a topic of increasing importance. Decompositions play a crucial role in the representation and processing of such information. Here, we propose a new tight frame design that is adapted to a class of signals on a graph. The construction starts from a prototype Meyer-type system of kernels with uniform subbands. The ensemble energy s

Tracing Proterozoic arc mantle Hf isotope depletion of southern Fennoscandia through coupled zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes

Constraints on the composition of the depleted mantle Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf crust formation ages have a long history of scientific debate. When calculating mantle extraction ages, and constructing crustal growth models, a linear evolution of incompatible trace elements in a depleted mantle since > 4 Ga is routinely used. Mantle depletion however varies regionally and over time and subduction of sediment

Does increased standardisation in health care mean less responsiveness towards individual patients expectations? : A register based study in Swedish primary care

Objective:We explore whether standardisation in health care based on evidence on group level and a public health perspective is in conflict with responsiveness towards individual patient’s expectations in Swedish primary care.Methods:Using regression analysis, we study the association between patient views about providers’ responsiveness and indicators reflecting provider’s adherence to evidence-b

Effect of Phosphorylation on a Human-like Osteopontin Peptide

The last decade established that the dynamic properties of the phosphoproteome are central to function and its modulation. The temporal dimension of phosphorylation effects remains nonetheless poorly understood, particularly for intrinsically disordered proteins. Osteopontin, selected for this study due to its key role in biomineralization, is expressed in many species and tissues to play a range

Amino Acid Signatures to Evaluate the Beneficial Effects of Weight Loss

Aims. We investigated the relationship between circulating amino acid levels and obesity; to what extent weight loss followed by weight maintenance can correct amino acid abnormalities; and whether amino acids are related to weight loss. Methods. Amino acids associated with waist circumference (WC) and BMI were studied in 804 participants from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Cardiovascular Cohort (MDC-C

Oförklarligt velande om folkmordet 1915

Den rödgröna regeringen bör leva upp till tidigare löften om att erkänna folkmordet på armenier, assyrier och pontiska greker. Fler undersökningar är inget annat än en undanflykt, skriver doktoranden Vahagn Avedian och forskaren Svante Lundgren.

CEO’s total wealth characteristics and implications on firm risk

We study the connections between firm risk and the CEO’s personal wealth characteristics, using a unique dataset on CEO wealth and its components. Consistent with decreasing absolute risk aversion, we find that wealthier CEOs are associated with higher risk firms. Riskier firms tend to have CEOs whose wealth is more independent of the firm. We also find that CEOs with high personal portfolio betasWe study the connections between firm risk and the CEO’s personal wealth characteristics, using a unique dataset on CEO wealth and its components. Consistent with decreasing absolute risk aversion, we find that wealthier CEOs are associated with higher risk firms. Riskier firms tend to have CEOs whose wealth is more independent of the firm. We also find that CEOs with high personal portfolio betas