

Din sökning på "*" gav 533191 sökträffar

Exit choice in fire emergencies - Influencing choice of exit with flashing lights

Fire accidents and evacuation experiments have revealed that people often use familiar exits in fire emergencies. However, the design of emergency exits has also been shown to impact people’s choice of exit. In the present research, the use of flashing lights to direct people to emergency exits is explored in a series of experiments in both buildings and road tunnels. Recommendations concerning ho

Havsnomaderna Urak Lawoi "Att förlora sin båt är som att förlora sin hand".

När européerna kom i kontakt med Sydost-Asien på 1500-talet möttes de av ett väl fungerande handelssystem som byggdes ut till Atlanten och Stilla havet. "Havsnomader" eller ”sjözigenare” spelade här en viktig roll, då de försåg resande med varor i viktiga hamnar mellan Indiska Oceanen och Sydkinesiska havet. De var inte själva köpmän eller grossister, utan försåg mellanhänderna med varor. Dessa "h

Stationary stochastic processes: Theory and applications

Intended for a second course in stationary processes, Stationary Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications presents the theory behind the field’s widely scattered applications in engineering and science. In addition, it reviews sample function properties and spectral representations for stationary processes and fields, including a portion on stationary point processes.

Voicing Communities. Northern European and Continental Choirs in Comparison

Even if the Swedish choir movement seemed to have been able to represent different kinds of people’s desires for socio-musical communities for several decades now, this is not a preeminent Swedish attitude. Sweden is not the only country in which choirs might represent an individual’s need for a positively connotated form of culturally constructed collectivism. Therefore, an interesting starting p

Production methodology and reactivity of silica substituted a phase tricalcium phosphate

A silica substituted alpha phase tricalcium phosphate was developed by way of solid state reaction. The difference in reactivity of two different production methods using isothermal calorimetry and X- ray diffraction was also recorded. It was suggested that a silica substituted alpha phase tricalcium phosphate can be produced and characterized by way of X-ray measurement. Referencing selected sign