

Din sökning på "*" gav 533413 sökträffar

Klimatanpassning i en historisk kontext- En studie om den västsvenska landsbygdens klimatanpassning och utveckling under 1800-talet.

In Sweden there are many people who take the food on our tables for granted, there is rarely anyone who reflects on the fact that it was hard work behind. The situation has not always been like that. During the late 1800s there were still many people living in rural areas and their livelihood was farming. Their jobs and mundane chore was to produce, if not the whole, but parts of the food that wou

Made By Children - A study of the elimination of child labour in Bangladesh’s textile industry

I stygnen i våra kläder kan man ofta finna spår av barnarbete. Klädindustrin i Bangladesh är landets största exportsektor. Det är också den sektor där överträdelser av de mänskliga rättigheterna sker dagligen i förhållande till barnarbete. Olyckor i textilfabriker runt om i landet har orsakat flertalet dödsfall, vilket även tagit situationen gällande landets arbetsrättsliga förhållanden samt använIn the stitches of our clothes one can often find traces of child labour. The garment industry in Bangladesh is the country’s largest export sector. It is also a sector where sever human rights violations take place on a daily basis in relation to child labour. Accidents in textile factories in the country causing numerous deaths relatively recently brought the situation of working conditions to t

Energioptimering av kommersiell byggnad

Stor del av all den energi som används i världen skapas ur fossila bränslen, som är en av orsakerna till växthuseffekten. Byggnader använder ca 50 % av all producerad energi. För att minska på byggnaders energianvändning kommer EU och den svenska regeringen att skärpa kraven på byggnaders energiprestanda. Syftet är att med en fallstudie visa att det med relativt enkla medel går att minska energian

Real-Time Volumetric Lighting using SVOs

This thesis experiments with the data structure of a sparse voxel octree (SVO)to see if it may improve the performance of empty space ray marching in volumes. While ray marching is a somewhat new technique it is used more often in traversal of volumes. It can be used for realistic volumetric effects in computer games or it can be used in the medical field when examining and visualizing MRI scans.

Att göra Lean till en organisations DNA - En studie av två svenska tjänsteverksamheters Lean-implementering

Lean implementeras idag i allt större utsträckning inom tjänstesektorn vilket ökat efterfrågan på kunskap i detta sammahang. Inom forskningen efterfrågas det hur tjänsteföretag i verkligheten använder sig av Lean, hur de går tillväga och vilka effekter det medför. Samtidigt visar tidigare forskning att många Lean-implementeringar i verkligheten misslyckas, till följd av att Lean förstås och anamma

Revisionsbranschens prispress – En empirisk studie om hur revisorer upplever prispress och dess inverkan på deras yrkesverksamhet.

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra med ökad förståelse för i vilken utsträckning svenska revisorer upplever en prispress och hur Deras yrkesverksamhet påverkas av en eventuell prispress. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensramen har skapats med utgångspunkt i agentteorin. Vidar

Multi-Sided Platforms: Understand their strengths and weaknesses

Title: Multi-Sided Platforms: Understanding their strengths and weaknesses Seminar date: 2014-05-22 Course: FEKN90 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet (30 ECTS) Authors: Lucas Ehrenstråhle and Elin Mathies Supervisor: Magnus Johansson Five keywords: MSP, activities, resources, differentiation and platforms The purpose: is to investigate why small actors use multi-sided pl

Idylliska landsbygden och stora stygga staden - En jämförande studie av medierapportering kring sociala problem på landsbygden och i tätort

The aim of this study was to examine how social problems are described and constructed in the printed press from two different regions in the south of Sweden; the rural municipality of Svalöv and the densely populated city Malmö. The study was based on news articles from the printed newspaper with the biggest daily circulation, from the respective areas. Articles relating to a predetermined array

What helps countries avoid the middle-income trap? A study of policy and institutional determinants

The essay identifies the factors that help countries avoid the middle-income trap. We study the effect of institutional indicators, and the educational and technological policy variables on the income growth of the middle-income countries, with the focus on the upper-middle income countries; using the Cross-section OLS estimation and the Fixed-Effects panel estimation. For the countries that have

Ett eller flera samtal? En studie om besökare vid familjerådgivningen

The aim of this study was to examine whether visitors to family counseling intended to go to one or more sessions of counseling and whether the expectations and experiences of the first session affect the visitors intention. It was a quantitative study that consisted of two parts, a survey and a structured interview. The participants in the survey answered the survey before their first counseling

Samhällsstöd för den prostituerade kvinnan: en jämförande studie mellan Danmark och Sverige

The main purpose of this paper is to find if there are any differences between the two Scandinavian countries Sweden and Denmark in help institutions for women in prostitution. Buying sexual services has been illegal in Sweden since 1999. There are no similar regulations in Denmark. By employing a comparative study method, information from the two countries have been broken down through content a

"Lämna huvudet hemma och åk på festival" : Ett journalistiskt radioreportage om festivalers funktion i det moderna Sverige

Syfte: Beskriva livet på musikfestivaler och förklara vilken funktion de fyller idag. Frågeställningar: Vilka skäl, förutom musiken, har svenska ungdomar till att delta i en festival? Hur upplever besökarna att deras beteende förändras när de befinner sig på festivalen? Hur kan vi förstå festivalen ur ett större, mänskligt perspektiv? Metod: Jag deltog sommaren 2011 i Peace and Love-festivalen i

The Implementation and Impact of Restorative Justice Programmes in Albania and Cuba

In this master´s thesis I seek to explore the concept of restorative justice, an ideological approach to justice which aims to repair the harm caused by crime through means of communication, cooperation, participation and restoration. By involving all parties affected by crime, restorative justice seeks to address crime through empowering victims, increasing community cohesion and making offenders

No title

The minority of Greenland Inuit in Denmark has long been object of prejudice concerning alcohol abuse and general low social standards. Due to the colonial history between Greenland and Denmark and the subsequent decades as an actual part of the Danish kingdom, much of this is caused by Danish structural adjustments. Even though the general level of drinking among the population of Greenland has d

“A Documentary of the Imagination” The Use of Reenactments in The Act of Killing

This thesis will provide a formal analysis of Joshua Oppenheimer’s documentary The Act of Killing (2012), by analyzing the different stylistic techniques used in the reenactments such as the cinematography, editing, sound and mise-en-scène, and by analyzing the ways in which these documentary techniques affected the film and the people who committed the crimes. This research also reflects the way

Ratingverktygets betydelse för styrningen av plattformsföretag i delningsekonomin

Examensarbetets titel: Ratingverktygets betydelse för styrningen av plattformsföretag i delningsekonomin Seminariedatum: 27-05-2015 Ämne/kurs: FEKN90, Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 Högskolepoäng Författare: Cecilia Brahme & Lisen Hentschel Handledare: Jon Bertilsson Nyckelord: Styrning, Tjänster, Delningsekonomin, Plattformsföretag, Rating Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersTitle: The importance of rating and reviews in the governance of platforms - One tool to rule the sharing economy Seminar date: 27-05-2015 Course: FEKN90, Degree Project, Master of Science in Business and Economics, 30 ECTS Authors: Cecilia Brahme & Lisen Hentschel Advisor: Jon Bertilsson Key words: Governance, Services, The Sharing Economy, Platform Companies, Rating Purpose: The aim o

Hur dansar samhällskroppen? En studie av bakgrunden och förutsättningarna för fritidsdans och den politiserade kroppen i samtida Sverige

This thesis utilizes content analysis and the method of theory triangulation to explore how leisure dancing is connected to other societal tendencies. Its focus is contemporary leisure dancing in Sweden and its connections to history, capitalism and international tendencies. This is managed by juxtaposing the following themes: First, dancing is an integral part of leisure, ritual and festivities.

In Vino (Social) Veritas? Wine Consumption and Middle Class Identity in Shanghai

The aim of this thesis was to explore the extent to which wine consumption and drinkers’ perceptions on wine can help understand middle class identity in Shanghai. The research relied on 25 interviews of wine drinkers and non-participant observations, as well as previous studies on middle class identity and consumption in China. The data have been analyzed utilizing Bourdieu’s theories on social d

Theory and numerics of phase field models for solidification of binary alloys

The phase field method emerged as a tool to solve free boundary problems with a sharp interface. In previous methods, this involved the computationally inefficient and complicated tracking of a moving interface. The phase field method overcomes this limitation by introducing an auxiliary variable called the order parameter which varies continuously over the whole domain and takes on finite values