

Din sökning på "*" gav 534687 sökträffar

Produktion av kvävegödsel baserad på förnybar energi - En översikt av teknik, miljöeffekter och ekonomi för några alternativ

Mineralkvävegödsel är en av förutsättningarna för de höga skördenivåer som uppnåtts i det industrialiserade, moderna jordbruket. I Sverige finns idag ingen inhemsk produktion av mineralkvävegödsel, utan hela efterfrågan tillgodoses med import från utlandet. Produktionen är idag baserad på fossila resurser, vilka används både som råvara för produktionen och som energi för att driva processerna. Vi Mineral nitrogen fertilizer is one of the main reasons for the high yields in modern, industrial agriculture. There is currently no production of mineral nitrogen fertilizer in Sweden – the entire demand is met by imports from abroad. Global production is at present based on fossil resources, which are used both as raw materials for the production and as energy to fuel the process. We are thus dep

Phase separation and dynamical arrest for particles interacting with mixed potentials-the case of globular proteins revisited

We examine the applicability of the extended law of corresponding states (ELCS) to equilibrium and non equilibrium features of the state diagram of the globular protein lysozyme. We provide compelling evidence that the ELCS correctly reproduces the location of the binodal for different ionic strengths, but fails in describing the location of the arrest line. We subsequently use Mode Coupling Theor

Gene and Protein Profiling of the Preeclamptic Placenta

Aims State-of-the-art methodology was used to screen and profile the placenta, gene and protein expression, for changes related to preeclampsia (PE) and cases with increased resistance in the uterine arteries. Women with increased resistance in the uterine arteries have increased risk of developing PE. Since not all of them develop PE, this group, identified by Doppler ultrasound, was included to

The impact of smoke on walking speed

In fire safety engineering, information about the expected walking speed of occupants through smoke is often one factor that is of interest to the designer. However, despite the fact that research already in the 1970s demonstrated that people tend to evacuate through smoke, little research has been performed on the topic since, and evidently, there is a lack of data on walking speed in smoke. This

Energy security under de-carbonization scenarios: An assessment framework and evaluation under different technology and policy choices

How would a low-carbon energy transformation affect energy security? This paper proposes a frame- work to evaluate energy security under long-term energy scenarios generated by integrated assessment models. Energy security is defined as low vulnerability of vital energy systems, delineated along geographic and sectoral boundaries. The proposed framework considers vulnerability as a combination of

Anti-Tumor Effects of CysLT2R in Epithelial Cancer

The pro-inflammatory cysteinyl leukotrienes (cysLTs) are implicated in several pathological disorders, such as asthma and inflammatory diseases. The well-established connection between chronic inflammation and cancer implicates inflammatory mediators in cancer progression. It is therefore of interest to examine the effects of the CysLTs in cancer. The biological effects of CysLTs are mediated thro

Experience of sexual coercion and risky sexual behavior among Ugandan university students

Background: Growing worldwide evidence shows that the experience of sexual coercion is fairly prevalent among young people and is associated with risky sexual behavior thereafter. The causal mechanisms behind this are unclear but may be dependent on specific contextual determinants. Little is known about factors that could buffer the negative effects of coercion. The aim of this study was to asses

Systematic studies of global observables in PHENIX

Systematic studies of global observables in different collision systems are indispensable for mapping the QCD phase diagram. Fluctuations in these quantities can provide fundamental information relevant for the phase transitions. The following global observables relevant to critical behavior are studied: the longitudinal density correlation, K to π and p to π fluctuations, and the constituent quar

Minimal Solvers for Relative Pose with a Single Unknown Radial Distortion

In this paper, we study the problems of estimating relative pose between two cameras in the presence of radial distortion. Specifically, we consider minimal problems where one of the cameras has no or known radial distortion. There are three useful cases for this setup with a single unknown distortion: (i) fundamental matrix estimation where the two cameras are uncalibrated, (ii) essential matrix

Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 11 new loci for anthropometric traits and provides insights into genetic architecture

Approaches exploiting trait distribution extremes may be used to identify loci associated with common traits, but it is unknown whether these loci are generalizable to the broader population. In a genome-wide search for loci associated with the upper versus the lower 5th percentiles of body mass index, height and waist-to-hip ratio, as well as clinical classes of obesity, including up to 263,407 i

Monte Carlo Study of the Formation and Conformational Properties of Dimers of Aβ42 Variants.

Small soluble oligomers, as well as dimers in particular, of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) are believed to play an important pathological role in Alzheimer's disease. Here, we investigate the spontaneous dimerization of Aβ42, with 42 residues, by implicit solvent all-atom Monte Carlo simulations, for the wild-type peptide and the mutants F20E, E22G and E22G/I31E. The observed dimers of these variants

Adding realism to simulated sensors and actuators.

In this paper, we propose a statistical theoretical framework for incorporation of sensor and actuator faults in dynamic simulations of wastewater treatment operation. Sensor and actuator faults and failures are often neglected in simulations for control strategy development and testing, although it is well known that they represent a significant obstacle for realising control at full-scale facili

Reactive Oxygen Species Produced by the NADPH Oxidase 2 Complex in Monocytes Protect Mice from Bacterial Infections

Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is an inherited disorder characterized by recurrent life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections. CGD results from defective production of reactive oxygen species by phagocytes caused by mutations in genes encoding the NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) complex subunits. Mice with a spontaneous mutation in Ncf1, which encodes the NCF1 (p47(Phox)) subunit of NOX2, have d

Allergy: a systemic disease? The HUNT and Young-HUNT study, Norway.

A systemic nature of allergic diseases has been hypothesized. As part of this discussion, we studied if adolescent allergic wheeze and increasing combinations of allergic organ involvements (lung, nose and skin) would also increase the reporting of other health problems (headache, muscle pain and abdominal pain). In addition, we studied if parental asthma was associated with adolescent clustering

Weight loss after stroke: a population-based study from the Lund Stroke Register.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Data on the prevalence and indicators of weight loss in population-based groups of stroke survivors are scarce. We aimed to find the predictors and indicators of weight loss >3 kg as a possible marker of malnutrition after stroke. METHODS: We registered weight at baseline, after 4 months, and 1 year later in 305 survivors from a population-based cohort of first-ever st

Intramolecular soft modes and intermolecular interactions in liquid acetone

Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra excited at the O1s(-1)pi* resonance of liquid acetone are presented. Scattering to the electronic ground state shows a resolved vibrational progression where the dominant contribution is due to the C-O stretching mode, thus demonstrating a unique sensitivity of the method to the local potential energy surface in complex molecular systems. For scattering