Din sökning på "*" gav 534694 sökträffar
Reducing revenue loss due to disturbances in utilities using buffer tanks - A case study at Perstorp
Utilities, such as steam and cooling water, are often shared by several production areas at an industrial site. In order to minimize the loss of revenue due to disturbances in the supply of utilities, the optimal supply of utilities to different areas has to be determined. It is not evident how utility resources should be divided, as both buffer tank levels, the connections between areas, and the
Numerical investigation of two-phase aqueous foam flow for heat exchanger applications
This work details investigation of two-phase aqueous foam flow, which is applicable for developing energy-efficient heat exchangers. In such heat exchangers, heat transfer rates are enhanced due to the structure and properties of aqueous foam, namely gas bubbles separated by a thin liquid film. Aqueous foam is noted to have an especially large inter-phase contact surface and reduced surface tensio
Issues and Challenges with Industrial-Strength Product Composition
One way to deal with product lines and products that have to exist in many variants is to use a component-based approach. This allows a lot of flexibility in creating new products and can reduce time and costs. However, the flexibility in composing products from a base of components is not without problems. Complexity increases in the composition process when combining many components to one large
Applications of the Fisher information integral operator for inverse problems
Syrian Water Resources between the Present and the Future
Water scarcity is one of the main challenges facing Middle Eastern countries. A typical country in this respect is Syria. This paper estimates projections for the available water resources, water balance, and available water per capita (AWPC) in Syria until 2050 in relation to possible future climate changes, national development agendas, water constraints, and water management alternatives. Resul
Cybernorms and Virtual Solidarity
The sharing of computer programs, movies and music over the Internet marks an all time high in the persistent controversy between intellectual property owners and reproduction technologies as file sharing has gradually become a natural element in the everyday life of today’s younger generations. At present, the magnitude of the expanding gulf between traditional society’s intellectual property rig
A robot with autonomous spatial learning: a project overview
An investigation into the design of neural network controlled autonomous agents that navigate in uncertain environments using pre-existing visual landmarks.
Vertical III-V Semiconductor Devices
This thesis is based on three projects that deal with vertical III-V semiconductor devices. The work spans over basic research as well as more applied aspects of III-V semiconductor technology. All projects have in common that they rely on advanced epitaxial growth to form the starting material for device fabrication.In chapter two, zero-dimensional Quantum Dots (QDs) are incorporated into electro
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Abstract in Chinese 從社會投資(social investment)的社會福利的角度來看,花蓮的發展,長期以來,著重在修復(repair)人口外移與老化的困境,而非預防(prevent)這個現象發生的原因。如果花蓮真的要強調永續發展,我覺得創新的思維應該要著重在預防,像是我們如何把人留下來?把好的產業留下來?〈花東地區發展條例〉裡提到人才東移的政策,花蓮縣綜合實施方案應該要更細部的討論這個部份,不是只有簡化成消費原住民文化的觀光產業,再者,如果觀光或是鄉村旅遊是花蓮發展很重要的一環,我們的教育準備好了嗎? 最後,在其他國家對鄉村發展大多採用低衝擊的開發(Low impact development)的今天,我們能不能勇敢的說,我們不需要靠空中纜車,也可以欣賞到美景,我們不需要賽車場,也可以找到觀光的出路呢? 花蓮縣政府在九月十六日舉辦了花蓮縣綜合實施方案初稿的聽證會,
Agenda arkeologi : upplysning, terapi eller moral
A discussion of motivations for doing archaeology. In the present there is a conflict between three different perspectives: Enlightment, teraphy and morale. The three perspectives go back to the Antique philosophical concepts of the truth, the beauty and the good, correlating to epistemology, estetics and ethics.
Kunskapslabbet i Trelleborg : ett projekt om överföring av kunskap inom vård och äldreomsorg.
The influence of Self-Rated Health and Diagnosed disease to Extended Working life
To work or not to work in an extended working life
Why work farmers beyond 65?
When the Military Profession Isn't
Implementation of accessibility policy in municipal transport planning : Progression and regression in Sweden between 2004 and 2014
Practitioners and transport planners should be aware of the different policies in transport planning and laws and regulations in relation to them. Nevertheless, research has shown that implementation of transport policies, whatever their focus may be, does not always result in them being employed in the daily transport planning. In Sweden, accessibility policy has a long tradition but gained incre
Den neutrala bundsförvanten : svensk-amerikanska säkerhetsrelationer i medgång och motgång
Factors effecting the Decision to Continue Working or Retire Early
In most of the industrial world the fractions of older people continuously increase (OECD, 2011). The upcoming demographic change is described as a threat to societal service. Many societies have to motivate people to work until an older age to increase the number of working hours in the economy (Eurostat, 2010). Factors important to whether older workers extend their working life are complex, mul
Employers' attitudes toward older workers and a sustainable working life in a public geriatric care and in private building and manufacturing companies, in Sweden
Abstract/Introduction:In most of the industrialized world, the proportion of older and retired people in the population is increasing.The active working part of the population must in a short future fund the not working and ageing population.There is research going on in Scandinavia to obtain knowledge about older workers’ work and life situationin association with their planning and decision to r