

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

Knowledge Management: an Open Systems Approach

Nowadays, organizations pursue their aims in a context of distributed collaboration, creating a need not only for supporting ICT systems, but for a hu-man-centred focus in which individual and group sense-making and learning are supported by appropriate toolsets. We argue that development of such toolsets re-quires an open systems approach. This paper discusses one example: non-competitive benchma

The diversity of eye optics

This chapter starts with a description of the optics of camera-type eyes, in which an image is projected upon a retina with cornea and lens as refracting elements. Ray tracing is explained with the human eye as an example of a terrestrial vertebrate's eye. Then the comparison is made to camera eyes of aquatic and amphibious animals, with an explanation of different kinds of aberrations, difficulti

Carotid atherosclerosis in relation to socioeconomic status and gender. With special reference to the mediating role of health-related behaviours and psychosocial stressors.

The declining trend in cardiovascular mortality rates seen since the mid-1970s in Western countries have been more pronounced for people in higher socioeconomic status (SES) groups. The fact that established risk factors, are limited in explaining the socioeconomic differences in cardiovascular disease (CVD) has opened new fields of research. One such field is the role of SES in the preclinical (a

Protein Dynamics Studied by NMR Spin Relaxation. Conformational Transitions of a Calmodulin Mutant

Binding of calcium to the protein calmodulin leads to molecular reorganization that enables interaction with target peptides and activation of downstream processes. I have studied the dynamics of the calcium-loaded form of a C-terminal calmodulin mutant (E140Q-Tr2C) using NMR spin relaxation experiments. E140Q-Tr2C exhibits global conformational exchange on the microsecond time-scale. The populati

Ljusets arkeologi : att bejaka moderniteten

Archaeology of Light - to affirm Modernity. In the last decades archaeologists have discussed and investigated modernity. What then characterizes modernity? Firstly the article discusses the concept and phenomena of modernity; secondly it presents four perspectives on the relationship between museums, archaeology and modernity; thirdly it proposes how archaeology as an “Archaeology of Light” migh

Managing quality requirements in software product development

Software product development companies experience different challenges in managing quality requirements compared to functional requirements. In this context, quality requirements are defined as requirements that describe a restriction on the system, and specify how well the system performs its functions. In a market–driven development context with large markets, potential customers, and strong com

Att granska och diskutera. Lyrikanalyser

Med den här boken inbjuds studenter att granska och diskutera analyser skrivna av sina lärare. Boken utgör ett komplement till Lars Elleströms Lyrikanalys. En introduktion och är tänkt att användas som arbetsmaterial på seminarier, men även för själv­studier. I boken ingår tjugosex analyser av tretton välkända lyriktexter skrivna av Andreas Gryphius, Carl Michael Bellman, Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Chromosomal Instability and Genomic Amplification in Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta cancerformer uppvisar förvärvade kromosomavvikelser. En del enklare avvikelser har visat sig förekomma enbart i en viss tumörform och kan därför användas som diagnostiska markörer. I de flesta fall föreligger emellertid ett komplext och ospecifikt avvikelsemönster, ibland med ett mycket kraftigt ökat antal kopior av vissa DNA-sekvenser, så kallad genamplifieriAcquired genetic abnormalities are found in all types of malignant tumours and may contribute to neoplastic processes by altering protein structure or dosage. Many bone and soft tissue tumours (BSTT) are characterised by complex patterns of chromosome changes, including extensive intratumour heterogeneity and amplification of DNA sequences. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the