Din sökning på "*" gav 533178 sökträffar
Stationary stochastic processes: Theory and applications
Intended for a second course in stationary processes, Stationary Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications presents the theory behind the field’s widely scattered applications in engineering and science. In addition, it reviews sample function properties and spectral representations for stationary processes and fields, including a portion on stationary point processes.
Migration flight departures in relation to wind and orientation cues.
I skuggan av unionsupplösningen. Skandinavism, nationalism och historikermötet i Lund 1905
Evaluating the need for a Global Initiative on Mining for Sustainability: Background document
Voicing Communities. Northern European and Continental Choirs in Comparison
Even if the Swedish choir movement seemed to have been able to represent different kinds of people’s desires for socio-musical communities for several decades now, this is not a preeminent Swedish attitude. Sweden is not the only country in which choirs might represent an individual’s need for a positively connotated form of culturally constructed collectivism. Therefore, an interesting starting p
Farmers’ working conditions and health
Untreated congenital and posttraumatic high dislocation of the hip treated by replacement in adult age: 22 hips in 16 patients followed for 1-8 years.
Christian dialogue with Islam: the challenge of political theology from the global South
Analysis of emerging trends in political theology among Christian theologians in Muslim societies -- Palestine, Sudan, Pakistan -- with consideration of their likely impact on global developments in Christian-Muslim dialogue
Towards an Archaeology of Zoos
Hur kan man förbättra ständiga förbättringar?
Brave Lonesome Cowboy
Invariant Imbedding and Inverse Problems
Environmental assessment from a neuropsychological perspective
Production methodology and reactivity of silica substituted a phase tricalcium phosphate
A silica substituted alpha phase tricalcium phosphate was developed by way of solid state reaction. The difference in reactivity of two different production methods using isothermal calorimetry and X- ray diffraction was also recorded. It was suggested that a silica substituted alpha phase tricalcium phosphate can be produced and characterized by way of X-ray measurement. Referencing selected sign
No title
Genome-wide scan for autism susceptibility genes. Paris Autism Research International Sibpair Study
Family and twin studies have suggested a genetic component in autism. We performed a genome-wide screen with 264 microsatellites markers in 51 multiplex families, using non-parametric linkage methods. Families were recruited by a collaborative group including clinicians from Sweden, France, Norway, the USA, Italy, Austria and Belgium. Using two-point and multipoint affected sib-pair analyses, 11 r
Euro50 : design study of a 50 m Adaptive Optics Telescope
Do-not-resuscitate orders Ethical aspects on decision making and communication among physicians, nurses, patients and relatives
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärt-lungräddning (HLR) introducerades 1960 och fick genast stor betydelse vid be-handlingen av hjärtinfarkt. Så småningom kom metoden att användas vid nästan alla till-fällen då hjärtat stannade. I mitten av 70-talet började man i USA utfärda ordinationer till sjuksköterskorna att HLR inte skulle startas på vissa patienter i händelse av att hjärtat skulle stanna. DettThe purpose was to describe ethical aspects on how do-not-resuscitate (DNR) deci-sions are made, established, and communicated between physicians, nurses, patients and relatives. A random sample of 220 physicians and nurses answered a questionnaire about their attitudes to and experiences of the making and communication of a DNR decision. The re-sponse rate was 73%. Twenty seriously ill patients,