

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Den allmänna fordringspreskriptionen - Något om tillkomstbegreppet i 2 § preskriptionslagen

Denna uppsats ämnar behandlar tillkomstbegreppet i 2 § PL. Att en fordran preskriberas innebär enligt PL att borgenären förlorar sin rätt till betalning. Skulden som sådan lever kvar och kan i vissa fall användas till kvittning. Skulle gäldenären betala trots att fordringen är preskriberad kan han inte kräva tillbaka betalningen. En fordran preskriberas enligt huvudregeln tio år efter dess uppkoms

Designing tax systems in Developing Countries - An evaluation of the Dominican tax system

The Dominican Republic is a small open economy, highly dependent on trade for its economic growth. During the past decades, the country has taken major steps to liberalize its trade regimes. As a consequence revenues from import duties and tariffs have fallen sharply. This has put an immediate pressure on the country to reform its tax system in order to increase revenue from domestic sources to co

En jämförelse av Eurokod och Boverkets konstruktionsregler

On January 1, 2011 the new structural design rules (Eurocode) became valid in Sweden; these rules are common to the entire European Union. The reason for the introduction of the Eurocode is to try and eliminate trade barriers between member states. This thesis aims to show what impact this change from Boverkets structural design rules (BKR) to the Eurocode will have on the dimensioning of shear re

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Business Contracts, especially mediation clauses

The alternative dispute resolution (the “ADR”) is an alternative dispute settlement procedure. It pursues the main objective to resolve the disputes arising between the parties to a contract in an amicable way with the aid of independent professionals or so-called neutrals. Nowadays the role of ADR is becoming more and more important, and the number of agreements containing ADR clauses is constant

A Minor Field Study on Student Participation through Class and School Councils in Copperbelt Province, Zambia

The purpose of this Minor Field Study is to describe and analyse student participation through class and school councils as a way of increasing child rights at a school level and democracy at a national level. Class and school councils are new concepts in Zambia in the work towards the child’s right to participation as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child article 12. They were esta

Tänker vi lika?- en undersökning gjord om hur socialtjänsten och förvaltningsrätten resonerar fram sina beslut i LVU-ärenden.

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the social service and the adminisarative law reasoning out their decisions in cases concerning compulsory care of children under LVU §2. The aim was also to concider how to discern any similarities or differences in the two organizations way of reasoning. An content analysis is made on social service´s childcare investigations and the judgements made by

Att motivera medarbetare - röster från chefer inom den svenska äldreomsorgen

The aim of this study is to attain a deeper understanding of how managers in the Swedish geriatric care motivate their employees. Another aim is to investigate if there exists any differences between public and private managers way of motivating. Questions of issue: How do managers motivate their employees? The empirical data has been gathered through four semi-structured interviews. Managers in t

Improving the Sales Process Efficiency Without Jeopardizing Technical Risks

Since recently, Vestas Northern Europe has been facing a buyers’ market with more demanding customers than before. In addition, a rapid growth and a restrictive risk policy have caused inefficiency within the organization. The purpose is to investigate how the efficiency in the sales phase can be increased in advantage for additional projects to be handled. The efficiency is to be increased withou

Stigande havsnivåer och dess effekt på låglänta länder

De senaste 100 åren har den globala medeltemperaturen ökat i genomsnitt 0,74 grader, vilket medför stora effekter för såväl människor som djur och natur. En av de största konsekvenserna till den globala uppvärmningen är att den stigande havsnivån blir allt mer påtaglig världen över. Glaciärer och inlandsisar har börjat smälta allt mer, där avsmältningen medför en global ökning i havsnivån. HavsnivThe rising sea level is becoming more evident around the world as less as well as more developed countries are starting to fully comprehend the consequenses. It is also generally accepted that the sea level rise is accelerated by human-induced global warming. Glaciers and ice sheets are melting more and more, which together with temperature induced thermal expansion of the seas which leads to a gl

Global effects of albedo change due to urbanization

Hur många gånger har du tagit på dig en svart tröja och sedan upptäckt hur varmt det blir när solen tittar fram? Med hjälp av den erfarenheten är det säkert tydligt att mörka material värms upp mer av solens strålar än ljusa material. Man säger att mörka material ”tar till sig”, eller absorberar, en större andel av den strålning som solen sänder ut i form av ljus. Det som inte absorberas kan istälHuman population on Earth is increasing and is projected to continue increasing for many years to come. Most of the increase will probably occur in cities and the extent of urban areas will increase with it. As cities grow larger and new cities are built, the many and diverse climatic effects of urbanization will become more evident. A specific climatic effect of urbanization which has not receive

The effects of climate induced sea level rise on the coastal areas in the Hambantota district, Sri Lanka : a geographical study of Hambantota and an identification of vulnerable ecosystems and land use along the coast

I nästan två århundraden har koncentrationerna av växthusgaser i atmosfären ökat som ett resultat av mänskliga aktiviteter. Detta har lett till vad som nu är känt som växthuseffekten. Behovet av att kunna förstå och förutsäga effekterna som förhöjda koncentrationer av växthusgaser har på jorden är viktigt. En diskuterad effekt är en global höjning av havsnivåerna tillföljd av höjd global medeltempFor about two centuries the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases has been increasing as a result of human activities. This has lead to what is now commonly knows as the greenhouse effect. The need to predict and to understand the affects that elevated concentration of greenhouse gases has on Earths systems is important. One effect that is predicted to occur is the rise of global sea leve

Relating interannual variability of atmospheric CH4 growth rate to large-scale CH4 emissions from northern wetlands

Metan (CH4) är en av de viktigaste växthusgaserna i atmosfären och dess kraftiga ökning har bidragit till den uppvärmning som vi har upplevt fram till idag. Sedan mitten av 1980-talet påvisar mätningar att metantillväxten i atmosfären har börjat fluktuera från år till år. Orsakerna till detta är omstridda och ännu inte klargjorda. Under 2007 uppmättes en kraftig ökning i tillväxt som var särskilt The increasing atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4) is highly relevant for current and future global warming. Since the mid-1980s atmospheric measurements have revealed large interannual fluctuations in methane growth rate. However, the causes of this feature are still not well understood. In 2007, a peak in growth rate appears to have been particularly strong at high nort


Framtidens stora biodrivmedel kommer till största del utgöras av 1:a generationens etanol och FAME, i tidsperspektivet 10-20 år som denna rapport behandlar. Andra biodrivmedel kommer dock att dyka upp, men kommer en-bart att uppta mindre marknadsandelar och framför allt nischmarknader som fordonsflottor. Detta baseras på 38 djupintervjuer med intressenter från alla led av branschen samt statistik-

Jakten på den afrikanska regionaliseringen

This bachelor thesis deals with regionalization in southern Africa and how these processes have been affected by the ongoing negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). The starting point of the thesis is the Cotonou Agreement and the subsequent negotiations that took place between the EU and its former colonies. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of EPAs on regionaliza

Fuskare eller offer? - En kritisk diskursanalys av hur svensk dags- & kvällspress framställer sjukförsäkringens nyttjare

The aim and purpose of this study has been to examine how Swedish media portrays sick people and the discourses that are present doing that. I have used articles from Swedish newspapers, and to analyze this material I have used discourse analysis and the theory of social constructivism. I have used articles from several different publication years in order to enhance the quality of the material. I

Dalby Söderskog : den historiska utvecklingen

Klimatet står inför en stor förändring i framtiden. Växthusgaser från transport och industrier ökar i atmosfären vilket i sin tur leder till en ökad temperatur. Den ökande temperaturen samt den förändrade nederbörden ger negativa konsekvenser för naturen. Det vi ser idag är de allt mer frekventa naturkatastroferna; storm, översvämningar och torka som drabbar vår planet. Naturen kan ta skada av detThe climate of the world is changing. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are rising because of human activities. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that makes the temperature rise. Besides the temperature and carbon dioxide rise, also the amount of precipitation is changing in the world. These big changes mostly affect the nature negatively and possible also the forest. A long term stu

Cyniska vinstmaskiner eller glimrande vårdgallerior? En idéanalys av debatten om privatisering av offentlig sektor.

The aim of this study was to analyze in which ways the issue of privatization of welfare services has been reported and debated in Swedish media. More specifically its purpose was to explore how ideas and arguments were presented, and if the language use reflected ideological conceptions in the debate. The study was based on a selection of articles, collected from three of Sweden’s largest broadsh

Musikens tyngdpunkter - om interaktionen mellan meter och rytm och dess roll i den interpretativa processen

Title_ Metric points of gravity in music - interaction between meter and rhythm and its role in the process of musical interpretation. The aim of the present study is to shed more light on the following questions: What is the role of interaction between meter and rhythm in the process of musical interpretation? What motives lie behind the choices that music students make when interpreting a piece