

Din sökning på "*" gav 527347 sökträffar

I underläge... : röster i debatten kring tredje världens fattigdom

In this thesis-project I set out to write an overview of the discourse on poverty, with a selected number of international institutions and other representatives from three main camps portrayed. This is a debate which has been very much in focus lately. My main objective has been to explore the definitions and causes of poverty in today's world, according to the different views, and also what

Den nya polska skolan : värdemässiga intentioner i förändring

The purpose of this essay was to examine how the intentions with the Polish school, in a social context, had changed from the round table discussions in 1989 up to 2001. Our main questions were as follows: -Which were the historical circumstances that shaped the pre-conditions for development of todays intentions in the Polish school system seen in a social context? -How are these intentions revea

Stöd och information till biologiska barn i familjehem

Our purpose with this essay was to examine how biological children in foster families, their parents and social workers experience the support and the information that the biological children receive from their parents and from social workers before, during and after a foster child is placed in the family. To get this information we interviewed six biological children to foster parents, two foster

Förebyggande arbete - en kvalitativ undersökning om varför det arbetas förebyggande för barn till missbrukare

This essay is a qualitative study on social work with children to addicted parents. The main purpose of the study was to answer the question why prevention work with children to addicted parents is done? The questions raised were: how is the situation for children to addicted parents described by professionals, why is prevention work with children to addicted parents done, how does literature and

Missbruk på arbetsplatsen : hur arbetsgivare hanterar missbruksproblem bland anställda

The meaning of this essay was to investigate how an employer handles abuse problems among the employees and which people who get involved in these problems. According to the Swedish law the employer must act when he discover that an employee has abuse problems. We have investigated how an action document about these looks like and what duties the employer has in these situations, but even what fun

Begreppet och Fenomenet Moralisk Panik - en teoretisk studie

This composition deal with the phenomenom and concept moral panic. It is thoroughly a theoretical composition and therefor has exclusively secondary material been used. The purpose of the composition have been that the writer shall study and analyse how the concept moral panic have been used and defined by the scientists who created and used the concept. The composition have used the three followi

Att sluta knarka : "en fajt för livet" eller "nu är det slutlekt, liksom"

The aim of our essay was to examine what a few young former drug addicts, who have gone through treatment, consider to be significant factors in giving up their addiction. Has any event taken place, which has been important for their giving up the addiction? Has it been a long process or a definite break? What influence has the treatment, or specific persons, had? How is the breaking up from life

Några av prostitutionens mekanismer

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the social and psychological situation of a group of women that are involved in prostitution in combination with drug- or alcohol addiction, and to gain understanding of it. The study focuses on commercial streetwalkers. The purpose is based on the following questions: 1) What is the consensus on the reasons, causes and factors for entering into

Om behandling, frigivningsförberedelser och utslussningsmetoder i svensk kriminalvård

The overriding aim of the prison and probation service is to provide sentenced offenders proper care and personal change opportunities so as to prevent relapse into criminal activity. The municipalities, county councils and labour market agencies are responsible for the social welfare services as well as for housing and employment assistance and this is where the real possibility to influence the

Unga flickors upplevelser av kontakten med socialsekreterare

During many of the lectures this spring we have heard how important and essential a social secretary can be for the youngsters they come in contact with. We therefore thought that it would be interesting to investigate how this works in reality. The purpose of the thesis was to investigate young girls own experiences of contact and their relationship with their social secretary whilst they were in

Familjebegreppet: en diskursanalys

The purpose of this studie was to explore how the conception of the family is constructed, by doing a discourse analysis of texts from three differente perspective which are dealing with the family concept, and to difinite the areas where the discourses don´t agree. The three perspective was: Feminism, psykoanalysis and late modern sociology. My method was discourse analys. A discourse can be disc

Barns upplevelse av delaktighet och samtycke

Purpose : The purpose of this paper is to illustrate children's experience of participation and consent in decisions making in social service. Questions: Did the children experienced that they where participated in the investigation, the decision and the measure that followed? Were the children allowed to take part in the decision about which measure the result of the investigation should be?

Vuxna fosterbarn

The purpose of the essay was to investigate how former foster children view their childhood and the consequence it may have for the adult person. Focus was on the importance of risk- and protective mechanisms as well as relationships. The method was qualitative personal interviews with seven former foster children. Important questions were: the time in the foster home, family of origin, important

Familjebehandling i Lund : teorier och metoder

The purpose of this essay was to investigate how multiproblematic families get in contact with treatment units offering family therapy in Lund and especially which theories and methods the therapists use. To pursue this study, literature was searched in libraries, on the internet and six persons, working therapeutic with families in six different treatment units, were interviewed. The result of th

Att leda utan klara gränser : om enhetschefers arbetssituation i kommunal äldreomsorg

This study is about supervisors in municipal old-age care. The aim was to describe and attempt to understand what some supervisors in their words and actions are trying to express concerning their work and their work situation. This study was an empirically based investigation using a qualitative approach; the data collection methods comprised of interviews and observations as well as discussion a

The Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 : en studie om behandling som ett alternativ till fängelsevård

They have in California, USA, enacted an Act, the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000, (SACPA). Our purpose with this essay was to get a better knowledge about SACPA and how the Act was put in practice by the different affected professions. Through illustrating the Act’s intentions from out of a historical, political and socioeconomic perspective we have tried to present the view the