Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar
What is Wrong with Extinction?
The aim of this investigation is to answer the question of why it is prima facie morally wrong to cause or contribute to the extinction of species. The first potential answer investigated in the book is that other species are instrumentally valuable for human beings. The results of this part of the investigation are that many species are instrumentally valuable for human beings but that not all sp
A Community Management Plan: The Van gujjars and the Rajaji National Park
Tredje uppgiften som pedagogiskt verktyg
Emerging tick-borne pathogens: on the ecology of multiple infections in ticks and reservoir hosts
Popular Abstract in Swedish Multipla infektioner med olika patogener eller olika stammar av en patogen är vanliga. Positiva eller negativa interaktioner (konkurrens respektive facilitering) mellan patogener som infekterar samma värd kan påverka förekomsten av enskilda patogener och därmed ha stor betydesle för förekomsten av en specifik sjukdom. I denna avhandling studerar jag två fästingburna bakMost animals will encounter several more or less severe infectious diseases during their lifetime, and simultaneous infections with more than one pathogen, or several different strains of the same pathogen, are common in natural populations. Ticks transmit a wide variety of different pathogens and can also be simultaneously infected with more than one pathogen. The possible interactions between di
The Baltistan Movement on Facebook: Supersize Effects and Small-Scale Acts in the Western Himalayas
Orden, bilderna och världen : Om konstruktionen av hybrida budskap
On various possble relations between pictures accompanied by verbal text and the other way round.
Levi and the Lottery
Feedback regulation of polyamine biosynthesis: a characterization at the molecular level
Popular Abstract in Swedish Två av de viktigaste polyaminerna påträffades redan i slutet av 1600-talet, som kristaller i tjursperma och har därför fått namnen spermin och spermidin. Dessa aminer bildas från en annan substans, putrescin, som först isolerades från ruttnande kött. Namnet putrescin kommer från engelskans putrefaction, som betyder förruttnelse. Polyaminer, som kemiskt sett är positivt The polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine are essential for cell growth and differentiation. The biosynthesis of polyamines are tightly regulated by feedback mechanisms involving two enzymes, namely ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC). This thesis deals with the mechanisms behind the polyamine-mediated feedback control of these enzymes. The poly
Pay for Load Demand. Electricity Pricing with a Load Demand Component
This publication is part of a project called Direct and Indirect Load Control in Buildings performed at the Division of Energy Economics and Planning, Department of Heat and Power Engineering, Lund University, Sweden. Peak load problems have attracted considerable attention in Sweden during last three winters, caused by a significant decrease in available reserve power, which is a consequence of p
Brand och explosion
Metodistkyrkan i Sverige
Distances and distance bounds for convolutional codes - an overview
Priser och samhällsekonomi
Med e-plikten tillbaks till framtiden
A modular framework for evaluation of electrical machine production costs
A framework structure for solving multiple option production economic models is described, showing the possibilities in defining independent process modules according to a defined set of rules. The modules are then scanned and inserted into appropriate locations in the solver framework based on naming scheme and linking information, allowing both re-use of knowledge as well as rapid development an
Narrative Metalepsis in Detective Fiction
Detta är en studie av den narrativa metalepsens förekomst i deckarlitteratur. Studien är publicerad som ett kapitel i en volym där man försöker fastställa en transmedial definition av metalepsen och där man undersöker företeelsen i tolv fallstudier i olika medier och populära kulturella yttringar: från film, TV-serier, tecknade filmer, grafiska romaner och populärlitteratur till popmusik, musikvidThis is a study of the metalepsis in detective fiction. The study is published as a chapter in a volume which establishes a transmedial definition of metalepsis and explores the phenomenon in twelve case studies across media and genres of popular culture: from film, TV series, animated cartoons, graphic novels and popular fiction to pop music, music videos, holographic projections and fan cultures