

Din sökning på "*" gav 526324 sökträffar

Commissioning and initial experimental program of the BGO-OD experiment at ELSA

BGO-OD is a new meson photoproduction experiment at the ELSA facility of Bonn University. It aims at the investigation of non strange and strange baryon excitations, and is especially designed to be able to detect weekly bound meson-baryon type structures. The setup for the BGO-OD experiment is presented, the characteristics of the photon beam and the detector performances are shown and the initia

Ganglion Cell Topography Indicates Pre- or Postnatal Damage to the Retro-Geniculate Visual System, Predicts Visual Field Function and May Identify Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children – A Multiple Case Study

In this paper, we quantify the degree of ganglion cell layer thinning due to retrograde trans-synaptic degeneration (RTSD) from retro-geniculate damage in six cases who had homonymous visual field defects known since childhood. Three had prenatal injuries, occurring close to mid-gestation and in the first parts of the early and late third trimester, respectively, and representing injuries at diffe

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabinol Activate Capsaicin-Sensitive Sensory Nerves via a CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor-Independent Mechanism

Although Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) produces analgesia, its effects on nociceptive primary afferents are unknown. These neurons participate not only in pain signaling but also in the local response to tissue injury. Here, we show that THC and cannabinol induce a CB1/CB 2 cannabinoid receptor-independent release of calcitonin gene-related peptide from capsaicin-sensitive perivascular sensory ner

Praise and Prevention

I argue that it is possible to prevent (and to be praiseworthy for preventing) an unwelcome outcome that had no chance of occurring. I motivate this position by constructing examples in which it makes sense to explain the non-occurrence of a certain outcome by referring to a particular agent's intentional and willing behavior, and yet the non-occurrence of the outcome in question was ensured by fa

Glas- och bärnstenspärlorna från ESS-gravfältet

Vid de arkeologiska utgrävningarna inför bygget av ESS grävdes ett mindre gravfält från yngre romersk järnålder. Glas- och bärnstenspärlor återfanns i sex av de tolv gravarna. Det totala antalet pärlor är minst 900, varav minst 551 låg i en grav. Det gör gravfältet till det mest pärlrika i Skåne, och graven med 551+ till den näst mest pärlrika. Pärltyperna daterar gravarna till 300-talet e.v.t. I

Estimation of backscattered echoes from underwater targets using block sparsity

In this work, we introduce a block sparse reconstruction technique to estimate backscattered echoes from underwater targets. The backscattered field of a spherical shell or the broadside scattering of a cylindrical shell contains a specular reflection as well as some elastic leaky surface waves, while the elastic parts appear as a periodic signal, which may be modeled using a block pattern. Thus,

The essence of living parental liver donation

The use of living parental liver donors will continue and probably increase because of lack of cadaveric livers for paediatric transplantation and the excellent graft survival of parental livers. Therefore, it is important for the health care professionals involved in living parental liver donation to understand the experience of being a liver donor. The aim of this study was to investigate the ex

Environment and Sustainability

There are strong links between astrobiology and environmental concern. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the universe—including Earth. Understanding life, and in particular the basic conditions for life, is important for our ability to create a sustainable future on Earth. The connection goes both ways, however. The preservation of biodiversity and of p

Uncertainty and self-efficacy in parents of a child with congenital cataract- new implications for practice

AimThe aim was an in‐depth exploration of uncertainty and self‐efficacy among parents of a child with congenital cataract by means of two theoretical frameworks to re‐design family care.DesignA directed content analysis in accordance with Hsieh & Shannon, using Mishel's theory of uncertainty and Bandura's self‐efficacy theory.MethodsOpen‐ended, in‐depth interviews were conducted with 23 parent

The Gaia-ESO survey : Matching chemodynamical simulations to observations of the Milky Way

The typical methodology for comparing simulated galaxies with observational surveys is usually to apply a spatial selection to the simulation to mimic the region of interest covered by a comparable observational survey sample. In this work, we compare this approach with a more sophisticated post-processing in which the observational uncertainties and selection effects (photometric, surface gravity

Stjärnbilder och planeter

Vad kan du se när du tittar upp nattetid? Stjärnor, planeter, månen, kanske även stjärnfall? Känner du igen några stjärnbilder?I denna interaktiva planetariumföreställning bjuder vi våra yngsta besökare på en upptäcktsfärd bland natthimlens stjärnor innan vi lämnar Jorden och flyger ut i rymden för att tillsammans besöka solsystemets olika planeter.What can you see when you look up at night? Stars, planets, the Moon, maybe even a shooting star? Do you know any of the constellations?In this interactive planetarium show we invite your youngest visitors to explore the night sky and to fly out into the Solar System to visit the planets.

Solsystemet : En värld av världar

Runt vår stjärna Solen kretsar åtta planeter, samt dvärgplaneter, kometer och asteroider. Människor har rest till (och gått på) Månens yta, medan våra grannplaneter har besökts av olika rymdsonder och robotar som har skickat tillbaka bilder och mätningar. Från dessa lär vi oss ständigt nya saker om solsystemets olika himlakroppar. I denna planetariumvisning tar vi oss ut i rymden, reser bland planEight planets orbit our star, the Sun, along with dwarf planets, comets and asteroids. Astronauts have traveled to (and walked upon) the Moon, while our neighboring planets have been visited by an armada of space probes and rovers, which have returned data and images back to us. From these we are constantly learning new things about our Solar System.This planetarium show takes us flying out into s