

Din sökning på "*" gav 533669 sökträffar

Gimbal stabilization of superzoom cameras

With today’s advancements in camera technology, image-stabilization is a crucial element for capturing sharp and steady images and video. Nowadays, cameras usually have built-in stabilizers that perform well in this task. In some cases, however, an additional stabilizer may be required to achieve optimal results. In such circumstances, electronically controlled gimbals are a popular choice when it

AI marketing & brand relationships: A qualitative study about consumer-brand relationships, personalized marketing and the personalization-privacy paradox

Thesis purpose: to explore what influence consumer-brand relationships may have on consumers’ perceptions of personalized marketing and the personalization-privacy paradox. Methodology: to understand each of the respondents' different perceptions of the thesis’ purpose and research question, a relativist and social constructionist approach were applied. Theoretical perspective: in order to ful

DUANGLE Lighting system design for off-grid users

This design researched and explored the new way of solar light use and deploying, on efficiency and usability levels. Recent research has shown that the solar energy has a potential impact on people1, which accounts for one of the most of the available renewable energy on earth. In this research, I decided to look deeply into the appliance of solar light systems, to make solar energy accessible fo

Staying relevant: A study on the digital skills in demand for the management accountants in the era of digitalization.

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the digital skills that are important for accountants in order to stay relevant in the era of digitalization. In addition, the research has two sub-purposes. The first sub-purpose is to study the digitalization-related training. Secondly, the thesis aims to explore the accountants’ opinions on the challenges associated with the digitalization in th

Exploring potential pathways for strengthening disaster risk management in conflict

Despite a growing interest in the conflict-disaster nexus, major knowledge gaps persist on operational knowledge and guidance on conflict considerations in disaster risk management programming. The objective of the study was to identify potential pathways for strengthening disaster risk management efforts in fragility-, violence-, and conflict-affected contexts. A collective case study was conduct

A comparison of the Basel III capital requirement models for financial institutions

The purpose of this report is to implement and compare the two Basel III standard methods on how to calculate the capital requirement for finan- cial institutions, related to counterparty credit risk. The models being the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR) and the Internal Model Method (IMM). The SA-CCR model is a simpler and more standardized model with prescribed methods

Never Let a Crisis go to Waste

This report investigates how organizations deal with organizational learning during times of crisis. The aim was to contribute with a framework visualizing the most profound drivers and barriers to organizational learning during crisis management, using the covid-pandemic as a case example. A preliminary framework was developed with the literature review as a foundation to do this. An interview gu

Licensjakt på varg som regel eller undantag?

Det brukar sägas att undantaget bekräftar regeln men för svensk vargförvaltnings vidkommande är det undantaget som blivit regeln. Med undantaget menas en bestämmelse i EU:s Art- och habitatdirektiv som möjliggör licensjakt på arter trots att de egentligen är skyddade enligt samma direktiv. Skyddet kan ses som EU:s svar på fridlysning. Trots skyddet har Naturvårdsverket och flera länsstyrelser meThe wolf topic is subject for considerable controversy in Sweden. Today, wolves are recognized, by the IUCN redlist, as locally endangered and what is more, the Swedish population suffers from ample inbreeding. However, between 2010-2022 license hunts have been allowed on an almost yearly basis, albeit not without numerous appeals. Because the wolf is strictly protected under the European Unio

Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project-Based Engineering Organizations - Catalyzing the firm’s product innovation capabilities

Tacit knowledge is valuable because of its hard imitability, this also creates the challenge of spreading it to other employees in the organization. This study describes the phenomenon of tacit knowledge sharing (TKS) in project-based engineering organizations (PBEOs) and is directed at practitioners to allow them to improve their role as facilitators of TKS. PBEOs manage research and design proje

Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy in Large Geometries: Towards Monitoring Oxygen in Adult Lungs

Hela livet är våra lungor livsviktiga organ. För nyfödda såväl som för äldre patienter så finns ett kliniskt behov av säker och kontinuerlig lungövervakning. Några av dagens vanliga metoder för att undersöka lungorna, såsom röntgen och datortomografi, ger endast en ögonblicksbild samt medför joniserande strålning. En ny teknik för klinisk lungmonitorering är nu på frammarch: GASMAS. GASMAS står föGAs in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy (GASMAS) is a technique to study free gas inside strongly scattering bulk-materials. GASMAS is successful in safely measuring oxygen in lungs of neonates, with low-power tuneable diode-laser spectroscopy at 760 nm. Because a similar need of lung monitoring exists in older patients, this work explores how GASMAS can be scaled up for larger geometries.

Utbud & efterfrågan på betong

Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka vad som sker för betongleverantörer samt byggentreprenörer när utbudet och efterfrågan på betong förändras. Målet med rapporten är att klargöra vilka strategier leverantörer och entreprenörer implementerar för att klara av en förändring av utbudet och efterfrågan på betong. Resultatet av intervjustudien visar att betongleverantörerna är mycket mer förbereThe purpose of this report is to investigate what happens to concrete suppliers and construction contractors when the supply and demand for concrete changes. The aim of the report is to clarify which strategies suppliers and contractors implement to cope with a change in the supply and demand for concrete. The results of the interview study shows that the concrete suppliers are much more prepared


Att människor påverkas av de gestaltningar som media förmedlar är allmänt känt. Detta påverkar bland annat brottsoffer. Ur ett historiskt perspektiv har brottsoffrets roll i samhället förändrats från att knappt existera till att lyftas fram och synliggöras. Att kartlägga olika mediers gestaltning av brottsoffer över tid är därför av intresse ur flera perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att bidr

Analysis of synthetic inertia using wind turbines for frequency stability in power systems

With the large expansion of renewable energy sources such as wind- and solar, the stability and quality of electrical power can be affected. The transition towards large-scale wind power offers many opportunities to maintain stability by using power converters to create synthetic inertia. At request of Sweco Energy, this thesis shows the effect and importance of synthetic inertia used in wind powe

Validering av trafikmodeller med GPS-baserade probedata

Att använda sig av så kallad GPS-baserad probedata i syftet av att validera trafikmodeller är en relativt ny och oprövad metod. Insamling av GPS-baserad probedata sker genom att fordon registrerar sin lokalisering vid flera punkter utmed sin resa. Metoden har potentialen att effektivisera och förbättra arbetet med att producera verklighetsförankrade och pålitliga trafikmodeller. Men för att nå ditIn traffic assignment, one of the key elements is the validation process. The validation allows the traffic planner to get an understanding of whether the model is working according to reality-based metrics, or if it must be improved. There are several different ways of collecting reality-based metrics, one these methods are called GPS probe data. Through this study, a survey as well as a case stu

Grundpelarna för Organisatorisk Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) har kommit att bli ett centralt begrepp när det berör konkurrenskraft och ekonomisk tillväxt. I samband med att antalet implementerade ML-system ökar kontinuerligt ställs högre krav på organisationer att bli mer datadrivna och anpassa sig efter ML-teknologin för att hänga med i de teknologiska trenderna. Däremot är forskningen bristande kring vad som händer innan organisation

Does Ethnic Origin matter for Health Inequalities in Bolivia? An Assessment of the Effect of Ethnicity on Health Care Access and Health Outcomes

Good health is of utmost importance to individuals and economic growth. Nevertheless, inequalities concerning health services and conditions are observed in developed as well as developing countries. Often such disparities are related to ethnicity, with indigenous populations exhibiting lower health performance. Bolivia features a large indigenous population, which still experiences disadvantages

Digital Video Consultation in Health Care - Challenges from a doctor's perspective

Digitalization has meant changes in the way the Swedish healthcare sector operates. Nowadays, it is common to meet a doctor online. There are several studies examining patients' views on video consultations, but this study examines the challenges faced by doctors which leads to our research question: What are the challenges with digital video consultants from a doctor's perspective? The fo