

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Riskklassificering av nedlagda deponier i Trelleborgs kommun - En jämförande fallstudie av riskbedömningen i två tidigare metoder och MIFO

Deponerade risker – Gamla soptippar i dagens ljus Länge var det vanligaste sättet att bli av med sopor att deponera dem. Över tid har detta lett till att det idag finns tusentals gamla soptippar i landet. Dessa kan hota grundvatten, åar, bidra till övergödning och exponering av farliga ämnen. Behovet att utreda vilka risker de innebär är stort. Vanliga föroreningar i gamla soptippar är metaller Thousands of disused landfills in Sweden pose a threat to human health and the environment. The most common landfill has received both industrial and municipal waste and contains metals, heavy metals, organic compounds, chlorides and nutrients. This study examines the disused landfills in the most southern municipality in Sweden, Trelleborg. The purpose of this study was to examine what risks the

Hur påverkas efterlevande makes arvsrätt av ett hemvistbyte från Sverige till Spanien?

Genom EU-förordningen 650/2012 om internationella arvsfrågor har nationalitetsprincipen bytts mot hemvistprincipen med avseende på vilket lands arvsregler som ska tillämpas inom EU. Ingen harmonisering har dock skett av arvsrätten inom EU, och i den situation att en person byter hemvistland inom EU blir det således angeläget att jämföra ländernas arvsregler och vid behov upprätta testamente. ÅtskiAccording to EU regulation no 650/2012 regarding international succession, the applicable law governing succession has shifted from the law of the state of nationality to the law of the state of habitual residence. Since the laws of succession in EU member states have not been harmonized, the situation where a person changes his or her state of habitual residence within the EU calls for a comparis

Påföljden för mord - standardfall och normalstraff

Straffvärdet intar en central position inom det svenska straffsystemet. Det abstrakta värdet, eller straffskalan, ger en utgångspunkt för beräkningen av straffvärde. Med denna av lagstiftaren fastställda ram som bakgrund ska domstolen i nästa steg, i ljuset av försvårande och förmildrande omständigheter, bedöma en specifik gärnings konkreta straffvärde. Av avgörande betydelse för bedömningen är dePenal value occupies a central position in the Swedish penal system. The abstract value, or range of punishment, provides a basis for the calculation of the penalty. With this frame of legislation established, the court will in the next step assess a specific perpetrators concrete penalty. The assessment of the specific penalty amount will be made in light of how aggravating and mitigating the cir

“Vardagen blir inte lika tung” – en studie om genomförandet av Funktionell remediering för bipolär sjukdom

Introduktion. Patienter med bipolär sjukdom har ofta kognitiv funktionsnedsättning, vilket predicerar nedsatt psykosocial funktion. På senare tid har behandlingsprogram i funktionell remediering tagits fram, i syfte att avhjälpa detta.Forskning rörande acceptans av kognitiv dysfunktion saknas. Föreliggande studie syftade dels till att undersöka psykosocial funktion och grad av acceptans av kognitiIntroduction. Cognitive functioning of patients with bipolar disorder is often impaired, predicting impaired psychosocial functioning. Lately, programs of functional remediation attempting to address these difficulties, have been developed. Acceptance of cognitive dysfunction has not been scientifically explored. The present study aimed at investigating psychosocial functioning and acceptance of c

Den avgörande tävlingen - rörelsemotorik och nervositet

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the level of trait anxiety and to which extent the equestrians reinvest to consciously control their movements, and if the result had an influence on performance. The selected participants were 30 elite equestrians, actively competing in dressage. All participants were competing on a both national and international level in thisSyftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan individens grad av trait anxiety och tendens att kontrollera sina rörelser hos elitryttare i dressyr, samt om utfallet hade en inverkan på prestation. Urvalet bestod av 30 stycken elitryttare som aktivt tävlade på nationell- och internationell nivå i den finmotoriska ridgrenen dressyr. Deltagarna besvarade en webbenkät som involv

The effect of credit rating announcements in the Nordic stock market

Credit rating agencies’ influence on capital markets has been a highly debated topic in the last decades, as their power and impact have not been established with clarity. Different characteristics have been found especially between larger and smaller markets, which makes it interesting to investigate how the Nordic market as a smaller market reacts to credit changes. This study investigates how t

Sub-stock-specific assessment of cod in Öresund - an evaluation of the effects of fishing restrictions introduced in 2009

Worldwide, many fisheries are under severe stress and extensive depletion of fish stocks is common. Besides overfishing an important problem preventing depleted stocks from recovery is that fish stocks are commonly managed following administrative rather than biological reasons. This stresses the importance of sub-stock-specific assessments for sustainable fisheries. The present study performed su

IT-policyer i organisationer: En fallstudie av anställdas informationsäkerhetsmedvetande

Informationssäkerhet blir allt mer aktuellt inom företagsvärlden. Information anses vara en organisations största tillgång och organisationer utsätts ständigt för inre och yttre hot. Traditionellt har man sett detta som ett tekniskt problem med tekniska lösningar, men det största hotet är de anställda som genom illvilja, omedvetet slarv eller brist på kunskap inte beter sig säkert. Detta hanteras

Introducing carbon fee & dividend by writing about morality, co-benefits or pragmatism: First survey results on how framing and backgrounds influence policy support and idea dissemination

Koldioxidavgift & utdelning – för att det är rätt, relativt lätt eller för sidoeffekterna? Att lägga en avgift på fossila bränslen för att påskynda energiomställningen och sedan varje månad dela ut alla dess intäkter till allmänheten för att göra det hela tilltalande – kan det vara något? Denna studie visar att förespråkarna för en sådan policy noggrant bör skräddarsy sin kommunikation och ge‘Fee & dividend’ (F&D) would incentivize the energy transition by levying an annually rising fee on fossil fuels. Simultaneously, all revenues would be given straight back to citizens, protecting a majority against price increases on products and services. Proponents say that this translates into broad popular support and makes the policy the most feasible option for realizing adequate car

Investigating the Significance of Inflammatory Signaling in Fetal and Adult Hematopoiesis

A specific class of signaling proteins has been shown to affect adult hematopoiesis in mice, but little is known about the role that these proteins play during hematopoiesis in the fetal liver of the embryo. Here, we have studied and compared the in vitro and in vivo response to a cytokine in bone marrow and fetal liver hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). We have found that fetal live

Ett folkbibliotek för alla, eller? : En diskursanalytisk studie om tre skånska folkbiblioteks arbete mot nyanlända 2015

This master thesis is a study of how three public libraries in Scania approach refugees in 2015: Helsingborg, Lund and Malmö’s public library. The Swedish Library Act states that public libraries should be available to and usable by all people. The purpose of this research is to find out to which degree public libraries have the possibilities to fulfill this Act, in terms of their organizational s

Att finnas utan att synas : en studie av användbarhet i Nationell Arkivdatabas

In this Master’s thesis I aim to examine the usability in the Swedish National Archival Database to find out the archivists’ view on the usability in the database and how this may affect record finding in their everyday work. The empirical data consists of interviews with five archivists from five different archival institutions. NAD is a digital finding-aid for archival information. It is availa

No title

A good reputation has become increasingly important for countries in order to be influential and attractive in a globalized world. This thesis explores the relationship between Norway's overarching reputation strategies, created to promote positive values, and a Norwegian refugee campaign, created to control the potential refugees’ opinions, and influencing them not to come to Norway. Through

Major Gaps on the Rights of Women in Ethiopia

Abstract Several international instruments including CEDAW have recognized every human being to be free from any form of violence including being free from inhuman and degrading treatment. Equality of men and women is also recognized starting from the establishment of UN in 1945 under its charter. UDHR, ICCPR and ICSECR are the major international human right instruments which recognized the appl

Beskattning av derivatinstrument-Gällande rätt för klassificering och periodiseringen av derivatinstrument

Denna framställning redogör för beskattningen av derivatinstrument i inkomstslaget näringsverksamhet. I inkomstskattelagen delas derivatinstrument upp i lagertillgångar eller kapitaltillgångar baserat på vilken typ av aktiebolag som äger tillgången. I bolag som huvudsakligen bedriver handel med värdepapper anses sådana tillgångar vara lagertillgångar. I alla andra bolag är derivat kapitaltillgånThis thesis describes the taxation of derivatives in the business income tax act (“Inkomstslaget näringsverksamhet”). The Income Tax Act divides derivative instruments into inventory assets or capital assets based on the type of company that owns the asset. Assets held by companies engaged primarily in the trading of securities and derivatives are considered to be inventory assets. In other compa

‘Brand New Food’ - Brand Positioning of Entrepreneurial Innovation: A Multiple Case Study in the Food Industry

While entrepreneurial brand building has received growing interest over the past years, the particular brand positioning practice around an innovation is little understood so far. The purpose of this study is to link the separate but interrelated academic domains of brand positioning, entrepreneurship and innovation and thereby to contribute to new theory building on entrepreneurial brand position

"Alltså man vill ju kunna identifiera sig": Lesbiska och queera biblioteksanvändares levda erfarenheter av folkbibliotek

This master's thesis presents a qualitative analysis of nine interviews with public library users who identify as dyke, lesbian, or queer. The study focuses on the participants' lived experiences of public libraries and aim to investigate the library's role in the exploration and practice of a queer or lesbian sexual identity. In what ways does the library contribute to and/or obstruct

Framtagning av standard för skadesammanställning på kommunala gator

About 20 percent of Sweden's municipal street network is now in urgent need of maintenance. This is assumed to correspond to a cost of about 12 billion Swedish crowns. That the streets are maintained in an effective manner is of great importance both for the users' safety and accessibility. Today, however, numerous municipalities suffer from a maintenance debt incurred because of the lack