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Hem eller vårdplats - hur behandlas personer med omsorgsbehov i hyreslagstiftningen?

Genom ädelreformen fick kommunerna i uppdrag att ordna särskilda boenden för personer med omsorgsbehov. Dessa boenden skulle utgöra den omsorgsbehövandes hem. De skulle bertala hyra och därmed få de rättigheter som följer av hyreslagen. Artikeln beskriver hur denna grupp behandlats i domstolarna samt diskuterar ändamålsenligheten av att tillämpa hyreslagstiftningen på dem.

Learning and Teaching Sustainable Development in Global - Local Contexts

The overall aim of this thesis is to develop knowledge of teaching and learning sustainable development in global–local contexts. The research field is global learning for sustainable development (GLSD). Phenomenographic approach and contextual analysis were used as methods of analysis, and data was collected by Semi-structured interviews at secondary and upper secondary schools in Sweden.In Study

The limits of inclusion – stories from the margins of the Swedish police

This chapter explores gay and lesbian police officers’ stories of marginalization and the limits of inclusive diversity policies in the Swedish police. The analysis aims to go beyond the level of policy and formal training and consider mechanisms of exclusion and marginalization on the level of personal stories based on lived experience. Drawing on an interview study of gay and lesbian police offi

Floods in the Douala metropolis, Cameroon : attribution to changes in rainfall characteristics or planning failures?

With urban populations worldwide expected to witness substantial growth over the next decades, pressure on urban land and resources is projected to increase in response. For policy-makers to adequately meet the challenges brought about by changes in the dynamics of urban areas, it is important to clearly identify and communicate their causes. Floods in Douala (the most densely populated city in th

Macroscopic ice lens growth in hardened concrete

Spalling of concrete has been observed in water retaining concrete structures exposed to long periods of freezing weather. A hypothesis is that poor quality concrete, inadequate compaction or aging make hardened concrete susceptible to macroscopic ice lens growth, i.e. ice segregation. To simulate winter conditions, the top surface of concrete specimens was subjected to freezing, whereas the botto

Modeling, implementation and evaluation of IEEE 802.11ac in NS-3 for enterprise networks

In this work we implement features for IEEE 802.11ac in the NS-3 simulator, in particular wider channels and bit-error calculations for higher modulation coding schemes. We also implement four wireless LAN deployment scenarios from the 802.11ax working group scenario document, and evaluate their performance under different operating conditions. Our simulation results demonstrate that many nodes in

Iterative Learning Control for Machining with Industrial Robots

We consider an iterative learning control (ILC) approach to machining with industrial robots. The robot and the milling process are modeled using system identification methods with a data-driven approach. Two different model-based ILC algorithms are proposed and subsequently experimentally verified in a milling scenario. The difference between the two approaches is the required sensors for acquiri

Studying the Influence of Roll and Pitch Dynamics in Optimal Road-Vehicle Maneuvers

A comparative analysis shows how vehicle motion models of different complexity, capturing various characteristics, influence the solution when used in time-critical optimal maneuvering problems. Vehicle models with combinations of roll and pitch dynamics as well as load transfer are considered, ranging from a single-track model to a double-track model with roll and pitch dynamics combined with loa

Movements in the dark : flying, landing and walking in insects

Att färdas i mörker: insekters lösningar, vinster och kostnaderIn sin ständiga jakt på mat måste många insekter undvika att krocka med grenar, stenar och blad, samt färdas i en lämplig kompassriktning. Åtskilliga insekter använder sin syn för att kontrollera detta. En nektarsökande humla, till exempel, reglerar sin flyghastighet efter hur snabbt föremål i omgivningen rör sig över dess ögon. Denna Flying, as well as walking insects rely on vision to regulate locomotion, even in the dark when the visual system is much less reliable. To manage visual control of these behaviours at low light intensities, many insects have evolved optical adaptations, such as larger facet lenses and wider rhabdoms, and neural adaptations, such as spatial and temporal summation, to increase their visual sensitiv

Normalization of qPCR in platelets – YWHAE a potential genericreference gene

The mRNA of human platelets has been extensively studied and it is generally appreciated that platelets contain mRNA transcripts derived from the megakaryocytes, and they have the ability to translate it into proteins. Additionally, platelets contain microRNA (miRNA) that has been shown to potentially regulate the translation of certain proteins. When quantifying gene expression by quantitative re

Spatial multi-objective optimization approach for land use allocation using NSGA-II

Analysis and evaluation of land use patterns are of prime importance for natural resources management. Recent studies on land use allocation have been mainly based on linear programming optimization. Although these methods have the ability to solve multi-objective problems, spatial aspects of optimization are not considered when they are used for land use management. This study applied the non-dom

Seismic human loss estimation for an earthquake disaster using neural network

In Iran, earthquakes cause enormous damage to the people and economy. If there is a proper estimation of human losses in an earthquake disaster, it could be appropriately responded and its impacts and losses will be decreased. Neural networks can be trained to solve problems involving imprecise and highly complex nonlinear data. Based on the different earthquake scenarios and diverse kind of const

Automatic integration of spatial data in viewing services

Geoportals are increasingly used for searching, viewing, and downloading spatial data. This study concerns methods to improve the visual presentation in viewing services. When spatial data in a viewing service are taken from more than one source there are often syntactic, semantic, topological, and geometrical conflicts that prevent maps being fully consistent. In this study we extend a standard v

Model of Cholera Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network in Chabahar City, Iran

Background: Cholera as an endemic disease remains a health issue in Iran despite decrease in incidence. Since forecasting epidemic diseases provides appropriate preventive actions in disease spread, different forecasting methods including artificial neural networks have been developed to study parameters involved in incidence and spread of epidemic diseases such as cholera.Objectives: In this stud